Su Yu didn't know what happened yet.

   I thought these guys in the live broadcast room were teasing him.

   looked back, the next second, Su Yu was stunned.


   Not far away, a sturdy wild boar was staring at Su Yu with a vigilant look.


   I actually ran into a wild boar!

   Before entering the mountain, Su Yu also said that he might not encounter wild boars, because the chance of encountering wild boars in the wild is indeed very small.

   But I didn't expect that I won the prize directly this time.

   actually ran into a wild boar.

   This wild boar has stared at Su Yu at this moment.

   Su Yu probably knew how this wild boar came here.

   80% is attracted by the smell of roasted rabbit.

   Su Yu said: "Attention, everyone, this incident teaches us a lesson, try to make as little fragrance as possible in the woods, because this is likely to attract a beast, such as this wild boar."

   "6666! The anchor is dedicated! When is this still giving us a commentary."

   "Master Su, let's run quickly, don't explain, don't hang up here when you look back."

   "Yeah, I still want to continue watching the live broadcast."

   "It's just a wild boar, I'm a slippery shovel when I go up!"

   "Wild boar: Wait a minute, don't order the takeaway. Someone has come to shovel again."

   "Stop making trouble, everyone, it's not a joke to run into a wild boar in this situation. In an island country, the power of a wild boar can knock over a car."

"Yes, I personally suggest that the anchor should jump into the river to escape. If you run, you will definitely not be able to run. Humans can run at a maximum speed of 44 kilometers per hour, and wild boars can reach a maximum of 70 kilometers per hour. Even though wild boars have a terrifying weight, But the jumping ability is still ridiculously strong. It is said that a wild boar can reach a height of over one meter in one jump.

   Someone popularizes wild boar data in the live broadcast room.

   Hearing these data, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room really became serious.

   They had no idea about wild boars before, and some people even thought that the attack power of wild boars was not the same as the pigs raised at home.

   Now looking at the barrage science popularization, everyone understands that the wild boar is so strong?

   Su Yu!


   Su Yu stood up, looked at this wild boar, facing an adult wild boar, Su Yu did not dare to slack in the slightest.

   "Roar!" The wild boar panted, his eyes fixed on Su Yu.

   Seeing Su Yu retreating, the wild boar finally couldn't wait. After a low growl, his legs scratched the ground and then launched an attack.

   This wild boar sprinted towards Su Yu at a very fast speed.

  The two white fangs beside her mouth are like a small forklift.

   If this is hit, normal people will have to be pierced.

   In a city in China.

   In a company canteen, a girl is watching a live broadcast with her mobile phone.

   It’s lunch time.

   This girl turns on her mobile phone to watch the live broadcast when she is relaxing.

   It was purely an accident that she clicked into Su Yu's live broadcast room, and originally this girl was not very interested in outdoor live broadcasts.

   But this time, I couldn't stop it.

   Watching the anchor shoot rabbits and shoot fish and barbecue by the river.

   Watching the funny interaction between Xiaobai and the anchor in the live broadcast room, the girls find it more interesting as they watch.

   But just as the anchor in this live room was about to eat rabbits, a wild boar appeared on the scene.

   And at the moment, he is rushing towards the anchor.

   In the live room, you can clearly see the picture of the wild boar rushing over, which is really no different from a chariot.


   Seeing the wild boar rushing over on the screen of the mobile phone, the girl was so frightened that she lost her face, and even threw the mobile phone away.

   The girl's scared eyes closed, she didn't dare to watch the next scene at all.

   Such scenes happened to tens of thousands of people in various cities in China.

   Many of the viewers watching Su Yu's live broadcast room closed their eyes at this time.

   I'm afraid I will see the scene of Su Yu being killed by a wild boar in the next moment.

   But after three seconds, when they opened their eyes, they saw that Su Yu was still alive.

   and it's still alive.

   The barrage in the live broadcast room is 666666!

   "Fuck! The anchor is too showy!"

   "What skill was that just now? Is Su Ye a martial arts master?"

   "Climb the tree in one second? Su Ye, you have practiced light work!"

   "The speed is too fast, I seriously suspect that Su Ye is a monkey master."

   It turned out that when the wild boar rushed over just now, Su Yu jumped onto a big tree in the last three steps in front of more than 100,000 people in the live broadcast room.

   This is a four or five meters tall tree!

   Su Yu jumped up in just three steps.

   Doesn't it mean that one step can reach more than one meter?

   This jumping ability is terrible.

   In the live broadcast room, Su Yu seemed to fly up, almost like those martial arts masters on TV.

  【Lord Mo Smile】Ten super rockets awarded!

   [Lord Mo laughs]: "Anchor cowhide!"

  【Night Wings】Ten super rockets awarded!

   [Wings of Night Curtain]: "The show is turned over, the anchor!"

  【Jiangling】Ten super rockets awarded...


   The Su Yu live broadcast room exploded in an instant.

   Three steps up the tree and the stimulation of the wild boar directly won a large number of gifts.

   Su Yu has no time to thank these audiences who gave gifts.

  Because at this moment, the wild boar under the tree has started to hit the tree.

   How terrifying is the impact of the wild boar?

   As someone said before, it was enough to overturn a car.

   Even this big tree was shaken by the wild boar at this moment.

   Su Yu can no longer sit and wait for death.

   It's a pity that he doesn't have a weapon at hand now.

All the bows and arrows brought by    were placed next to the fire.

   Must find a way to get the weapon.

   Su Yu pondered.

   Then, he made an action in the live broadcast room that shocked everyone.

   Under Xiao Bai's lens, Su Yu jumped down from the five-meter-high tree.

   stepped on the wild boar's back with one foot.

   The huge falling force plus one's own weight directly caused the wild boar to sink down. UU reading

   Then, before the wild boar could react, Su Yu stepped a little.

  In an instant...

   Luo smoke step broke out!

   The whole figure turned into a ghost.

   Everyone could only see an afterimage, and Su Yu disappeared on the back of the wild boar.

When    appeared again, accompanied by a purple mist, Su Yu unexpectedly appeared beside the fire.

   Su Yu bent over to pick up the bow and arrow on the ground.

   At the same time, the wild boar also reacted.

   When Su Yu stepped on a foot, the wild boar finally went crazy.

   In its eyes, Su Yu is just a small character.

   It's like humans look at ants.

   But now, this ant crawled onto his head and stepped on a foot. Is this tolerable?

  The eyes of the wild boar are red.

   planed the ground twice, turned around and rushed towards Su Yu at a faster speed.

   The audience in the live broadcast room could see their hearts beating out of their chests.

   "Su Ye, it's dangerous!"

   "Run! The wild boar is here!"

   "Don't pick Su Ye, your black bow has a pull of 45 pounds, and it can't shoot through the skin of a wild boar. Run away!"

   However, Su Yu was not in a hurry.

   Black bow?

  Who told you that I am going to use that black bow?

   Facing the wild boar, that Uncle Zhang’s black bow is naturally useless.

   But Su Yu's goal this time is his own fire hunting bow on the ground, okay?

   I saw Su Yu grabbing the fire hunting bow in one hand and a black arrow in the other.

   With a low voice, Su Yu pulled the bow full, and then...

   shot an arrow.

   The bow rune lights up red, and the black arrow shoots in the direction of the wild boar with flames.

   Su Yu: "Die to the Lord!"

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