Su Yu just walked in for five minutes.

   Chu Yuntao also came here with Han Meng.

   Watching Han Meng walk into the toilet, Chu Yuntao waited at the door of the toilet.

   After a while, a big bald man came over from the aisle dizzy.

   This guy doesn't know how much he has drunk, and if he gets drunk, he will go to the women's toilet.

  Chu Yuntao is still guarding at the toilet door.

  I saw this bald guy going to the women's bathroom, can he bear it?

   My girlfriend is still going to the bathroom inside. I didn’t even dare to go in. Your kid wants to go in?

   gave you a face!

   Chu Yuntao directly pulled the bald head back.

   "Hey, the men's room is here!"

   Facing such a drunkard, Chu Yuntao didn't want to talk with him at all, so he pushed him into the men's room.

   Unexpectedly, this guy's legs were soft, and he was pushed by Chu Yuntao, and he staggered two steps into the men's room. Finally, his feet fell and his whole face fell into the urinal.

   This single urinal was originally flushed with an automatic sensor water source.

   But the pool instrument happened to be broken, and the hotel hadn't had time for a contact to repair it.

   is filled with urine from a small pond.

   is still Huang Cancan.

   This bald head was originally drunk and didn't know what happened.

   But when he was urinated at the moment, he was awakened immediately.

   The bald head almost jumped up.

   "Bah baah baah! Which **** raises Lao Tzu?"

   Bald head scolded at that time.

   It’s not to blame for the glaring hair, you are willing to drink urine after changing your face?

   looked at the door with his bald head.

   There was no one at the door, only Chu Yuntao, who was still laughing.

   bald head and stomach fire.

   You **** push Lao Tzu into the urinal, you're still laughing here!

   Did this **** take the leopard's guts?

   He has been bald-headed Liu Zai Lishui for so many years, no one dared to be so awesome in front of him!

   The bald head rushed up to give Chu Yuntao a slap.

   But who is Chu Yuntao?

   He was the sports committee member of the class in high school.

   I still have the habit of fitness and taekwondo every day.

   Chu Yuntao has practiced taekwondo since he was a child, and now he is already a taekwondo red belt. It would be a joke if he wanted to touch him with his bald head.

   looked at the slap that the bald head slapped over.

Chu Yuntao was not in a hurry, stretched out his left hand to block, and directly blocked the bald hand outside, then grabbed the bald head's right arm, twisted from the elbow, and threw the bald head directly with the strength of his back. Get out.

   This is a classic Taekwondo trick, swinging arms and elbows!

   The bald head obviously didn't expect Chu Yuntao to have such a hand.

   I was thrown out by Chu Yuntao carelessly, and it hurt to fall on the tiled floor.

   The bald head was originally suffering from back disease, but at the moment he was thrown again and almost cried.

   At the same time, Chu Yuntao was teaching this big bald head.

   Han Meng also heard the movement coming out of the women's toilet.

   Seeing Chu Yuntao actually fight with someone, Han Meng was startled: "What's the matter?"

  Chu Yuntao clapped his hands: "It's okay, a dead bald head, and I want to go to the women's toilet, so I beat him up."

   There were a few women who came out of the toilet with Han Meng. At this time, seeing Chu Yuntao teach the bald head, they all looked at him with admiring eyes.

   Although the hero saves the United States, it's vulgar, but it's still very attractive when it comes across.

   While Chu Yuntao was complacent, the bald head got up from the ground.

   "Boy, you **** wait for Lao Tzu! Dare to move me? Today Lao Tzu told you to crawl out of this restaurant on your knees!"

   The big bald head threatened viciously, and when he finished speaking, he turned his head and ran away.

   Chu Yuntao looked at this guy's back proudly.

   Let me crawl out of this restaurant on my knees?

   You have to have this ability too!

   can't even take a trick by yourself, are you worthy?

   Chu Yuntao didn't take this bald-headed statement to his heart. At this time, he was still enjoying the fruits of victory.

