Fortunately, Su Yu is not broadcasting live now.

???? Otherwise, so many immortal world ingredients appear here suddenly, and each of them is still shining golden.

???? The guys in the live broadcast room will swipe the screen and say that they are cultivating immortals.

???? Looking at these ingredients on the ground.

???? Su Yu started making it.

???? First of all, the big dishes must be prepared first.

???? Looking at the familiar Chi Lie Turkey.

???? Su Yu has more experience this time than last time.

???? Regardless of three or seven twenty-one, first poured a scoop of spiritual energy water down, and then pinched the chicken's neck and took a knife in an instant to split.

???? After splitting up, Su Yu took a hot bath and rubbed his back.

????Pulling hair, cleaning the internal organs, Su Yu processed the ingredients and started to stew the soup.

???? The chicken soup will be boiled for a while.

???? Su Yu began to cook other dishes.

???? Tomato scrambled eggs.

???? The eggs in the realm of Xiuxian are pure white, and there are ancient patterns on them, and they don't look like ordinary chickens can lay them out.

???? If this is taken out and properly forced!

???? As for the tomato.

???? Everything with a knife, the juice is overflowing, and it's delicious at first sight.

????Mushrooms and vegetables.

???? Shiitake mushrooms are like black jade, and green vegetables are like jade.

???? Fried face value is also the kind of super high.

???? Busy to finish a meal.

???? Su Yu took an hour.

???? Su Yu just finished a table of dishes here.

???? Rhubarb and Xiaobai came around.

???? "It's dry rice, it's dry rice!"

???? Looking at these cheeky guys.

???? Su Yu: "..."

???? Good guy!

???? Everyone can't see the shadows when cooking, and they come faster than anyone else when they eat!

???? A bunch of hopeless guys!

???? But fortunately this group...048 fire-breathing dogs ask for a recommendation vote for the list of new collection books (page 1/5), . The guy still respects the master Su Yu.

???? Before Su Yu moved his chopsticks, they did not dare to touch the dish.

???? They only eat when Su Yu puts all the food in their bowls.

???? Su Yu looked at the animals around him bowing their heads to enjoy the food.

???? Very pleased.

???? Since my parents passed away in a car accident, the house seems to have never been so lively.

???? Fortunately, after my parents are gone, you will stay with me.

???? Thinking of this, Su Yu touched the rhubarb that was gnawing on a chicken leg next to him.

???? Rhubarb's chicken legs were gnawed, and suddenly, its figure was taken aback.

???? In the next second, Rhubarb started to be mad.

???? "Wang Wang! Huh??? What's going on? Why is Ben Wang's body so hot?"

???? "Wang! The body seems to have become strange!"

???? Immediately, Little White Peppa looked at the rhubarb.

???? All the rice bowls in front of me are put down.

????Because the hairs on the four legs of Rhubarb turned red at this moment, and there seemed to be traces of flames coming out of Rhubarb's body.

???? "Hoho! What do you mean? Brother, you are going to self-immolate halfway through the meal?"

???? The South China Tiger is puzzled.

???? Seeing the changes in rhubarb, Su Yu quickly reacted.

???? This **** thing, rhubarb this dog thing, wouldn't it awaken the flame spirit body, right?

????? ? ?

???? He remembered that Rhubarb had just eaten a chicken leg of Chi Lie Turkey.

???? And the system was introduced before.

???? If you eat Chi Lie Turkey, there is a certain probability that you can awaken the Lie Fire spirit body!

???? Su Yu is stunned!

???? This fucking, shouldn't it be me awakening?

???? What kind of anti-human probability is this?

???? Why can't I wake up?

????Following my house......048 fire-breathing dogs are asking for recommendation votes, and I am the first in the new collection list (page 2/5). After the tiger awakened the golden jade spirit body, my dog ​​also awakened the fire spirit body.

???? And I, as the master, is still just a weak chicken.

???? Su Yu is angry just thinking about it.

????The key is that these guys came to rub his food one by one before awakening.

???? Angry skr people!

???? Rhubarb didn't even know what happened.

