Chu Yuntao's face was extremely ugly.

   He has grown up so big that he hasn't been forced to this level yet.

   But who made him provoke Bald Liu.

   If you don’t admit counsel today, I’m afraid this matter will not be so easy to settle.

   Although Huaxia now has a complete set of punishments, Liu may not dare to do anything to him.

   But Chu Yuntao always had someone out.

   It was easy to break his legs or arms by the means of bald Liu.

   Chu Yuntao shivered in his heart.

   Now his intestines are all regretful.

   I knew I would not pretend to be forced.

   When Chu Yuntao was hesitating what to do.

   Bald Liu suddenly turned his gaze to look at Han Meng.

   Bald Liu: "Of course, I'm not an unreasonable person, Liu Xiong. If you let your little girlfriend accompany me for a drink, this thing will pass, how?"

   said bald Liu.

   When Han Meng heard Bald Liu's words, he suddenly turned pale.

   Han Meng grabbed Chu Yuntao's hand: "Yuntao."

   Chu Yuntao took a deep breath.

   "Brother Liu, she is my girlfriend, isn't that okay."

   Liu Xiong: "Don't **** bullshit, I'll take care of you, OK? Either the woman stays today, or you don't leave!"

   Liu Xiong didn't want to wear it anymore.

   There are two ways, you can only choose one, you can choose by yourself.

   Chu Yuntao gritted his teeth.

   Until now, it seems that there is no choice.

  Han Meng is his woman, and Chu Yuntao can't do things like sending her out to save her life.

   He didn't have the face to do it himself.

Isn't    just pee?

   Drink Undead again.

   Survive as a **** desert.

   Chu Yuntao: "Okay! I drink!"

   Chu Yuntao walked towards the toilet.

   Just when Chu Yuntao was about to enter the toilet, a person stopped him.

   This person is naturally Su Yu.

   Su Yu has not actually left, but is watching from the side.

   Although he has a bad relationship with Chu Yuntao, and Chu Yuntao also likes to pretend to be forceful.

   But after all, the two are also old classmates.

   Classmate friendship is still there.

   And Su Yu could see clearly from the side just now.

  Chu Yuntao is still quite spine.

   at least didn't push the woman out to get herself out.

   At this point, Su Yu felt that Chu Yuntao was not that bad either.

   A man who dared to drink urine, Su Yu expressed his willingness to call you an iron man!

  Chu Yuntao!

   Real man!

   That's why Su Yu came out to hold Chu Yuntao.

   Forget it if I didn't see it, is it possible that I really let Chu Yuntao go to drink urine after seeing it?

   Chu Yuntao did not expect Su Yu to pull himself.

   Liu Xiong cast his gaze over.

  Chu Yuntao: "Su Yu, what are you doing? This matter has nothing to do with you, just leave it alone."

   Although Chu Yuntao didn't like Su Yu, he still didn't want Su Yu to get involved in such things.

   Su Yu smiled: "It's almost done, it's 2021. A society under the rule of law, what are they afraid of?"

   Chu Yuntao was anxious: "You don't understand, that's bald Liu!"

   Chu Yuntao wanted to say something.

   He felt that Su Yu was just an ordinary person, and had never been in contact with people of the class of Liu with a bald head.

   Even if it is a society under the rule of law, Bald Liu used to be mixed black.

   Bald Liu wants to get someone, he doesn't have to do anything, just say a word or get some money out, some desperadoes help him work.

   Why is Su Yu so naive?

   Chu Yuntao wanted Su Yu to leave here quickly.

   But it was obviously too late.

   Liu Xiong has noticed Su Yu.

   Liu Xiong smiled: "What? Boy, do you want to give him a head?"

   Su Yu walked over with his pockets at this time: "Bald-headed Liu, Brother Liu, right? He is my friend. Today, this matter gave me a lot of face, so let's forget it, how about it?"

   Listening to Su Yu's words, Liu Xiong seemed to have met an alien.

   And not only him, the younger brothers behind Liu Xiong couldn't help but laugh.

   Liu Xiong: "Give you a face? Who are you?"

   "I'm afraid this kid is not stupid, Boss, do you want to get him together?"

Liu Xiong waved his hand: "Forget it, I'm not interested in spending time with them here, I haven't finished drinking wine yet, so I drag these two people to the toilet and beat them. If they don't beat me, I can't even recognize his mother. Don't stop!"

   "I see, boss!"

   Liu Xiong gave an order, and the little brothers behind him walked out.

   Just at this moment, the people in the private rooms on this floor have heard the movement and walked out.

   Those old classmates from Su Yu's class, as well as Wang Kai and Long Brother, also came out to join in the fun.

   "Hey? Isn't that Chu Yuntao and Su Yu and the others? What's the matter?"

   "Who is that bald head? Who did they provoke?"

   "I don't know, but it seems to be a gangster, what should we do? Shall we call the police?"

   Bald Liu turned his head to look at these people watching the excitement.

   "Listen to Lao Tzu, who dares to call the police, Lao Tzu is the first to destroy him!"

   These classmates are ordinary people, and they usually work part-time.

   When was someone so threatened.

   And this bald Liu doesn't seem to be a good person, he looks like a gangster.

   was threatened by bald Liu Yi, these classmates were suddenly scared, naturally no one dared to call the police.

   In the corner, Wang Kai had sharp eyes, and he saw Su Yu in the crowd.

Immediately he pointed towards Su Yu, and said to the purple-haired Long Brother next to him: "Long Brother, look! That kid is the Su Yu I told you! It's him! Damn it! Isn't he an enemy? Jutou, I didn't expect to meet here too!"

Brother Long nodded: "That kid! It doesn't look very good! Just this small Brother Long, I knocked him down with one punch! However, the surname Su now seems to be I'm in trouble, it seems to have gotten into the bald Liu's person?"

   "Bald Liu? Is that Liu Meng who has the best mix in Lishui County?"

Brother Long nodded: "It's him. I saw him from afar when I was mingling with Brother Cat. This is a cruel character. I can't provoke him. Let's stay away. This kid with the surname Su is dead if he gets in touch with him today. It's fixed, I guess it won't be necessary for us to take action, and Bald Liu can solve him."

   Wang Kai nodded: "Yes, that's right, this kid is really unlucky! Then we just watch the show here!"

   After speaking, these gangsters retreated to the corner, ready to watch the show.

   On the other side, a dozen people under Bald Liu came to Su Yu and them.

   directly squeezed them into the men's bathroom.

   Entering the men's room, Chu Yuntao's face turned pale.

so many people!

   Although he has practiced taekwondo.

   But these people who are chasing with bald Liu outside are not good.

   It is barely possible for Chu Yuntao to hit two or three at a time.

   There are at least a dozen people now.

   How to fight this?


   is definitely dead today!

   Chu Yuntao's gaze at Su Yu suddenly became full of resentment.

   I blame this kid.

   This hapless guy!

   If it hadn't been for him to come out and pretend to be coercive, it would have passed by admitting it to himself.

   It's fine now, no one can run away.

   Chu Yuntao was desperate.

   At this time, Su Yu stood forward and came in front of Chu Yuntao.

   "Little Chu, don't panic, just these few people are not enough for me to fight with one hand."

   Su Yu turned his head and smiled at him, and said comfortingly.

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