A Man Living in the Countryside Would Fly Up to Heaven at Daytime

Chapter 16: What can't you do? No. 1 for dinner

   "I'm blind, when did it become so easy to get a fire from a log?"

   "It's not that it's easy to drill through wood to make fire, but the anchor's hand speed is too fast. Didn't you see that the afterimages came out?"

   "It would be a shame not to go to the construction site to screw the screws with this hand speed."

  【Night Wings】Ten super rockets awarded!

   [Night Wings]: "Call the host’s hand!"

   "Fuck! Night boss! This is Dou Sha's new super local tyrant!"

   "Night big shots are awesome!"

   "The little brother of the anchor is really lucky. It has attracted so many local tyrants only two days after the broadcast. Visually, this live broadcast room will be hot, and I will be a veteran audience by then hahaha!"

   Su Yu: "Thank you for the ten super rockets of Wings of Night. Alright, everyone, let's bake the rabbits now."

   Su Yu said, he has put the rabbit on the fire.

   The rabbit is roasting, and Su Yu is going to catch some fish in the river to add a snack.

   Su Yu looked at Xiao Bai: "Xiao Bai, my underwater skills are not as good as you, or you go catch two fish?"

   "Bajie, my underwater skill is not as good as you, do you want to lead the monster up?"

   "Underwater kung fu is so good! The anchor thinks you are playing Journey to the West?"

   "Hahaha! Fishing for fish and rabbits, water and land blooming! You want to apologize!"

   "Two blossoms and two blossoms!"

   Xiaobai ignored Su Yu at all, lying on the edge of the fire and warming himself comfortably, with an arrogant look.

   "Hahaha! Isn't the anchor embarrassed? Xiaobai ignored you at all!"

   "Xiao Bai said that I am a high-end snake that eats ginseng? Do you think I am a water snake? Do you still catch fish?"

   Su Yu shook his head.

   Forget it, do it yourself.

   Su Yu came to the lake, ready to shoot two fish to eat.

   This stream flows down from the mountain and is regarded as a mountain spring.

   The spring is clear, and you can see anything in the water at a glance.

   Su Yu observed here for a while, but he could still see a few fishes running down the river.

   But the fish is not so easy to catch in the water.

   "Su Ye, do you want to get a trap?"

   "Are the anchor going to fish? There is no fishing rod here!"

   Su Yu: "If you don't fish, we can shoot fish."

   "Shoot fish? Shoot with an arrow? Can you shoot it?"

   Su Yu: "How can I know if I don't try?"

   After Su Yu finished speaking, an arrow was already in his hand.

   bend the bow and aim.


   An arrow aimed at a fish swimming in the water and shot it directly.

   A second later, the arrow was nailed to the bottom of the stream.

   Su Yu went down to the river in no hurry, and drew another arrow.

   In the next second, Su Yu shot another arrow.

   Within three minutes, Su Yu had already shot seven arrows.

   Seven arrows are fired in a row, like clouds and flowing water.

   I didn’t know that Su Yu was shooting randomly.

   He didn't shoot randomly.

   Take arrows, bow, aim!

   Well trained!

   After most of the arrows in the quiver were shot out, Su Yu put down his bow.

   Roll up the trouser legs and go down to the river to get fish.

   "Did the anchor shoot?"

   "I don't know, I can't see clearly, it should have been shot."

   "A ghost that can be shot, it's strange to shoot an arrow so fast to catch a fish."

   "Don't be so anxious to make a final conclusion, it only takes a few minutes to forget about the rabbit before?"

   "I still believe in Su Ye's archery, but I don't know how many shots I shot."

   Su Yu had already walked into the stream at this time, and collected the arrows one by one.

   Every time an arrow is pulled out, the audience in the live broadcast room can see that there is unexpectedly a fish stuck on the arrow.

   The arrows are all nailed to the belly of the fish, so these fish have no chance to escape.

   "Damn! What kind of arrow is this? It's amazing!"

