"Fire hunting bow? What is it?"

   Su Yu's mind moved, and the fire hunting bow was extracted.

   Then, a bow, a quiver, and a few arrows appeared in his hand.

The    bow is red, with flame engraving, in addition to some weird fonts that Su Yu can't understand at all, like an ancient rune.

   I don’t know what material the whole bow is made of. It feels very comfortable to hold.

   is also very heavy, but the current Su Yu's body has been transformed by the marrow pill, and his strength has become extremely large.

   There is no problem with this bow at all.

  The black quiver is made of animal leather, with some metal attached to it.

   The silver metal also doesn't know what kind of alloy it is, but it feels very gentle.

There are ten arrows in the quiver.

  The arrows are all black and red.

   The arrow body is black, and the arrow appears dark red.

   has not been used, Su Yu can feel the powerful destructive power of the arrow.

   Su Yu now wants to try the power of this bow.

   Raising this bow, Su Yu directly drew an arrow in the yard.

   bow and arrow, Su Yu aimed at a sparrow in the sky.


   Su Yu struggled to draw the bow.

   But with this bow, Su Yu found that something was wrong.

   This bow is a bit difficult to pull!

   Not only is the bow heavy, but the bowstring is also very difficult to open.

   Su Yu grew up in Sendai Village, and when he was young, he often went hunting in the mountains with his father and Uncle Zhang.

   Few people in the city touch things like bows and arrows.

   But Su Yu grew up playing with bows.

   Su Yu's family originally had a recurve bow.

   was specially made by Su Yu’s father who paid for it to be crafted by craftsmen.

   The arch foot had an opening force of 65 pounds.

   It’s easy to penetrate the skin of a wild boar and black bear within 30 meters with a full bow. If the position is good, it can even be worn on both sides.

   But the 65-pound bow of Su's father Su Yu could be pulled once or twice.

   But now I have this bow in my hand.

   Even if Su Yu is now obviously older than he was then, and his body has been transformed by the Marrow Pill, his strength has been greatly increased.

   It’s still a bit hard to open this bow.

   Su Yu is very curious, how many pounds does the bow pull?

  100 pounds?

   or 200 pounds?

   This is a little bit awesome.

   You know, as I just said, a 65-pound recurve bow can pierce the skin of a wild boar and black bear.

   Over 70 pounds, even an elephant can handle it. There are no animals on land that need to weigh more.

   If it exceeds 100 pounds, it is beyond the scope of hunting bows and entering the battle bow. It is not used to deal with natural biological fur but can be used to deal with steel armor.

   This bow is a bit powerful.

   Although Su Yu was a bit surprised by the opening force of this bow.

   But it's not that he really can't pull it.

   Pull can definitely be pulled.

   It’s just that you can’t use it as you like.

   Su Yu estimated that even if he wanted to make this bow, he couldn't make more than ten times a day at most.

   If used forcibly multiple times.

   will definitely hurt the body.

   Even if you are not careful, you can strain the disease or deform the bones.

   Therefore, bows and arrows are not a mess.

   But Su Yu wants to try it now.

   took a deep breath.

   Su Yu gave a low voice.


   Fire hunting bow opened.

   Su Yu was surprised to see the next moment.

   Something in his body seemed to be drawn away by this bow.

   Then, he could see that the originally black runes on the bow of the bow in his hand were lit up one by one at this moment.

   Moreover, above the arrow, a red flame rose.

   Su Yu: "What is this again? Isn't this bow a common bow?"

   is indeed a system product, it must be a boutique!

   Su Yu didn't hesitate anymore.

   In this kind of bowing situation, he can't last long.

  The index finger released the bowstring, and the arrow instantly rose from the string.

   shot an arrow.

   A hundred steps through Yang!

   A sparrow flies over the sky.

   It hasn't realized what is going on.

   An arrow with a blazing flame shot up.

   directly penetrates the body of the sparrow.

   The flame instantly swallowed the whole sparrow.

   burn it into nothingness.

   Su Yu was dumbfounded: "Ah, this, this thing is amazing!"

   The sparrows are all burned out?

too strong.

   The arrow fell from the sky, and Su Yu picked it up.

   I saw that the sparrow stuck on the arrow had been burnt to a degree of hair and nothing was left.

   Su Yu mourned for a moment.

   put the bow and arrow away.

   then opened the live broadcast.

   As soon as the Su Yu live broadcast was opened, a lot of viewers soon swarmed in.

   "Good fellow! Look what I found?"

   "Wow! The anchor brother is so diligent! Has it started so early?"

   "Anchor of conscience! I just woke up for breakfast, and I was worried that I didn't watch the show in the morning. I didn't expect the anchor to start broadcasting! I loved it!"

   "Where is Xiao Bai? We want to see Xiao Bai!"

   "Who is this strange man? Don't block our sight! Why don't you let the anchor Xiaobai come out?"

   Su Yu looked at the guys in the live broadcast room speechlessly.

   trembling coldly.

   A bunch of white-eyed wolves.

   Is there only Xiao Bai in his eyes?

   Who is your genuine anchor!

   Su Yu was shaking and cold.

   On the other side of the yard warehouse, Xiao Bai has heard the movement coming out of the warehouse.

   Then, a big white head came out from behind Su Yu's shoulder.

  'S big cute eyes are facing the camera, seeming to be curious about what it is.

   "Wow! Xiaobai! Good morning!"

   "Xiaobai Xiaobai! Has the authentic anchor finally showed his face?"

   "Xiao Bai seems to have become cuter!"

   Xiaobai: "Hiss!"

   Xiaobai spit out his tongue twice at the camera, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is just saying hello.

   In addition, many viewers who have just entered the live broadcast room suddenly saw such a big snake when they came in, and they were shocked.

   "Fuck! What the **** is this?"

   "Such a big snake? What kind of live broadcast is this!"

   Jiangzhou, in a general manager's office.

   Jiangling has added an evening shift, put down the information and want to relax, open a live broadcast software and prepare to watch the live broadcast.

   accidentally clicked into a live broadcast room.

   As a result, as soon as I entered the live broadcast room, a big snake head appeared on the computer screen, spitting out letters towards the screen.

   scared Jiangling Ji Ling, and almost smashed the computer without a punch.

   "What's this?"

   Jiangling looked at this big snake and this weird live broadcast room.

   Under the trend of curiosity, Jiangling sent a bullet screen: "Excuse me, what's the matter with this snake? Why is there such a big snake?"

   "Same question, these are all pythons, right? Is anyone else raising this thing?"

   "Isn’t it malicious and scary to let the python appear on the live broadcast? Be careful to report you!"

   "Cut, what do the newcomers know? It's called Xiaobai. It's a snake just adopted by the anchor yesterday. Xiaobai is not an ordinary snake, it can be human."

   "That's right, newcomers don't understand, don't talk nonsense, Xiaobai is full of spirit, okay?"

   Some old viewers who watched Su Yu's live broadcast yesterday helped Su Yu explain.

   looked at these barrage.

   Jiangling wondered: "Xiao Bai? Is this snake really spiritual?"

   With strong curiosity, Jiangling continued to watch the live broadcast.


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