???? Just know that when it gnawed on the chicken leg, it started to catch fire when it gnawed on its body.

???? After a while, Rhubarb realized that he seemed to be able to manipulate these flames.

???? And as long as it wants, Rhubarb can spit out a fireball from his mouth at will.

???? Rhubarb: "Wow! Wow! See you? Isn't this fireball?"

???? Xiaobai: "His! The bunker! The dog is handsome!"

???? Rhubarb spit out a fireball, triumphant.

???? Now if it were to open a live broadcast, it would have been popular overnight.

???? The first dog on earth that can only breathe fire.

???? Darwin was in tears when he saw his resurrection.

???? Su Yu shut himself down.

???? Sitting there quietly watching a dog do a fireball show.

???? After depressed and autistic for a while.

???? After eating, Su Yu went upstairs to rest.

???? Upstairs, after applying dragon blood as usual, Su Yu lay on the bed.

????Because Su Yu once discovered that this dragon blood does not touch the sheets at all.

???? So it's okay even if I lie on the bed.

???? Open your own personal panel.

???? Host: Su domain

????Sex: Male

???? Age: 24

???? Number of live broadcasts: 5

???? Popularity: 2317321

???? Signed in today!

???? Unknowingly, 5 days after the broadcast, the popularity value could reach more than 2 million.

???? Have to say, this is a miracle.

????Yes......048 fire-breathing dogs ask for recommendation votes, ask for the number one in the new collection list (page 3/5). With a popularity value of more than 2 million, how should I spend it?

???? Su Yu looked at the goods in the mall.

???? Soon, Su Yu stayed on the three words experience pill.

???? Experience Dan!

???? The pill that can improve the cultivation base.

????If the host does not want to practice on his own, he can exchange experience pill for use, and use a certain experience pill to upgrade his realm!

???? The effect is exactly the same as that of self-cultivation, and the foundation will be very solid, without any vain.

???? This experience pill can be bought to upgrade myself?

???? And the price does not seem to be very expensive.

???? A low-level experience pill only needs 1,000 popularity points!

???? Su Yu remembered that he had bought a cultivating technique "Void Refining Qi Jue" before!

???? But then Su Yu forgot to practice.

???? Now that you have an external pill like an experience pill, what else do you cultivate?

???? Upgrade directly!

???? Regardless of Su Yu, first exchange ten low-level experience pills.

???? Deduct the value of 10,000 people.

???? Buy ten experience pill.

???? Su Yu: "System, give me a trial experience Dan!"

???? "Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for trying the primary experience pill! The realm has broken through the first level of Qi refining!"

???? "Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for trying the primary experience pill! The realm has broken through the second level of gas refining!"

???? "Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for trying the primary experience pill! The realm has broken through the third level of gas refining!"


???? Feed ten experience Su Yu directly broke through to the fifth level of gas refining.

???? Sure enough, Su Yu could feel that his body seemed to have changed a lot.

???? And it is definitely an all-round enhancement.

???? Not only has the strength become greater, the speed has also become faster, and more importantly.

???? Su Yu waved his hand, as if there was a wind blowing out.

????A few meters away...048 fire-breathing dog asks for a recommendation ticket and asks for the number 1 of the new collection list (page 4/5) ,. Pour a chair!

????Not bad!

???? Su Yu is very satisfied.

???? Only the fifth layer of qi can be used to hit objects in the air.

???? I don't know what will happen later.

???? Su Yu continued to exchange experience Dan.

???? This time, Su Yu exchanged one hundred Elementary Experience Pills in one go.

???? An elementary experience pill is only 1,000 popularity points.

???? Even if it is a hundred, it is worth 100,000 people.

???? For the current Su Yu, it was drizzle, completely affordable.

???? This time, one hundred primary experience pills fell.

???? The realm of Su Yu quickly improved.

???? Six levels of gas refining!

???? Seven layers of gas refining!

???? Eight layers of gas refining!

???? Nine levels of Qi training!

???? "Ding Dong! System prompt: It is detected that the host has reached the peak of the ninth level of gas refining! Do you want to buy a broken realm pill to break through the foundation building realm?

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