   "If it wasn't for live broadcast, I would suspect it was an editing."

   "I seriously doubt whether the anchor is hiding in the water, or he is colluding with the fish."

   "666! The fish played well!"

   Su Yu took these fish ashore.

   is the same as that rabbit. After a simple treatment, it is skewered with wooden sticks and grilled.

   Many people in the live broadcast room didn't know what fish Su Yu shot.

   "Anchor, can you introduce some, what kind of fish are these? Why have I never seen some of them!"

   "Yeah, I haven't seen it either."

   Su Yu: "These fish, these are white fish, also called You Diaozi, blue saury; as for these fish, I don't know them. They are all unknown fish on the mountain. It is difficult to name them."

   Although Su Yu grew up in the countryside, he can't name the many fish on the mountain.

   Here are all called Shanyu.

   Although some of these mountain fish cannot be named, they are very delicious.

   does not require any special seasonings, just sprinkle a little salt on it and simply bake it and it will smell good.

   Even Xiao Bai, a picky guy, raised his snake head at this time, looking towards this side with blue eyes, seemingly interested.

   Soon, the rabbit meat has turned golden, and the fish has begun to burn slightly.

   The fragrance spreads.

   Su Yu was already hungry.

   Once the fish was cooked, Su Yu couldn't wait to pick one and eat it.

   The wild fish in the mountains are delicious and full of meat. Su Yu takes a bite, with white heat. The outside is charred and tender on the inside, and the meat is full of juicy water.

   Su Yu: "It's delicious, it tastes good! The baking temperature is just right!"

   "Fuck! Nima! Why should I open this live studio at this time?"

   "I collapsed when I was still at work, and I happened to be hungry. The company canteen has not opened yet, and the anchor is too greedy.

   "This fish looks too fragrant, isn't it? I'm going to order takeaway."

   "Old thief Su Yu, take a knife!"

   "I originally wanted to see Su Ye starving in the mountains, but I didn't expect this food to eat better than me now? Rabbit meat and fish meat, I served it!"

   Su Yu was eating out.

   Xiaobai came over, smelling too.

   rubbed Su Yu's thigh.

   Su Yu glanced at it: "Do you want to taste it too?"

   Xiaobai nodded.

   Su Yu took a grilled fish to it.

   Xiaobai tentatively took a bite, UU read www.uukanshu.com and then, its eyes suddenly burst into light.

   This looks good.

   Then, Xiaobai who tasted the sweetness swallowed a fish in one bite.

   The kind that doesn't even vomit fish bones.

   After eating a fish in one second, Xiaobai vomited a letter, probably feeling good.

   looked at Su Yu and turned his body over at this moment.

   Xiaobai fixed his gaze on the fish that were still roasting on the fire.

   The guilty head stretched out.

   After a while, Su Yu just finished gnawing the fish head and turned his head around.

   The next second, he looked at the fire.

   Su Yu: "???"

   "Where am I?"

   There were four or five fish standing here just now, why did things disappear in the blink of an eye?

   Live broadcast room: "Hahahaha! I'm so ridiculously laughing, the anchor must look dumbfounded now!"

   "Xiao Bai: Is this magic magical?!"

   "Xiao Bai said: It's not me, it's really not me! Hiccup~"

   "Xiao Bai: These fish are not enough for me to stuff my teeth. Fortunately, your kid spins fast, otherwise the rabbit is mine."

   Knowing the truth, Su Yu looked at Xiao Bai speechlessly.

   "You guy, if you let you go down to the river to catch fish, you don't want to eat. It tastes faster than anyone else. What can't you do? You are the first to eat."

   Su Yu, who had suffered a loss once, was now wary of Xiao Bai, and was just about to reach out for the rabbit.

   At this moment, the barrage of Su Yu’s live broadcast burst.

   "Anchor anchor! Look behind you!"

   "Fuck! I read it right!"

   "Su Ye! Stop eating, what's behind you?"

   "Su Ye, run away!"

   "Danger in danger!!"

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