Lifting his eyes to the gloomy and handsome face of Long Sihao, Li Xiaoman's heart trembled, and some frowned, frowning, "Si Hao, what are you... why are you here?"

Long Sihao narrowed his narrowed eyes and stared at her with a dim gaze. The smile drawn in the corners of his lips was full of danger. "I don't come to know how you are with your ex-husband."

He deliberately emphasized the words of his ex-husband.


Li Xiaoman was about to explain, and Long Sihao let go of her, still gloomy, gazing at her with a sharp eye, "You better give me a perfect explanation."

When the words fell, he suddenly felt a itchy throat, as if afraid of Li Xiaoman seeing the clues, he immediately turned around and pressed his fists against his lips to prevent him from coughing.

He didn't stop, striding straight to his Rolls Royce.

After sitting in the car, he violently started the car, and the "bang" disappeared in front of Li Xiaoman.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman expanded his clear pupils, and some could not believe it, so he just left?

He just left?

Is he really gone?

She hadn't seen him all night, and finally saw others, and he hadn't said anything to him before, so he left?

She blinked, feeling aggrieved in her heart, and wanted to cry for a few seconds.

Si Hao...

She stood in the same place as the abandoned child, eyes staring pitifully in the direction of Long Sihao leaving.

Huo Yunene saw her lost face squinting in the direction where Long Sihao disappeared, his handsome eyebrows deepened, "Manman..."

Li Xiaoman's eyes were cold, "shutup!"

Then she walked forward, without taking a few steps, she saw a familiar car running from far and near, and then stopped in front of her.

The person sitting in the car was Lowry. He pushed open the door and raised his eyebrows with a smile on Li Xiaoman. "Miss Li, get in the car."

Then he narrowed his eyes to Huo Yunene, "General Huo, please stay away from Miss Li, she is destined to become your sister-in-law."

Huo Yunene coldly hooked the corner of his lower lip, and his eyes glanced sharply at Lori, "Is it? Waiting to see."

Lowry glanced at Huo Yunene and said nothing to him, but looked at Li Xiaoman again, "Miss Li, get in the car first."

"Huh!" Li Xiaoman looked at Lori and nodded, and then got into his car.

Lowry reached out to close the door for her and fastened her seat belt before starting the car.

While driving, he looked at Li Xiaoman and asked, "Miss Li, why are you with that surname Huo, and come to your uncle's house?"

Li Xiaoman tightened her eyebrows and said how she met Huo Yunene.

After Lowry heard it, he narrowed his eyes. "It turns out this way, that Huo Yunene is really shameless, and the soul is not scattered! Miss Li is assured, as long as you explain to the president, it will be fine."

Li Xiaoman looked at Lowry and nodded again, and asked with some doubt: "Lot, how do you and Si Hao know that I am here?"

Lowry raised his eyebrows and smiled a little mysteriously at Li Xiaoman, "This Miss Li does not need to ask more. The mountain people have their own tricks. As long as you are on this earth, Miss Li, the president will be able to find you. The wind is outside. , I'll take Miss Li back home first."

When the words fell, Lowry thought that Long Sihao had something wrong with his body. He wanted to tell Li Xiaoman that Long Sihao might have been poisoned by mustard.

But when it came to his mouth, he thought about it again, and felt that the test results had not yet come out. If he was not sure about it, she would only worry her.

Moreover, their president also gave orders, and they were not allowed to disclose to Li Xiaoman half of his physical discomfort, and he did not dare to disobey the order.

When Li Xiaoman saw that he suddenly stopped talking, he looked at him and asked, "Lot, what are you thinking?"

"Nothing!" Lowry raised an eyebrow and squinted at her. "Miss Li, the president should go to the company. I'll take you back first."

Huo Yunene saw Li Xiaoman leave in Lowry's car. He wanted to know Li Xiaoman's specific address, so he followed behind Lowry.

However, Lowry seemed to have noticed that someone was following him. He made a large circle in the city and dumped Huo Yunene before sending Li Xiaoman back to Shuilu Lake.

During this period, Li Xiaoman knew that he was deliberately going around the circle, but did not ask him why, because her thoughts had always been on Long Sihao.

Long Sihao said to ask her to give him the most perfect explanation. She was thinking, how to interpret it to be perfect.

Lowry sent her back to Shuluhu Island Villa safely, and left.

After returning to the villa, Li Xiaoman heard from the housekeeper that he didn't know that the driver who sent her to Antai Cemetery didn't come back in advance, but took a baffling phone call and walked away.

It happened that the driver had just driven away for a while, and she and Huo Yunene went to the parking lot.

Huo Yunene took the opportunity to say to send her.

Looking back now, she thinks that the sudden departure of the driver may be related to Huo Yunene, or that Huo Yunene will appear in Antai Cemetery today is not a coincidence at all.

She didn't think too much about these things, because now for her, the most important thing is to wait for Long Sihao to come back, and then give him a perfect explanation.

Waiting for someone is the most painful.

