
  Su Yu's room.

   Su Yu was lying on the bed, watching Shiya live broadcast backstage.

   He broadcasted a total of five and a half hours today.

   received a total of 47 super rockets. As for some other small gifts, Su Yu did not count them.

   The price of a Super Rocket live broadcast on Shiya is 1000RMB!

   platform deducts half.

   The remaining Su Yu can get 500 yuan.

  In other words, he made nearly 24,000 in half a day today.

   This live broadcast, money is really fast!

   Of course, it's not that anyone can make money like this on live broadcasts.

   Today, Su Yu is in the right time and place, and he is well occupied.

   There are big white snakes and environmental assists from Sendai Village, plus just meeting a few big local tyrants to have an effect.

   If you are an ordinary newcomer, you may not be able to make money after the first month of broadcasting.

   I can only say that Su Yu's luck is very good.

   Lion’s Tooth live broadcast gifts can be withdrawn when they accumulate to 500 yuan.

   The total value of Su Yu's gifts reached more than 20,000.

   can definitely be brought up.

   It happens that Su Yu is poor enough now.

   More than 20,000 yuan is enough for him to use it for a long time.

   Withdraw money from the platform.

   Soon, a text message came over.

   "Ding! Your ICBC card ending in 2237 was transferred to the amount of 24,800 yuan on July 20, 2020!"

   When the money arrived, Su Yu was relieved.

   Put away the phone.

   Su Yu recalled the system.

   A blue light curtain appeared in front of him.

  Host: Su Yu

Sex: Male

   Age: 24

  Number of live broadcasts: 1

   Popularity: 75813

   signed in today!


  The other items have not changed.

  Only the number of live broadcasts and popularity have changed.

   The number of live broadcasts has changed from 0 to 1!

The popularity of    also reached 75,813 person-times.

   shows that the system judged that this time Su Yu live broadcast was watched by a total of 75,813 people.


   What's the use of this popularity?

   Su domain inquiry system.

   Soon, the system responded.

   "Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host, the popular mall is officially opened, and the host can enter the popular mall to buy goods!"

   Popular mall?

   Su Yu clicked in curiously.

  What does this mall sell?

   Click on the popular mall.

   The light curtain in front of Su Yu's eyes changed the next moment.

   The original blue character panel turned orange.

   One product after another also appeared in front of Su Yu's eyes.

   Su Yu only glanced at it, and he took a breath.

   "Ah, These things??? Are you serious about the system?"

   Su Yu rubbed his eyes, thinking that he had made a mistake.

  【Washing pill】

  【Rehabilitation Pill】

  【Divine Power Talisman】

  【Quick Talisman】


   In addition to these, Su Yu looked down, there are even more outrageous.


  【Water bomb technique】

  【Water Avoidance】

  【Position technique】

  【Jingtao Palm】

  【Dragon Elephant Boxing】

  【Royal Swordsmanship】

  【Refining Tools Baijie】

  【Array of Formations】


   Su Yu: "This damn, isn't this something in the world of cultivating immortals? System, I am the earth! You sell this too? Isn't it illegal?"

   System: "Ding Dong! Failed to recognize the meaning of the host! The popular mall, together with the heavens and the worlds, as long as the things that are in the heavens and the worlds are sold in the mall, the host can buy them with confidence!"

   Su Yu: "Well, I'll believe you if you say that, but the system, how can I buy these things?"

   "Ding Dong! The host can purchase goods with popularity value!"

   Su Yu: "Popularity value? I have more than 70,000 popularity value. Why not just buy it?"

   Then, Su Yu was excited to start shopping.

   But I just opened one of the products.

   looked at the price, Su Yu was immediately stunned.


   is not it!

   One [washing marrow pill] is more than 20,000 popular?

   This is too dark.

   I thought it was enough to buy a lot of things.

   It seems that I can't afford anything.

   A [Fireball] system sells for 100,000 gas.

   As for [Jing Tao Palm], it is worth 200,000 people.

   Who can stand this?

   After watching for a long time, Su Yuman was only able to buy two things in the end.

   One [washing marrow pill]!

   One [Void Refining Qi Jue]!

   The former is 20,000 people.

  The latter is 50,000 people angry.

   is just 70,000 people.

   Su Yu sucked cleanly.

   Then Su Yu extracted these two things.

   Xisui Pill appeared directly in Su Yu's hands.

   is a yellow round pill the size of a longan.

   As for "Void Refining Qi Jue".

   is directly injected into the brain of Su Yu in the form of information flow.

   Su Yu remembered all the contents of this "Void Training Qi Jue" in an instant.

   According to the system introduction.

   This "Void Training Qi Jue" is a practice method in the world of cultivating immortals.

   and it is one of the top exercises in the world of cultivating immortals.

   Su Yu is now only redeeming Qi refining chapter.

   In other words, the content of this Qi Refining Chapter is only enough for Su Yu to cultivate to the peak of Qi Refining.

   If he breaks through to the next level, he still needs to redeem the content of the foundation period.

  Looking at the "Void Training Qi Jue" in my mind!

   Su Yu did not rush to practice.

   Instead, he threw a Xisui Pill into his mouth first.

   He wants to reshape his body first.

  Improve the strength of your body, and you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort when you practice!

   After taking the pill, Su Yu felt sleepy.

   Then, Su Yu fell asleep groggyly under the intense sleepiness.

   No words for a night.

   The next day, when Su Yu woke up again, it was already 7:30 in the morning.

   As soon as he opened his eyes, Su Yu could smell a strong smell in the room.

"What's the taste?"

   Su Yu still doesn't know what happened.

   looked down at the taste.

   I only saw his body sticky, UU reading www.uukAnshu. com was surrounded by a black viscous liquid.

   is the smell of this black viscous liquid.

what is this?

   Su Yu almost jumped up from the bed.

   After checking, Su Yu found that it seemed to be excreted from his body.

   Then he quickly remembered that he ate Xisui Pill yesterday.

   Is this the impurities in your body?

   Su Yu clenched his fists, and sure enough, he could clearly feel that his strength seemed to have increased a lot.

   Body hardness is also different.

   Su Yu can't stand this smell.

   ran to the bathroom and took a shower.

   after coming out of the bathroom.

   Su Yu stood in front of the mirror.

   looked at myself in the mirror.

   Su Yu was almost stunned.




   Tell important things three times!

   Is this really me?

   Mermaid line, male dog waist, eight pack abs, golden ratio!

   Although Su Yu's figure was good at first, but after the transformation of the marrow pill, Su Yu's figure now has to be described as scary.

  Professional fitness athletes are just like that.

   And after being transformed by Xisui Pill, his face seems to be a lot more handsome.

   After being narcissistic in front of the mirror for a while, Su Yu reluctantly put on his clothes.

   came to the yard, Su Yu remembered.


   I haven't signed in yet.

   See what good things have today!

   Su Yu summoned the system.

   "Sign in!"

   "Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for signing in successfully and get rewards [a set of fire hunting bow]"

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