???? has reached the tenth level of gas refining!

???? Su Yu took a look.

????Boundary Pill is specially used to break through the realm of foundation building.

???? For the price, one needs 100,000 people.

???? It seems that this broken Jidan should be more precious in the world of cultivation.

???? The aura of 100,000 people is nothing to the current Su Yu.

???? Click to redeem directly.

???? "Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for using Po Jidan, the current realm to build the base 0 level! Please purchase the foundation construction period to continue practicing!"

???? After using Zhujidan, Su Yu clearly felt that his body had completed a qualitative change.

???? But the next second, the system prompts again.

???? The Void Refining Art that Su Yu bought before cost only 50,000 vigor.

???? Why is it so cheap?

???? That's because the content of Su Yu's Void Qi Refining Art can only support his cultivation to the peak of the tenth level of Qi Refining.

???? Once you break through to the realm of foundation building, you still need to purchase follow-up exercises.

???? The current Su Yu has broken through the foundation building.

???? The previous Void Refining Qi Refining Art Refining Chapter is not available.

????Su Yu needs to purchase the content of Foundation Building.

???? At this look, Su Yu was taken aback.

???? "Void Refining Technique-Foundation Building"!

????The value of 500,000 people!

???? So expensive?

???? The previous Qi Refining Chapter was only 50,000, and the Foundation Building Chapter was directly tenfold.

???? Can be calculated, if the cultivation reaches the golden core stage.

???? How expensive is that?

???? By analogy, the popularity value consumed is simply an astronomical figure.

???? But this is not something Su Yu should worry about for the time being.

???? There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain.

???? Anyway, Su Yu will exchange the content of Foundation Building first.

???? Su Yu now has a popularity value of more than 2 million.

????......049 build a foundation for recommendation tickets for collection (page 1/5),. It is completely fine to spend more than 500,000 to buy the Void Refining Qi Jue to build the foundation.

???? After the successful purchase, Su Yu learns directly.

???? Then, Su Yu continued to use the experience pill.

???? After breaking through to the foundation building period, the experience pill needed to level up is directly multiplied.

???? Su Yu smashed fifty experience pills.

???? It was hard to break from the 0th floor of the foundation to the 1st floor of the foundation.

???? Su Yu: "My dear, this is too expensive."

???? It seems that the effect of the primary experience pill is no longer useful.

???? Su Yu began to buy intermediate experience pill.

???? The effect of the intermediate experience pill is definitely better than the primary experience pill.

????At the same time, the popularity value required for exchange is naturally much higher.

???? An intermediate experience pill costs 5000 popularity points.

???? Su Yu directly exchanged 200 intermediate experience pills this time.

???? One million people were consumed in one breath.

???? "Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for trying the Intermediate Experience Pill! The realm breaks through the third level of foundation building!"

???? "Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for trying the Intermediate Experience Pill! The realm breaks through the fourth level of foundation building!"


???? "Ding Dong! Congratulations to the host for trying the Intermediate Experience Pill! The realm has broken through the sixth level of foundation building!"

???? The aura of 1 million people pushed Su Yu to the sixth floor of the base construction environment.

????Building the 6th floor, he is a little master in the world of cultivating immortals.

???? Su Yu is very satisfied.

After breaking through the sixth floor of the foundation building, Su Yu found that a batch of products had been opened in the popular mall.

???? is available to the monks who build the sixth floor.

???? For example, "Golden Glazed Body", "Swordsmanship", "Dragon Elephant Fist"...

???? Among them, "Golden Glazed Body" is to exercise the body.

???? After practicing, the whole body's bones are transformed into glazed glaze, and the defense ability is indestructible. It is really a must for home travel, life and body protection.

???......049 build a foundation for recommendation votes for collection (page 2/5),. After Su Yu cultivated to the realm of foundation building, he could already release auras, forming a wall of auras in front of him.

???? If you add a golden glass body.

???? Under double protection, isn't it possible to do whatever you want?

???? "Swordsmanship"!

???? In the world of cultivating immortals, it is definitely a well-known foundation building must learn spells.

???? The monks in the base-building period can already control the spirit weapon to kill the enemy in the air by learning the swordsmanship.

???? After the golden core period, you can do the sword flying!

