A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 362: Eat enough and want to exercise?

She still remembers the taste of the hand-rolled noodles in the shredded meat soup he made for her for the first time. It is the most delicious hand-rolled noodles she has ever had in her life.

The beauty, happiness, and movement that once had hit her heart like rolling tide, making the tears in her eyes uncontrollably slipping down more violently.

When Long Sihao saw her, it was like tears in the rain. He sat down next to her with his hands rolled up. His narrow eyes narrowly looked at her, and his eyes were deep. Drowning with pets, "How hungry are you? All cry into tears."

As the words fell, his sharp fingers wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes and face, and then raised her face to feed her.

Li Xiaoman's eyes fell on his cut wrist. The white gauze was completely red with the blood flowing from the wound, and he even went to roll her for her. She knew that the roll was to be used very much. Forceful...

Didn't he know he was injured? Why does this man not care about his body so much?

The tears couldn't stop falling, her heart was both moving and distressed.

Tears glanced at him dimly, she bit her lower lip tightly and asked with tears: "Long Sihao, what do you want? Do you want to use this trick to touch me? Do you even if you die?" Distressed."

"If I don't feel distressed for me, I won't win you just now. I'll eat noodles first." Long Sihao narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at her softly, then he provoked noodles and fed them into her mouth.

The noodle entrance is delicious and very delicious, so Li Xiaoman who wanted to spit it out couldn't bear to spit it out.

The long-lost familiar taste made the tears in her eyes slip even more violently.

Seeing that her tears could not stop falling, Long Sihao picked up a chopstick face and stuffed it directly into her mouth. Then he freed up a hand to wipe the tears for her, and looked at her deeply, "I refuse to accept it." Do you feel that your face is not good enough to contain your tears?"

He didn't understand Li Xiaoman's words for a moment, and he stared at him stunnedly. He was about to ask him what he meant, so he spoke first.

He picked up a pair of chopsticks and fed them into her mouth again. She bent her lips and continued, "The noodles are already full of flavor. You should drop a few more tears. Are you afraid of killing yourself?"

Li Xiaoman glanced at him deeply, and then he understood what he meant.

She blinked her tearful eyes, and looked at him with some surprise, he was joking with her? He was joking with her?

She remembered that they had just made troubles.

Shouldn't he be angry with her, or should he not wait to see her?

He still wants to joke with her?

He is changing her way to stop her crying.

She lowered her eyes, pushed her tears back hard, and stretched out her hands to face Long Sihao, "I will come by myself."

"Your hand is hurt, it's inconvenient!" Long Sihao narrowed his eyes, gazing at her with a deep gaze, and then grabbed the noodle from her hand, and then fed her gently.

Li Xiaoman didn't **** the noodles back, but rather opened the mouth with a very good cooperation and let him feed the noodles into her mouth.

The tears in her eyes never broke, and a pair of watery and clear eyes looked at him tightly, and the heart was already choppy.

If so many things didn't happen, she really wanted to cry into his arms at this moment, not crying sadly, but moving.

This man, regardless of whether it was five years ago or now, is so enthralling.

Long Sihao's eyes were also wet, and a pair of long narrow eyes gazed at her tightly, her eyes became more and more gentle and spoiled, and her lips smiled lightly. This moment is the happiest and warmest since they reunited for five years. A moment.

He hopes that time will always stay at this moment.

Li Xiaoman ate up a large bowl of noodles, and he didn't even drink any soup.

Long Sihao wiped her lips gently with a gentle motion and stood up with a bowl ready to leave.


Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman stretched out his hand and grabbed him, but what she stretched out was the cut hand, and it was also Long Sihao’s injured hand. Both injured people frowned at the same time. Li Xiaoman's face paled a bit.

Seeing her face pale, Long Sihao sat down after he put down the bowl. His narrow eyes looked at her tightly. His deep eyes flashed with distress and anger, and he lowered his face and said: "Do you know it hurts? Don’t cut the broken pieces of the bowl, take a chainsaw, and cut off your hands in one go. It’s effortless.”

Although he said so on his mouth, his narrow eyes were full of distress. The big white hand gently picked up her injured little hand and put it on his lips for a while.

Li Xiaoman gave a hint of warmth in his heart, and looked at him kindly, "Long Sihao, do you have a conscience?"

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes narrowly, glanced at her indifferently, thin lips lightly, "No, my conscience was stolen by a woman without conscience."

He glanced at him deeply and Li Xiaoman lowered his eyes. She knew that the unconscienceful woman Long Sihao said was her without asking.

She slowly withdrew the small hand held by Long Sihao, only to remember that he had not taken the medicine yet, so she picked up the medicine that was set aside and unbuttoned his shirt without saying a word.

Long Sihao saw that she reached out and unbuttoned the button for him. His narrow eyes gazed at her, his thin lips were light, his voice was low and beautiful, "I want to exercise just to eat to lose weight?"

Seeing the handsome man in front of him regaining his previous unhealthy nature, Li Xiaoman slightly twitched the corner of his lower lip, glanced at him, and said nothing, and continued to undress him.

Since he would take advantage of everything he said, she might as well not say it.

Long Sihao didn't stop her, but gazed at her gently, the cold lines on her beautiful face softened, her lips outlined a charming smile, and her voice was low and hoarse, " Li Xiaoman, do you think we are back when we were living together..."

Speaking of which, his big white hands caressed her beautiful and moving face, her deep voice softened a bit, and her gaze gazed at her with a bit of searing heat, "we can go back if you want."

Because of his words, Li Xiaoman's movements in his hands, complex emotions flashed in the clear eyes, looked up at him, then dropped his eyes and fell on his scalded chest.

The dark red piece made her heart tremble, and her clear eyes crossed a touch of distress.

Without hesitation, she taught her according to Ji Yuqing, sprayed him with sterilization medicine first, then applied the scald medicine to the gauze and attached it to the burned part on his chest.

Dealing with the scald on the chest, when the scald on the back was treated for him, the tears she had stopped immediately fell down.

The back was hotter than the chest. It was peeling when she saw it. She was very distressed, and her clear eyes were filled with guilt.

When applying medicine to her, she obviously felt that he was stiff because of the pain.

Biting her lower lip tightly, she whispered with guilt: "Long Sihao, I'm sorry!"

Hearing her apology, Long Sihao shivered and turned around. The narrow, narrow eyes looked at her with tears in disbelief. "Are you apologizing to me? Am I wrong?"

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes to him, tears in his eyes, and chuckled: "Long Sihao, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I... I was out of control for a while..."

Long Sihao narrowed his narrowed eyes and looked at her gently, and asked in a low voice, "Why is it out of control?"


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