   Several girls looked at him with grateful eyes.

   At this time, Su Yu just came out of the toilet.

   Seeing a bunch of women surrounding Chu Yuntao, Su Yu touched his nose.

  What did this guy do?

   so popular?

   Chu Yuntao also saw Su Yu at this time.

   But he ignored Su Yu, but looked at him with a triumphant look.

   Although he may not have the money of Su Yu for the time being, his strength value is definitely higher than that of Su Yu!

   See how popular girls are now?

   Just that, he will win!

   Su Yu didn't notice the triumphant look in Chu Yuntao's eyes, nor was he ready to say anything to Chu Yuntao.

   He just went to the toilet and emptied his stomach, ready to go back and continue eating.

   Fluttering around Chu Yuntao, he had just walked two steps.

   I saw at the end of the aisle, a bunch of people came towards this side murderously.

   Su Yu was taken aback.


   Where are so many people?

   These people are coming fiercely, some of them still have beer bottles in their hands.

   Su Yu took two steps back.

  Chu Yuntao didn't know what happened at this time.

   At the peak, Su Yu walked back and patted him on the shoulder.

   Chu Yuntao: "What's wrong?"

   Su Yu pointed at the group of people: "Look at that, it seems to be coming for you?"

   Su Yu had discovered just now, this group of people kept their eyes on Chu Yuntao without squinting.

   Especially the big bald head who took the lead, watching Chu Yuntao almost burst into flames.

   Although Su Yu didn't know what happened.

   But it seems that Chu Yuntao is in trouble.

   Chu Yuntao glanced over there impatiently.

   I don’t know this, I was shocked at first glance.

   Chu Yuntao saw that the bald head had really come back just now, and he also brought back dozens of people.

   Chu Yuntao's face turned green.

No way……

   The dead bald head brought someone back to find a place.

   Han Meng also paled at this time.

   Who did Chu Yuntao provoke?

   The bald head led a person to Chu Yuntao, there was someone behind him, and the bald head was obviously hardened.

   Bald head: "Boy~www.readwn.com~ Come here! Use the same trick you just now to throw me!"

   Chu Yuntao looked at the person behind the big bald head, and immediately made up a smile: "Then what, brother, I'm sorry! Misunderstanding! It was all a misunderstanding just now! I haven't consulted the eldest brother for his surname and name?"

   Bald head: "If you don't know what my name is, how dare you **** with Lao Tzu? Then you **** heard it clearly this time, Lao Tzu's name is Liu Xiong! Let you get to know you today?"

   Chu Yuntao heard the name, his face turned from green to white on the spot.

   Liu Xiong!

  Chu Yuntao, who has been mixed in Lishui County all the year round, still don’t know the name?

   Lishui bald Liu.

   is too famous.

   This Liu Xiong was already the number one person in Lishui County twenty years ago.

   Twenty years ago in Lishui County, it was almost covered up with one hand, and even the county magistrate was a cruel person.

   In the past few years, the black-headed Liu has constricted a lot.

   It is said that they have now washed ashore and started contracting construction site business, specializing in dumping yellow sand cement.

   It is said that it has developed into the city in recent years.

   I didn't expect to beat the bald Liu today.

   Chu Yuntao was sweating all over his back.

   Isn't this **** dead?

   I knew I would not pretend to be forced.

  Chu Yuntao quickly apologized: "Brother Liu, I was wrong. I didn't recognize you just now! If I recognize you, I dare not give me ten courage! Misunderstanding! All misunderstandings!"

   Bald Liu Luo smiled and said: "Misunderstanding, right? Okay! Didn't you feed Lao Tzu to pee? Today you drank all the urine from all toilets in this hotel for Lao Tzu, I believe this is a misunderstanding!"

   When Chu Yuntao heard it, his expression was almost squeezed out of bitterness.

   Drink urine?

   is too much!

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