???? is a very useful spell.

???? "Dragon Elephant Fist"!

???? Inherited the fist technique of the ancient dragon and elephant godzong from the immortal world.

???? is a set of boxing techniques created by an ancestor of the sect when he watched the dragon and elephant fight.

???? There are a total of nine punches.

???? If you cultivate to the top level and throw a punch, it is said that the power can be compared to the power of a real dragon elephant!

???? In addition to these few magical spells, there are several others.

???? For example, "Yufeng Footwork", "Shifeng Swordsmanship" and so on.

???? Of course, none of these things are cheap.

???? For example, the full version of "Golden Glazed Body" is priced at 1 trillion in popularity.

????The cheapest "Yufeng Footwork" is sold for 80 million people.

???? Good guy!

???? Su Yu is a good guy directly!

???? A trillion!

???? How many zeros are that?

???? Anyway, Su Yu can't afford it now.

???? It is still a question whether we can afford it in the future.

???? These things are the same as the Void Qi Refining Jue, the more you go back, the more you burn!

???? Su Yu's current financial resources are only enough to redeem the first-tier cultivation methods of these supernatural powers.

???? But exchange these magical powers and spells.

???? Su Yu's popularity value has been sucked up again.

???? After obtaining these magical powers and spells, Su...049 builds a foundation to ask for a recommendation ticket for collection (page 3/5). Domain extraction learning.

???? Learn these magical powers and spells.

???? Su Yu is particularly interested in "Swordsmanship".

???? After all, who didn't have a fairy tale dream when he was a child?

???? Flying through the sky with a sword, absolutely following the dream of all boys except Tiga!

???? Immediately, Su Yu was ready to give it a try.

???? Su Yu took a deep breath.

???? Staring closely at an empty box of dazzling chewing gum in front of me, I want to try to float the empty box first.

???? Yu Jianshu urged.

???? Su Yu released his spiritual power, and the chewing gum box a few meters away suddenly seemed to be picked up, slowly floating.

???? Su Yu feels very strange.

???? This is the ability of the cultivator, this feeling is really amazing.

???? Played this gum box for a while.

???? Su Yu found a strange place.

???? That is, no matter how you make it, it seems that this box can't do whatever you want.

???? The action is awkward, and there is no power.

???? There is a big gap with the introduction on the swordsmanship.

???? Su Yu: "System, what's going on? Why is it so hard for me to control this box?"

???? After a while, the system replied: "Ding Dong! The system detects that this box is not an item with aura. Only after items with aura and refined by the host can the swordsmanship be 100% powerful and handy The degree of control."

???? Su Yu nodded after listening.

???? Turns out so.

???? Does almost everyone in those cultivators use swords or other spiritual weapons ~ www.readwn.com ~ Su Yu used to wonder why no one flew with pigs or bricks.

???? The original reason is here.

???? However, something with aura.

???? Where can I find these things?

????Su Yu......049 build a foundation for recommendation votes for collection (page 4/5),. : "System, something with aura, do you have it over there?"

???? System: "Ding Dong! Materials suitable for refining psychic soldiers have been selected for the host!"

???? Then, an interface opened in front of Su Yu's eyes.

???? Su Yu looked at these commodities.

???? "Purple Flame Wood Sapling! 500 thousand people can exchange their vigor, and when they mature, they can refine the Spirit Soldier-Purple Flame Excalibur!"

???? "Golden Thunder Bamboo Seed! One million people can exchange their vigor, and when they mature, they can refine the Spirit Soldier-the Golden Thunder Bamboo Sword!"

???? "Bloodthirsty Vine Seeds! 3 million people can exchange their vigor, and they can refine magical artifacts-bloodthirsty guns after maturity!"


???? Su Yu: "Don't you have mature materials here? They are all seeds?"

???? System: "Ding Dong! The host can choose to plant seeds and wait for the seeds to mature. In addition, the host can also search for nearby mature materials to make psychic soldiers."

???? Su Yu: "Are there materials near me that can be made into spirit soldiers?"

???? In the next second, a map unfolded in front of Su Yu.

???? "Dingdong! Three kilometers away from the host was detected, there is a lightning-strike wood that has grown for two hundred years! It is recommended to go!"

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