Long Sihao looked down at Li Xiaoman, who apologized in his arms, a guilt flashed in his narrow and long eyes, and she hugged her in distress.

In fact, the day before yesterday he was not really angry with her, he just left by that incident, and only then would not cause her suspicion.

He has been checking for the past two days, and he didn't mean not to come back.

Now he dare not get along with her for too long, he is afraid that she will notice the strangeness of his body, he does not want her to worry.

The day before yesterday, she personally prepared a table for him. When he came back and waited all night, these uncles told him that he knew.

At this moment he felt very sorry for her, she was not wrong, she did not need to apologize to him, the person who really should apologize was him.

His big white hand held her beautiful face lightly, narrow eyes stared at her with guilt, "Xiao Xiao, you're not wrong, you don't have to apologize to me, it's me who apologizes, I'm sorry these days I ignored is you."

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at him a little surprised, "Si Hao, you apologize to me, don't you have the perfect explanation?"

Long Sihao closed his arms and hugged her tightly, "Xiaoxiao, I don't want anything, I just want you."

Thinking of her hunger strike, he let go of her a bit and gazed at her with a deep gaze, "Xiao Xiao, no more hunger strike in the future, it's okay for you to be hungry, don't be hungry for my little baby."

Li Xiaoman glared at him, "biased."

Seeing her frown, Long Sihao looked at her with a smile, "Why? Jealous, I think I care about the small but not the big one?"

"How can I be so stingy?" Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows to him, his eyes soft, "Si Hao, what have you been doing these two days? Why didn't you come back? Are you really angry with me?"

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at her and tapped her head slightly, a thin tone came out of her thin lips, "Uh."

Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes and glanced at him. The word "Unbelief" was written on Qingli's small face, "Si Hao, I want to hear the truth."

"Okay," Long Sihao gazed softly at her, and pulled her down on the bed|, then bent her lower lip, "I deliberately."

"You..." Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes. Why is this bad man so bad?

Then she threw herself into his arms again, slender hands hugging him tightly, "Si Hao, then you will not deliberately not come back?"

Long Sihaojun frowned, his deep eyes flashed a complex color, if he could, he would not be separated from her in his life, and wished to be with her all the time.

Without hearing his answer, Li Xiaoman raised his eyes tightly to his handsome and confusing face, and raised his eyebrows slightly, "Si Hao, what's wrong?"

"Xiaoxiao, if I can't be by your side because of something, will you take care of yourself?"

Long Sihao's narrow and narrow eyes looked at her tightly, fearing to miss half of the expression on her face.

"Are you going to leave again?" Li Xiaoman's clear eyes flashed a touch of loss and reluctance, she put her head close to his arms, "Si Hao, if you really can't come back, I will Take care of yourself and wait for you to come back."

Hearing her answer, Long Sihao was both relieved and heartbroken, and his narrow and long eyes were filled with reluctance and pain.

He asked tentatively: "Xiao Xiao, what will you do if I can't come back one day?"

His words frightened Li Xiaoman. She was startled, her face pale, and immediately raised her head from his arms. The clear water eyes stared at him, "Si Hao, what's wrong with you? Why are you doing this? Question? Why can't you come back again? Did something happen?"

Seeing Li Xiaoman's worried face, Long Sihao lowered his head and gently kissed her lips, and looked at her with a petting smile, "Silly girl, nothing happened, don't worry, I just asked casually, there is no banquet in the world, and there is always a death."

He said the clouds were light and windy, but Li Xiaoman was frightened to listen.

She didn't allow him to say dead words, she lost her mother, she was afraid that some relatives would leave her.

Especially Long Sihao, if he leaves her, she will not survive.

Without him, she has no meaning in this world.

She glanced at him with puzzled and worried eyes, "Si Hao, what the **** are you doing? Why do you say these things suddenly? Don't you hide me? Are you telling me what happened?"

Long Sihao's fair-skinned hands caressed her worried face, gazing at her spoiledly, and bent her lips to smile, "Silly girl, don't you let you not worry about it blindly? Look at you, if you have nothing to worry about, if so I don’t know what’s going on with you one day?”

Li Xiaoman did not hesitate and responded firmly: "Yes!"

Immediately, her slender little hand also touched Long Sihao's beautiful and confusing face, and looked at him tenderly and affectionately, "Si Hao, I will not leave you again, nor will you leave me, I will be with you in this life and this world. If you live or die, you will live if you live, and you will live if you die, and I will not live alone in this world."

Her words of life and death made Long Sihao moved, but worried, he was afraid that if he had something, she would do something stupid.

She is so young, how can he bear it?

