In the Cadillac, Chu Yuntao looked at Su Yu's car from the rearview mirror.

???? Chu Yuntao smiled contemptuously.

???? Chu Yuntao's family is in a seafood business.

???? Ever since he was a child, he has grown up among the hearts of the people holding the moon and the beautiful clothes and jade food.

???? But when he was in high school, Chu Yuntao had been crushed by one person for three years.

???? This person is Su Yu.

???? Chu Yuntao has been very unconvinced.

???? This guy Su Yu.

???? The poor jingle at home.

????Why can you become a man of the school back then?

???? Just because of the better grades?

???? People look a little more handsome than yourself?

???? Later, Su Yu was admitted to a university in the Imperial Capital.

???? Suddenly be hailed as the new star of the future, promising!

???? Chu Yuntao is even more uncomfortable.

???? So many years have passed.

???? Su Yu has been staying in the imperial capital.

???? Su Yu also became a knot of Chu Yuntao's heart.

???? I didn't have a chance before, but now I have encountered it.

???? Of course Chu Yuntao can't let go of this opportunity?

???? As for Su Yu, how is it now?

???? Chu Yuntao doesn't need to worry at all.

???? This guy is so poor that he drives a small truck.

???? Where else can I get mixed up?

???? Chu Yuntao doesn't know much about cars.

???? But looking at the small broken car that Su Yu drove, there was a cargo carriage behind it, and I knew it was not a good car at first glance.

???? Who drives that kind of car after all?

???? It is estimated that he came back after staying in the imperial capital.

???? Chu Yuntao is now the owner of a seafood restaurant in the well-kept Hangyuan City.

???? Although it was opened with family money, and it hasn't opened yet, it's not too far away from the opening time.

???? Young people,......047 What blinds my eyes, ask for recommendation, ask for collection (page 1/5),. Who can really start from scratch when starting a business for the first time?

???? Taking the opportunity of this classmate meeting, Chu Yuntao was brewing to pretend to be forced!

???? Recover all the limelight lost in high school!

???? Thinking of this, Chu Yuntao was even more excited, and the speed of the car also soared to more than ninety or one hundred.

???? This Cadillac is racing all the way on the road.

???? On the side of the road, a traffic policeman riding a small motorcycle is preparing to go home from get off work.

???? Suddenly there was a roar of car accelerator behind him.

???? The traffic police looked back: "Good guy! This car is driving! Give me an indicator before I get off work? Young people can!"

???? The traffic police took out a speedometer for a measurement.

???? The speed is 110!

????50% speeding?

???? Boy, congratulations, your driver's license is gone!

???? The traffic police first wrote down Chu Yuntao's license plate, and then as soon as he put on his safety helmet, he drove the motorcycle and chased him up.

???? "The one in front! Pull over! You are suspected of driving dangerously and seriously speeding, please cooperate with the investigation!"

???? Chu Yuntao: "..."


???? Chu Yuntao's incident is just an episode.

???? Su Yu didn't care too much about classmates gatherings.

???? In his eyes, isn't it just a party.

???? If there are students who are familiar with before, just talk a few more words, if not, it will be a free meal.

???? Anyway, he doesn't need to pay for it.

???? drove the car leisurely and headed home.

On the way, Su Yu seemed to have seen a Cadillac stopped by the traffic police.

???? I don't know which hapless guy broke the rules.

???? Su Yu shook his head, didn't intend to watch the excitement, and slowly drove past.

???? Sendai Village.

???? Su Yu parked his car in front of his house.

???? As soon as he got out of the car, he heard that there seemed to be movement in his home.

?......047 What is blinding my eyes? Ask for recommendation tickets for collection (page 2/5),. There seemed to be people talking in the yard.

???? Su Yu: "Strange, I remember I had already locked the door before I left."

???? Su Yu took out the key to open the door.

???? After entering, he saw such a scene.

???? Two guys wearing black hoods were stepped on the ground by the South China Tiger, screaming that they had been beaten again and again.

???? Su Yu: "What's the matter?"

???? Although Su Yu said so.

???? But I have actually guessed more than half of it in my heart.

