The audience in the live broadcast room teased Su Yu.

   is not to say that he is not optimistic about him, but that he is really not optimistic about him.

   As we all know, whether it is ancient bows and arrows or modern light weapons.

   In fact, the effective range is about one hundred meters, up to two hundred meters.

   I might not believe it.

   Even the vast majority of battles in the world are carried out within fifty meters.

  Once the distance exceeds one hundred meters, ordinary weapons cannot achieve precision shooting at all.

   On the battlefield, the two armies are fighting at a distance with light weapons at a distance of more than one hundred meters. In a word, that means shooting at random, killing an enemy with an average of two hundred bullets. You are a sharpshooter!

   There are still many **** pictures on the Internet.

   For example, an officer on a battlefield said to his soldiers: It is still the old rule today, you can leave work after the bullet is shot!

   Or a picture of a group of soldiers standing in front of the truck wiping their guns, with the words: Mi Jun who is ready to get off work after firing the ammunition.

   In short, it means that once the firing range is too far, don’t even think about precision shooting.

   At this moment, Su Yu is more than 100 meters away from the rabbit.

   Want to shoot? And it still moves the target from time to time.

Stop dreaming.

   Su Yu’s live broadcast room began to bet on beans.

   Can the anchor shoot a rabbit?

   can hit more than 10,000 beans in that column.

   can not hit almost three million beans per second.

   It seems that almost no one is optimistic about Su Yu.

   But Su Yu didn't have time to watch the barrage at this time.

   At this moment, he is staring at the rabbit with all his attention.

   Today’s lunch is this rabbit.

   In the next second, a purple qi rose in Su Yu's eyes.

  【Hundred steps through Yang】!

   Su Yu bowed like a full moon, aiming at the rabbit.

   Watching Su Yu pull the bow into a full moon.

   [Lord Mo laughs]: "Fuck! The anchor is crazy? Is a rabbit as for? This is a 45-pound bow!"

   "Su Ye, it's just a rabbit, it's not too bad!"

   The arrow is on the string at the moment and I have to send it.

  ‘咻! ’

   A sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the arrow flew out, instantly turning into a black light through the grass.

   shot at the hare almost in the blink of an eye.

  The hare reacted very quickly. Hearing the sound of the bowstring, the rabbit just raised his head.

   However, in the next second, it had not escaped. The black arrow was like death's sickle. It shot directly through the rabbit's head and carried it to fly. It was actually nailed to a tree a few meters away.



   "Kneel! Can this be shot? Su Ye Niu!"

   "Anchor, the archer of the gods! Is this the legendary Hundred Steps Chuan Yang?"

   "I'm **** bankrupt! Once back before liberation, Lao Tzu's 300,000 beans!"

   "Collective bankruptcy! I suspect that Su Ye opened up and reported that Rabbit and Arrow are actors!"

   "This rabbit plays well!"

   "It's too ruthless, more than a hundred meters away from head to head, it would be a pity not to participate in the Olympics."

  【Lord Mo Smile】Ten super rockets for reward!

   [Jun Mo laughed]: "I'm so dumb, anchor, oh no, you will be my brother in the future, brother, take me with you when you play arrows in the future?"

   [Promise] Reward ten super rockets!

  【Promise】: "66666."

  【Princess Pig】Reward five super rockets!

   [Princess Pig]: "The anchor brother is so handsome!"

   Su Yu closed the bow and smiled: "Thank you for your reward."

   After saying this, Su Yu came to the tree of spike rabbits.

   pulled out the arrow from the rabbit's head hard.

   It doesn't matter if you pull it up, but watching the length of the arrow that dipped into the bark, the audience in the live studio was dumbfounded.

   "Fuck! How hard did the anchor shoot the rabbit? Three points!"

   "More than three minutes? This entry has to be five centimeters, what kind of hatred is the anchor and the rabbit?"

   "It's too cruel to start, Su's hands are black!"

   Su Yu: "Uh... this... sorry, I will pay attention next time."

   Su Yu didn't expect to use his strength too much. It was true that he hadn't touched the bow for a long time, and he couldn't control his strength for a while, and his strength had increased greatly now, and it was normal for him not to control his strength well.

  Rabbit: "????? I have another time? Hear this is human words?"

   hit a rabbit, Su Yu just happened to be hungry.

   "Everyone, let's find a place to eat first."

   "Eating? What to eat? Is it to eat rabbits?"

   "Ahhh! Bunny is so cute, how can you eat Bunny?"

   "The anchor is too gluttonous and cruel! I strongly condemn this kind of behavior, please send me a position, I will come now with the tableware."

   "Damn it! Tears are streaming down my mouth!"

   Su Yu ignored the gangsters in the live room, and took the rabbit and Xiaobai to the edge of a stream.

   Su Yu used to come here often, of course it is clear where there is water.

When    came to the stream, Su Yu began to work with Xiaobai in a division of labor.

   Su Yu: "Xiao Bai, let's discuss it. I will deal with the rabbits. You can pick up wood and make a fire to make a grill and clean the open space. How about touching a few more fish by the way?"


   "Hahahaha! I'm so ridiculous, Xiaobai said don't think I can't understand people! This is obviously unfair!"

   "Good fellow! I'm a direct good fellow! Every pore of the capitalist is sucking blood!"

   "Xiao Bai: You let me light a fire to make a grill? Are you serious?"

   After finishing the division of labor, Xiao Bai went to collect firewood obediently.

   Su Yu is dealing with rabbits.

   Of course, the scene dealing with rabbits is too bloody, so Su Yu will not release it.

   Put the rabbit on with a stick, Xiao Bai has already picked up the firewood by this time.

   Everything is basically ready, and the audience suddenly thought of an important question in the live broadcast room.

   "Anchor, you seem to have forgotten one thing, how did you make a fire?"

   "Ah, this...hahahaha! I'm so ridiculous to laugh at me, don't you have a big ass?"

   "Yes, I didn't even react, UU reading, I said why I always feel that I am missing something."

   "Let you bring something necessary when you go out, now it's up to you to do 2333!"

   Su Yu didn't panic or rushed: "Don't panic, isn't it easy to make a fire? I will show you a trick to make fire today."

   "Drilling wood for fire? Su Ye watched too much TV, really thought it was so simple to drill wood for fire? In fact, the success rate of drilling wood for fire is very low."

   "Positive answer, I used to drill wood to make fire when I was a child, and finally I drilled for half an hour without seeing a spark."

   "Hahaha, fast forward to the anchor drill wood failed to eat sashimi rabbit meat."

   "Sashimi rabbit meat is too heartbreaking."

   While discussing the barrage in the live broadcast room, Su Yu had already started to act.

   found two more practical sticks, and then Su Yu drilled wood manually.

   In front of the camera, Su Yu took a deep breath, then... his hands burst out!

   "Fuck! Fuck! What hand speed is this?"

   "Is it dazzled or the live broadcast dropped frames? Is this hand speed serious?"

   "All the afterimages have been rubbed out, how many years has the anchor been single?"

   "It's horrible, my master hasn't convinced anyone with such a big talk about hand speed, so I will serve you today!"

   The more than 100,000 viewers in the live broadcast room were stunned.

   In the video, Su Yu’s hands seemed to be fitted with a motor, and the high-frequency rubbing even caused an afterimage.

   Soon, less than three minutes, the wood has smoked.

   Su Yu carefully poured out the rubbed hot coal and poured it on the prepared tinder.

   took a few breaths lightly.

   A faint flame rose.

   Su Yu: "Look, isn't this all right?"

  The audience in the live broadcast room: "???"

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