"Xiaoxiao..." Long Sihao looked at her lightly, lowering her head to kiss her lips, her long tongue drove straight in, hooked her lilac tongue, entangled, and allowed to suck.

It seemed to be instilling all the thoughts and misses and distress for her in these days into this kiss, he kissed it urgently and deeply.

Li Xiaoman was breathless when he kissed him, but she didn't want him to stop. She wanted him to kiss deeper and more violently.

She responded enthusiastically to him, wanting him to truly feel her love for him.

In the quiet bedroom, only two people kissed, the temperature increased, and the air spread ambiguously.

Long Sihao picked her up and laid it gently on the round bed, leaned down, and the hot kiss slid along her slender neck.

Each of his hot kisses fell, Li Xiaoman's body would provoke a shudder, her beautiful little face was blushing red, and a layer of emotional mist in the clear eyes.

"Si Hao..." Her voice was husky and very tempting.

Long Sihao's scorching eyes fell on her charming and charming face, her heart throbbed and her emotions endlessly.

At this moment, he wanted her very much, but his Xiaoxiao was still pregnant, so he tried his best to suppress that desire.

He kissed her lips and sat up.

Li Xiaoman saw that he got up suddenly, she frowned slightly, and was very distressed to him, she knew he was afraid of hurting her and their children.

But he is a normal man, has it been hard to endure this way?

She also sat up, and the clear water eyes looked at him distressedly, "Si Hao, you..."

Not knowing what to say, Li Xiaoman lowered his head in shame and said blushing: "When the baby is born, I will compensate you."

Seeing her blush, Long Sihao narrowed her eyes with smiles, stretched her long arms, took her into her arms, lowered her head and kissed her white forehead, "Well, I'm waiting for Xiao Xiao's compensation ..."

Speaking of which, his thin lips were attached to her ears, his deep voice with a hint of hoarseness, "It is best to compensate ten times a day."

Li Xiaoman looked at him blushing, "Ten times? Si Hao, do you want to kill yourself?"

"Hehe..." Long Sihao grinned and hugged her, "Relax, I will only get more and more courageous."

As if it had been a long time since he heard these "bad" words, Li Xiaoman's eyes were slightly reddish, his clear eyes were full of smiles, and his soft eyes looked at him tightly, "Si Hao, where are you today?" Don’t go anymore, will you stay with me?"

She rarely offered to let him stay with her, but today she really wanted to stay with her.

Without him by her side, she spends seconds.

It turns out she also sticks to people.

Long Sihao saw her rare to let him stay with her. His narrow eyes were also filled with smiles, and his eyes gazed at her spoiledly, responding: "Okay! I will not go anywhere today to accompany you. ."

Seeing that he promised, Li Xiaoman's eyes were hot and moistened a little, and he moved tightly in his arms, "Thank you Si Hao."

Today, Long Sihao didn’t say anything, didn’t go anywhere, and was always with her. When he couldn’t help but want to cough, he tried hard to suppress it. Fortunately, he didn’t vomit blood and feel dizzy today. .

In the evening, Long Sihao didn't leave, and after spending her dinner with her, accompanied her for a while.

Pregnant women are not suitable for sleeping late and staying up late, so Long Sihao let her rest early and accompany her.

Next day

The early winter sunshine lazily shines through the large floor-to-ceiling windows, adding a bit of warmth to the luxurious bedroom.

Round bed | The two of them slept very peacefully and warmly.

Suddenly, a ring of mobile phone rang, waking up the two people who were asleep.

When Li Xiaoman woke up and saw Long Sihao still beside her, her eyes were full of smiles.

"Xiao Xiao, early." Long Sihao gazed at her tenderly, and kissed her lips, holding her slim waist tightly in one hand, and holding the mobile phone resting on the bedside in the other.

Seeing it was Lowry, he only said "I won't go to the company today, and the sky doesn't allow me to make a phone call" when I got connected.

After putting the phone down, he looked down at the smiling little woman in his arms, because when he woke up, his voice was deep and mellow, with a trace of laziness and husky, "Xiao Xiao, I'm not going anywhere today, happy? "

Li Xiaoman looked at him with a smile and nodded, his affectionate eyes locked his handsome face, "Of course happy."

When the words fell, she put her lips together and kissed him on the lips.

She was about to retreat, and Long Sihao's thin lips pressed tightly against her lips, deepening the kiss.

Long Sihao kissed her while her big white hands walked over her.

Because of the pregnancy, her body was fuller than before the pregnancy, especially the xiong department, which was a size larger than before the pregnancy, which made his hot big palm somewhat uncontrollable.


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