But now the sharp end of Li Xiaoman's hand rests on her wrist. He dare not step forward and fear that she will do stupid things.

She hurt herself like this, and it hurts him more than she hurt him.

He tried to calm himself down as much as possible, trying not to stimulate her to make excessive moves.

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes and looked at Long Sihao with tears in his eyes, with a firm tone, "Long Sihao, let me go, otherwise, I will die to show you."

Long Sihao narrowed his narrowed eyes and gazed at her sharply. Junmei's face kept as calm as possible, and said in a deep voice: "Xiaoxiao, you can't threaten me, you won't do it, you still have a daughter, you Will she please?"

He said that Li Xiaoman could not threaten him, but his clenched hands tremble, once again revealing his tension, worry and fear.

Li Xiaoman tickled the corner of his lower lip, tears in his eyes and rain, and the words were decided, "Long Sihao, I would rather die than stay here again and continue to be insulted."

There was no scene of Long Sihao protecting Ji Yuqing before, so even if she was forced to roll the sheets by Long Sihao, she didn't want to make such an excessive move.

But now, she feels that since Long Sihao cares about other women so much, she is still trapped here to force her to have a relationship with her.

Her temperament is relatively strong, she can't accept being humiliated, and Long Sihao can't accept her as a tool for venting her desire.

She would rather die than let Long Sihao touch her again.

She couldn't accept that there were women besides her beside him.

Long Sihao saw that Li Xiaoman was wet with tears on Qingli's face with a decisive expression. His eyes were cold. He also bent down and picked up a piece of debris. The sharp end was drawn towards his own wrist. The bleeding blood soon stained his hands.

His crimson narrow eyes stared at her, "Xiao Xiao, since you can't die with the Qu, then you die with the same hole, are you going to die? I'll accompany you, listen well, my Long Sihao would rather die with you than Let you go, don't you want to leave me, you can't die."

Li Xiaoman's sorrowful eyes fell on his wrists, seeing that his wrists were also stained with bright red blood. Although he was so angry and hurt so badly, she couldn't bear to watch him die.

The tears in her water eyes froze and left out, her hands loose, the blood-stained fragments slipped to the ground, and her eyes closed, she said with a crying cry: "Long Sihao, you won, you won..."

Long Sihao saw that she had loosened the broken porcelain, and she was relieved in her heart, afraid that she would pick up the broken porcelain again and hurt herself. He quickly rushed to her in front of the curtain, holding her tightly, He gazed at her deeply, and shouted: "Li Xiaoman, if you dare to do such a stupid thing in the future, I will tie you up and let you completely lose your freedom."

When the words fell, he immediately hugged her sideways, and walked upstairs to their bedroom very quickly, and ordered the doctor to come to the villa.

Back in the bedroom, he laid Li Xiaoman flat on the round bed|, and hurriedly took out the medicine box to stop bleeding for her first.

Fortunately, her wound is long but not deep.

When the doctor arrived at the villa, he first asked the doctor to treat her wounds, and the wound on his own wrist was just wrapped with a piece of gauze. As for the burns on his chest and back, he was completely ignored by him. The hearts are tied to Li Xiaoman.

After seeing the doctor dressing up for Li Xiaoman, he asked the doctor what he should pay attention to, and was assured that her wound was not deep and would not leave scars.

There was Ji Yuqing who had studied nursing in the villa. The general cuts were trivial to her, and she could do it. She did not need to call a doctor at all, but Long Sihao was not at ease and did not want Ji Yuqing to go for Li. Xiaoman bandaged. After the last thing, he faintly realized that Li Xiaoman was very mindful of the presence of Ji Yuqing, otherwise, she would not make such an excessive move.

From this point, it can be proved that she does not care about him at all.

After the doctor left, Long Sihao sat next to Li Xiaoman, his distressed eyes fell on her bandaged wrist, frowned and asked, "How do you like it? Does it still hurt?"

When the words fell, he was about to take her hand, only to remember that his hand was also injured. The gauze wrapped around his wrist had been reddened by blood, and the pain from the wound made him frown.

Just now, he was nervous and worried, so he ignored the pain caused by the injury on his own body. At this time, Li Xiaoman was okay. He rested his heart, and then he felt more than pain from his wrist, chest and There was also a burning pain in the back.

Seeing that his clothes were dirty, he narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Xiaoman, his thin lips light, his voice low and clear, "I’m going to take a bath, you lie down for a while, wait for me to come out and give you Cook it."

Hearing his words, Li Xiaoman, who had not made a noise, raised his eyes to him, and the light fell on his chest.

The white silk shirt he wore unbuttoned the top three buttons, revealing a muscular chest.

