Tang Dou just entered the live broadcast room, and immediately after, she saw the sunset in the live broadcast room, with a man carrying a pig on his back.

   Jelly Dou can't believe his eyes.


  What did I see?

   Is that a pig on the back of this anchor?

   How did this guy do it.

   In the Tangdou live broadcast room, millions of viewers were also shocked at this time.

   "Is this a **** human? Such a big pig moved by himself?"

   "Mom asked me why I watched the live broadcast on my knees? These days, it is true that no ordinary people can open the live broadcast!"

   "Look at the background of this live broadcast, is this anchor in the mountains?"

   "6666! I want to go there to watch the live broadcast."

   At the same time, Su Yu's popularity quickly exceeded 400,000.

   And with the assist of Jelly Bean, Su Yu's live broadcast is still soaring.

   It’s probably not a dream to break 500,000 today.

   It is not impossible to even try to break through one million.

   In the mountains.

   Su Yu has already walked a long way with this pig on his back.

   When he was tired from walking, Su Yu drank a sip of spiritual energy water, and he was full of blood and resurrected after drinking a sip of water.

   Along the way, Xiaobai also found several wild ginseng.

   Usually these rare wild ginseng meet Xiaobai at this moment and it is almost invisible.

   didn't know how Xiaobai did it.

   Anyway, if there is wild ginseng within 500 meters, Xiao Bai can feel it.

   Along the way, Su Yu dug a total of five wild ginseng.

   is definitely blood earned.

   walked for a while, now it's not far from going down the mountain.

   Su Yu looked at the sky, and at this speed, it seemed that he could return to the village before dark.

   Just as Su Yu was about to go forward in a hurry, suddenly, a dog barking sounded in front of him.

   From the woods next to him, a big yellow dog jumped out and blocked Su Yu's way forward.

   Su Yu hasn't seen what's going on yet.

   Behind the big yellow dog, another figure chased him.

   waited until this shadow chased Su Yu to see clearly.

  What the **** is this animal chasing this yellow dog,

   This animal is huge, with a round head and short ears. It has orange and black stripes on its body and a king character on its forehead.

   Its identity is already obvious.

   a tiger!

   The tiger has chased the big yellow dog all the way.

   Su Yu didn't expect that there are still wild tigers in the mountains behind his home village.

   Seeing tigers, the live broadcast room was boiling.

   "Damn! Tiger!"

   "Where is the anchor? There are even wild tigers? What about trouble?"

   "The anchor is not running yet? Waiting to be eaten by the tiger?"

   "Su Ye, this is too unlucky. I just killed a wild boar and ran into a tiger. Things are not going well today!"

  "Su Ye said: I was robbed by a tiger while he was walking?"

   "This is over! Tiger's hunting ability is terrifying, Su Ye is dead."

   [Jun Mo laughed]: "Why do I look at this tiger a bit like a South China tiger? This is really a South China tiger? Fuck!"

   "South China tiger? You are right, right? Didn't you mean that all the South China tigers in the wild in China have been extinct?"

"That's what I said, but the entire China is so big, who can search every corner? Su Ye actually has the South China Tiger? This is the legendary panda-like beast sitting in prison! Su! If you kill the South China Tiger, you will definitely go to jail."

   "Yes! The South China Tiger is not a wild boar, you kill it if you say it."

   Su Yu’s live broadcast is under intense discussion.

   At the same time, in a research institute in Pengcheng.

   A boy is watching the live broadcast with his mobile phone.

   When he saw a South China tiger appearing in the live broadcast room, the boy jumped up.

   "South China Tiger! This is the South China Tiger? And it's still wild!"

   This man is a research intern at the National Tiger Research Institute.

   Before, he had a topic about tracing wild South China tigers.

   The South China Tiger is a species endemic to China and is known as the China Tiger. South my country tigers were once widely distributed in many provinces of our country, but due to the endless hunting of people in the 1950s and 1960s, the number of South China tigers dropped sharply.

   They also searched for several years and there was no news, and they had to give up.

   I didn't expect that he would see a wild South China tiger in the live broadcast room when he was relaxing watching the live broadcast today!

   The boy was so excited that he immediately saved the link to the live broadcast room and sent it to the professor of the institute.

   Professor Wang Lin is a national expert specializing in the study of South China tigers.

   He originally had a rest today, so he didn't go to the research institute.

   When Professor Wang was just about to have dinner, he saw a link sent by one of his students.

   "Teacher, hurry up and watch this live broadcast room and find the whereabouts of the wild South China tiger!"

   When this Professor Wang heard it, it seemed as if he had been beaten up with blood, and he didn't eat dinner.

   directly followed the link to download a live broadcast of Lion Tooth, and entered the live broadcast room of Su Yu.

   The professor's eyes lit up.

   is really a South China Tiger!

   This is definitely a big discovery!

   However, it seems that the situation of this anchor is not very good, and he encountered the South China Tiger alone in the wild.

   This is too unlucky.

   Professor Wang is a little worried about this Su Yu.

   At this time, the audience in Su Yu’s live broadcast room also began to give Su Yu ideas.

   "Will the anchor lie down and pretend to be dead? Maybe he can escape."

   "Pretending to be dead is the most unreliable. Before, someone pretended to be dead in front of a black bear, but you didn't read the news that the angry black bear slapped his head?

   "Su Ye's tree climbing speed is superb! It is said that tigers can't climb trees. Why don't you try to climb trees?

   "Don't be fooled by those common sayings and stories. In fact, tigers can climb trees. The tiger's legs are strong enough to support it. But in most cases, tigers are reluctant to climb trees."

   "I advise the anchor to run quickly, before the tiger doesn't notice you."


   It's not that Su Yu doesn't want to run. The key problem is that he still has a wild boar on his back.

   If Su Yu was alone just now, he would have ran away just now, but there was a wild boar on his back, and he was too late to run now.

   This tiger has already seen Su Yu.

   Originally, this South China tiger was chasing and killing this big yellow dog in order to fight its teeth.

   I didn’t expect to encounter a human being!

   The key is that this human also has a wild boar.


   This is the animal that the South China tiger prefers.

   Today’s dinner is really rich!

   The South China Tiger couldn't help but roar.

   Now that I met, don't leave anyone, leave it to Lord Tiger.

   The South China Tiger stared at Su Yu, and walked over here step by step.

   Looking at the tiger approaching Su Yu, hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room couldn't help but grab their hearts.

   Su Yu looked at the tiger, and at the moment he was also panicked.

   Although he has killed a wild boar just now.

   But this time, this is the South China Tiger.

  Absolutely the country's top protected animal.

  Who would dare to deal with this kind of beast like a wild boar just now?

   Bows and arrows are no longer available.

   Su Yu was not reconciled to give away the wild boar that he had finally hit.

   There is no way, Su Yu can only open popular shopping malls.

   looked at a product.

   "Supernatural power rune!"

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