Supernatural power rune!

  The power doubled in a short time!

   is priced at 10,000 people.

   Su Yu bought ten in one go.

   Ten times the power!

   Ten divine power talismans were put on the body, and Su Yu suddenly felt the infinite power in his body.

   looked at the South China Tiger flying towards him.

   Su Yu dropped the wild boar in front of the 600,000 viewers in the live broadcast room.

   punch out.

   directly punched the South China Tiger in the right eye.


   There was a loud landing sound.

   This adult South China tiger was hit by Su Yu and flew up, and then fell heavily to the ground.

   "This...isn't it true?"

   "That's a tiger! Is this human power?"

   "The anchor Shuibo Liangshan came down? Wu Song is alive?"

   "It's too scary. If this punch hits someone, it is estimated that everyone will die on the spot."

   This South China tiger is still dumbfounded.

who am I?

  What am I doing?

   What happened just now?

   The South China Tiger sat there for a while before remembering, did I just be punched by a human?

   recalled the strength of Su Yu's punch just now.

   This South China tiger couldn't help but twitch its mouth.


   The punch just now almost knocked out Tiger's right eye.

   This South China tiger is scared.

   suddenly understood that this human being in front of him was a hard idea.

   The wild boar didn't want it anymore, so he ran away.

   watched the tiger run away.

   The audience in the live broadcast room was relieved.

   Then I started to buckle 666 crazy!

   Even the tiger gave a beating, you deserve it!

   ran away the South China tiger, Su Yu continued to carry the wild boar to go down the mountain.

   It's just that Su Yu stopped when he passed the big yellow dog before.

   This big yellow dog seems to be very hurt.

   Her chest was flattened by a big chunk, and it seemed that she was slapped by the tiger just now.

   is a life after all.

   Su Yu's family also had a dog before.

   Su Yu sighed.

   Forget it.

   Take it back, too.

   Su Yu asked Xiao Bai to take the big yellow dog, one person, one pig, one snake, one dog, and went down the mountain.

   It was already seven o'clock in the evening when I returned to the village.

   It's dark.

   The people in the village are basically closed.

   When Su Yu arrived home, he found a figure standing at his door.

   came closer and saw that it was Uncle Zhang.

   Su Yu: "Uncle Zhang, it's so late, haven't you rested yet?"

  Uncle Zhang: "I'm not waiting for your kid, why did your kid come back so late in the mountain? I'm worried to death, don't you know that the mountains and forests at night are very dangerous?"

   Uncle Zhang couldn't help but walked over and knocked Su Yu's head.

   But the next moment.

  Uncle Zhang only noticed the behemoth behind the kid Su Yu.

   "This, this...this is a wild boar? My God! Xiaoyu, where did you get this thing?"

   Uncle Zhang was stunned.

   Su Yu: "Ah, this, I came across it on the mountain. It wanted to attack me, so I killed it."

  Uncle Zhang: "That's how big a wild boar did you bring it back?"

   Su Yu nodded: "Yes, but it makes me exhausted."

   Uncle Zhang was shocked again.

   Su Yu, this kid can't tell. The strength is so great that such a heavy adult wild boar can move on its back. It would have to be more than 300 catties.

   Su Yu had a brief chat with Uncle Zhang, and then carried the wild boar into his yard.

   Waiting until the yard, Su Yu removed the wild boar from his shoulder.


   It seemed that the whole yard shook, and a cloud of dust flew up.

   The wild boar was thrown on the ground by Su Yu.

  Uncle Zhang: "Xiaoyu, what are you going to do with this wild boar?"

   Su Yu: "Of course it was killed, but today is too late, tomorrow, Uncle Zhang, I will ask you to help me at that time."

Uncle Zhang: "Okay! You can scream when the time comes. Then you can rest early. I'll go back first. By the way, it's so late. Your kid hasn't eaten dinner yet. I'll let your Aunt Zhang make it for you. It's already in your living room, so remember to eat some when you look back."

   "Okay, thank Zhang Shu and Aunt Zhang."

   "Little things, I'm leaving now."

   Uncle Zhang waved and left Su Yu's house.

   Sending away Uncle Zhang, Su Yu asked Xiaobai to put down the big yellow dog.

   Then he wondered how to treat the big yellow dog.

   was sent to the pet hospital, it is probably too late.

   The yellow dog was injured too badly.

   Su Yu was afraid of dying on the road without sending it over.

   After thinking about it, Su Yu first took out a wild ginseng.

   Chop the ginseng in the kitchen, add it to the Reiki water, and feed the big yellow dog to drink it.

   Watching Su Yu's operation.

   The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned.

   "Fuck! The anchor is crazy? Feeding a dog with such a wild ginseng? How proud is this?"

   "Don't give it to me! This is too prodigal."

   "Just now, the wild ginseng can sell for tens of thousands if it is sold. Tens of thousands of dollars will be dropped on a dog like this, the anchor is great!"

   "My little brother loves little animals too much, I'm a fan!"

   people participate in Reiki water to feed the big yellow dog and drink it.

   This dog's life is definitely suspended.

   Then Su Yu opened the system again and searched for it in the popular shopping mall.

   people participating in Reiki Water just hanged this big yellow dog's life.

  I really want to save my life or take further measures.

   Su Yu browsed in the mall.

   See if I can find something to save my life.

   "Re-injury pill will instantly recover from the injury, even if there is only one breath left, it will be able to rescue you. It needs 100,000 vigor."

"Deer living grass, the flesh and bones of the living dead can detoxify all the poisons. People can survive after taking this herb within an hour of death. Even if they are broken, they can heal themselves within ten minutes by putting the herbs in their stomachs. It takes 50%. Ten thousand popularity value."

   "The fairy water..."

   good fellow!

  The healing things are more expensive than one. UU reading

   Who can afford this?

   Su Yu looked down and finally found a cheaper one.

   "The bloodline of the **** beast Tengu, after fusion, the bloodline will evolve into the bloodline of the tengu, the physique is enhanced, the self-healing ability is enhanced, the attack power is increased, and the speed is increased.

   Seeing the super self-healing ability, Su Yu's eyes brightened.

   The most important thing is that the blood of this tengu is not expensive, and one serving is only worth 50,000 people.

   is much cheaper than any recovery pill.

   Su Yu directly purchased a copy of Tengu bloodline.

   Then Su Yu walked out of the live broadcast.

   extracted the blood in a hidden place.

   The blood of the tengu that was extracted actually took the form of a **** pill the size of a soy bean.

   50,000 people worth buying such a thing?

Can    be useful?

   Su Yu is also uncertain.

   took this blood pill and walked back.

   Watching Su Yu took a pill and walked back.

   Someone in the live broadcast room is curious.

   "Anchor, what is this?"

   "It looks like a pill, is it useful?"

   "It doesn't look very reliable, it's not a recipe."

   "The anchor, take a moment, don't eat a dog!"

   Su Yu: "Don't worry, everyone, this is my family's ancestral medicine, which is specially used to treat dogs, and one piece will work.

   After finishing speaking, Su Yu leaned the blood pill toward the big yellow dog's mouth.

   This big yellow dog seems to smell the smell, but his dying look has become a bit more energetic because of the smell of this blood pill.

   I was very cooperative and ate the blood pills in one bite.

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