She waited on the left and waited until Long Shihao did not return when it was dark. During that period, she also called on the phone. Like yesterday, Long Sihao's secretary also picked up and told her that Long Sihao was in person. An important customer.

Long Sihao didn't return to the villa for two consecutive days, and Li Xiaoman didn't pick him up every time he fought.

On the third day, she began a deliberate hunger strike, and said that Long Sihao would not return, she would not eat. When he came back, she would start eating.

In fact, for the sake of the baby in the belly, she secretly ate, she just forced Long Sihao to return with a hunger strike.

At this time, she was sitting on the round bed in her and Long Sihao's bedroom|, standing in front of her with six maids.

Each of these six people is eating.

In addition to them, there is also the housekeeper Cheng Cheng of the villa.

Seven people are persuading her to eat, no matter what they say, she just doesn’t eat.

Uncle Butler Cheng looked at her solemnly, "Young lady, I have called Lott to help. The young master should come back soon. You eat a little first. You still have the baby. How can you not eat?"

Li Xiaoman frowned slightly and dropped his eyes. "Uncle Cheng, you don't need to say anything. I won't eat anything if I don't see Si Hao."

The six maids looked at her and looked at each other differently.

One of the maids is Li Xue, who is very friendly with Chen Lan, who tried every possible means to lead Long Sihao.

When she saw Li Xiaoman refused to eat, she shuddered and bowed her head, shiveringly persuaded: "Small... Young lady, you... If you don't eat, less... The young master will leave us. , I... we can only come in here, young lady, please forgive us."

The other maid also lowered her head and persuaded: "Mrs. Young, you can eat a little! If you don't eat, the young master will be angry."

"Mrs. Young... just eat it!"

"Young lady..."


The six maids persuaded again.

Seeing that the six women began to persuade again, Li Xiaoman still didn't eat, and the clear water eyes kept looking at the direction of the bedroom door.

Maid Li Xue walked in front of Li Xiaoman with a steaming bowl of blood-enhancing Antai Wuji soup, shivering and shouting: "Young lady, this is the black chicken soup stewed in the kitchen, you drink a little."

"I don't drink, take it away."

Since Li Xiaoman kept looking at the bedroom door, I didn't notice that Li Xue's blood-enriching Antai Wuji soup was delivered to her, and she said that she slenderly swayed it subconsciously.


Because of her wave, Li Xue's blood-enhancing Antai Wuji soup was overturned, and the hot blood-enhancing Antai Wuji soup was scattered on her hands and feet.

Hearing Li Xue's scream, Li Xiaoman immediately looked back and looked at Li Xue.

At this time, Li Xue frowned tightly, with a pained expression, and the spilled blood-enhancing Antai Wuji soup was spilled on her hands and feet, because the Wuji soup was still very hot, so her hands were already red.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman stood up, a trace of guilt crossed in the clear water eyes, and her eyebrows narrowed, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I look at your hand."

Then she went to see Li Xue's hand. When Li Xue saw it, she stepped back and forth and said apologetically, "Young lady, no... it's not your business, I'm not careful."

Li Xiaoman glanced at her apologetically, then looked at the housekeeper again, "Uncle Cheng, please send her to see the doctor."

Li Xue heard the words and looked at Li Xiaoman very embarrassedly and said repeatedly: "Young lady, no need, no need to see a doctor, I am really okay, I just apply some medicine myself."

Seeing her frown tight, Li Xiaoman glanced at her red-hot hands again and frowned deeply, "Uncle Cheng, please trouble you."

The butler looked at Li Xue and then looked at Li Xiaoman slightly nodded. "Young lady, don't worry, I will send her to the hospital immediately."

Uncle Cheng just took Li Xue out of the bedroom, and Long Sihao, who heard about her hunger strike, walked in.

Seeing Long Sihao, Li Xiaoman's eyes were a little bit red. She stood on the spot, a pair of clear water eyes tightly gazing at his handsome face that made her think about going crazy in the past two days.

The five maids in the bedroom came out of the bedroom when they saw Long Sihao returning to him with respectful nods.

Long Sihao walked to the site in front of Li Xiaoman, and narrowed her eyes.

Seeing her staring at him momentarily, he suddenly tilted down the handsome body, his long white fingers lightly touched her jaw, and gazed softly at him, bending his lips and smiling, "Why keep looking at me? Don’t you think I’m more handsome than the other day?”

The familiar face, the gentle eyes, the gentle voice, and the gentle smile, the tears that made Li Xiaoman uncontrollably fell instantly.

"It's very handsome. The handsome people are angry. The handsome world is all overshadowed."

When the words fell, she plunged into Long Sihao's arms, and her slender hands hugged him tightly, "Si Hao, I was wrong. I shouldn't have waited for you to come back. Antai Cemetery, after Huo Yunene went to my uncle’s house, he shouldn’t have drove him away. I shouldn’t talk to him, or let him appear in my three steps. Don’t regenerate me. ? Don't come back."


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