???? Judging from the dressing of these two guys, it is estimated that they are not good people.

???? And if someone came in from the front entrance, the South China Tiger and Xiao Bai would not do anything to hurt people.

???? These two guys are probably thieves, and they seem to have come in over the wall.

???? Otherwise, Peppa and Xiao Bai would not beat them like this.

???? Sure enough, next, the South China Tiger spoke.

???? "Roar! Master, these two guys came in with bad intentions and were taught a lesson by us."

???? It really is a thief.

???? Su Yu nodded.

???? Sure enough, the same as I thought.

???? Looking at the two people on the ground being beaten by Peppa.

???? Su Yu don't say anything.

???? Call the police.

???? Seeing Su Yu to call the police.

???? Wang Jinyang and Zhou Hao both looked ugly.

???? "Don't, brother! Don't call the police! Can you give me a chance?"

???? "Yes, brother, we just missed a moment, oh no, we just missed a moment, give me a chance!"

???? Su Yu smiled: "Give me a chance? What chance? I give you a chance, did you give me a chance?"

???? Su Yu simply ignored these two guys.

???? Why didn't you think of today when you stole?

????Where can I not wet shoes when I often walk by the river?

???......047 What blinds my eyes, ask for recommendation, ask for collection (page 3/5),. Today I have Xiaobai and Peppa at my home.

???? What if Xiaobai and Peppa don't take care of the house today?

???? What if these two guys stole money from someone with no money?

???? Sorry!

???? I don't know if God will give you a chance, but I won't give you a chance.

???? Su Yu directly reports to the police.

???? Seeing that Su Yu really called the police.

???? Wang Jinyang gritted his teeth immediately.

???? "Okay! You are cruel! Today, Wang Jinyang, I am planted here, but boy, don't think that this is the case. It is best to pray that I will never come out, otherwise you will be unlucky on the day I get out of prison. when!"

???? Wang Jinyang threatened.

???? Su Yu nodded seriously: "Really? Then I'll wait."

???? After half an hour, the police came to Su Yu's house.

???? After understanding what happened here, Wang Jinyang and Zhou Hao were taken away.

???? Sent away Comrade Thief.

???? Su Yu opens the popular mall.

???? Exchanged two Qi and Blood Pills from inside.

???? After eating the Qi and Blood Pill, it can replenish the Qi and blood to strengthen the physique and increase the skill. In short, it is a good thing.

???? Su Yu threw one to Xiaobai and Peppa.

???? "This is to reward you! What a great job today!"

???? The two guys, Xiaobai and Page, have established great success today.

???? Had it not been for the two of them to watch the house, maybe Su Yu's house would have been stolen today.

???? Su Yu clearly distinguished rewards and punishments, and just talked about two Qi and Blood Pills. UU Reading

???? A reputation value of 10,000 is not expensive for the current Su Yu.


???? "Hiss!"

???? Xiaobai and Peppa each took one, and swallowed the pill directly into their stomachs.

???? "Roar! It's delicious, I feel like I have strengthened again."

???? Xiaobai is not very intelligent, but...What is 047 blinding my eyes? Ask for recommendation tickets and collect (page 4/5) He also nodded to Su Yu to indicate that the Qi and Blood Pill tasted good, and he could have more in the future.

???? Su Yu fed Xiaobai and Peppa and went back to the house.

???? It's four o'clock in the afternoon.

???? Su Yu began to prepare dinner.

???? The chicken at noon today was pretty good.

???? And the spicy chicken at noon was taken away after a few bites.

???? Su Yu hasn't enjoyed it yet.

???? Let's have another meal in the evening.

???? But this time I won’t fry anymore, I’ll change to stewed chicken.

???? That's it.

???? Evening menu.

???? Clearly stewed old hen, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, mushrooms and green vegetables.

???? Of course, all the ingredients provided by the system are used.

????Red turkey, red moon tomatoes, spirit tail eggs, black jade mushrooms, jade cabbage.

???? These things were extracted by Su Yu, and the entire kitchen was glowing!

???? Su Yu: Ah! What blinded my eyes? ?

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