But at this moment, his original white chest was dark red, very shocking.

Her heart trembled, and her eyes fell on his wrists. Seeing that the gauze wrapped around his wrists had been invaded by bright red blood, her eyes were reddish, and her clear eyes crossed a touch of distress.

Long Sihao saw that her eyes had always been on him. He frowned slightly and dropped the sentence "I'm going to take a bath" before entering the bathroom.

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows tightly after he entered the bathroom. After struggling for a while, he slowly got out of bed and endured his physical discomfort into the bathroom.

As soon as she entered, she heard Long Sihao's depressed mumble.

He just took off his shirt and turned his back to her.

When Li Xiaoman raised his eyes, he saw that his original white back was also dark red and had peeled off. If it was not handled well, it would leave traces.

Gazing at his scalded back, the tears in Li Xiaoman's pair fell instantly.

She was so angry that she just poured everything on him, but she didn't expect him to be so hot.

Tears drowned, she looked at him and cried, "Long Sihao, you are a big bastard. You will always be ruthless than me. You win me by hurting yourself. You don't love you. You don’t love yourself, why should I feel sorry for you?"

Hearing the cry of Li Xiaoman behind him, Long Sihao's body stiffened, and then turned around. When he saw that she was already in tears, his handsome eyebrows were deep and his eyes were thick. Distressed.

He pressed his lips lightly, his voice low, "I'm a jerk, I deserve it, so I didn't plan to heal it, just let it scar."

He turned around, and Li Xiaoman's eyes fell on his chest again, and the shocking red formed a sharp contrast with the fair skin around him.

She bit her lower lip tightly, her eyes full of tears looked at him painfully, and then he went out of the bathroom. Afterwards, she walked out of the bedroom under the discomfort of her body, but saw Ji Yuqing standing outside the bedroom.

When Ji Yuqing saw Li Xiaoman, she stepped forward and looked at her and asked, "Miss Li, how are you? Are you okay? Mr. Long, he..."

Without asking, Ji Yuqing handed the scald and sterilization medicine and gauze to Li Xiaoman, and told her what to do and what to pay attention to before turning to leave.

Li Xiaoman looked at her back and stopped her aloud.

"Wait, you still help him yourself..."

Ji Yuqing didn't wait for her to finish, and turned to look at her, and said calmly, "Miss Li, Mr. Long won't let me bandage him."

After a pause, she looked up at Li Xiaoman again and said, "Miss Li, Mr. Long cares about you very much. Please don't force him to let you go."

"Mr. Long?" Li Xiaoman took a deep breath after hearing Ji Yuqing's title to Long Sihao, and then summoned the courage to ask: "What is your relationship...?"

Ji Yuqing smirked her lips gently and smiled, "Miss Li, my relationship with Mr. Long is not what you think. Mr. Long is a benefactor to me. Also, I just live here temporarily, and I will soon Leave, Miss Li, you must not misunderstand Mr. Long because of me."

After watching Li Xiaoman finish, Ji Yuqing didn't say more, so he turned and left.


Because of Ji Yuqing's words, Li Xiaoman fell into a moment of deep thought and stood outside the bedroom for a while before she returned with medicine.

Long Sihao has been washed out and is wearing clothes.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman stepped forward to him step by step and handed him the medicine in his hand.

Long Sihao looked at it and didn't take it. After buttoning the button of his shirt, he said something to cook for her, and turned to go outside the bedroom.

When he was about to walk out of the bedroom door, Li Xiaoman called out to him, "Long Sihao, I am not hungry."

Hearing Li Xiaoman's voice behind him, Long Sihao only slightly paused and left the bedroom.

When Li Xiaoman saw him leave, Xiumei's eyebrows rose tightly, staring at the medicine in his hand. The emotion in his heart was very complicated, and he couldn't help but think of what Long Sihao just said.

Life can't die with the same point, five years ago, he also said that she died with the same point, but the person who let it go five years ago was him.

He would rather die with her instead of letting her leave. It is impossible for her to leave here.

It's just that she has been "missing" for two or three days. Yanyan must be very worried about her, but she has no way to contact Yanyan or leave.

Long Sihao left for a while and then came back again, still holding the face that rolled in her hand.

As he walked in, the shredded noodle soup in his hand rolled into the face, and the smell of Li Xiaoman, who was familiar with the fragrance, raised his head, his eyes stunned and looked at the dragon that came in. Si Hao.

When he approached, her eyes fell on his hands. When she saw that the shredded noodle soup was on his hands, her eyes were red, and she was instantly wet.

Even after five years, she still remembers very well. On the first night they started to live together, the first noodles Long Sihao made for her was the shredded noodle soup.


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