A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 387: Mommy, my stomach hurts

He has been looking for her for the past five years, but he didn't expect to meet again. She actually has a daughter?

So is this cute and sweet daughter her and Long Sihao?

The heart seemed to be stabbed with a sharp blade, and the pain spread between them.

He raised his eyes and looked at Li Xiaoman with a sorrowful eyes, and the magnetic voice was mixed with pain. "Manman, do you have a daughter? Are you married? And Long Sihao?"

Li Xiaoman did not return Huo Yunene, pretending not to know him, took Xiao Yanyan's hand and turned to enter the airport.

"Manman..." Seeing this, Huo Yunene strode forward immediately and stopped Li Xiaoman.

Li Xiaoman raised his eyes, looking at Huo Yunene with a plain gaze, and said alienated, "Sir, I'm going to board the plane, please let me go."

Huo Yunene stood in front of Li Xiaoman like a mountain, standing still, and her ink eyes stared closely at her beautiful and moving face, and her eyes were filled with complex emotions, shock, surprise, joy , Grief, miss, etc.

Xiao Yanyan saw that her uncle had stopped her and her mum. She narrowed her eyes and stared at Huo Yunene for a while. Then she swiftly moved, frowned, her small hand covered her stomach, and squatted down. Shouting painfully: "Ouch! Mommy... Um... my stomach hurts... Mommy... wooh... Mommy, my stomach hurts..."

When the words fell, Xiao Yanyan looked up at Huo Yunene again, blinking her pure, star-like eyes, and said uncomfortably: "Uncle, my stomach...it hurts...you let go..."

Huo Yunene looked down at Xiao Yanyan with an uncomfortable expression, Jun Mei frowned, raised his eyes to Li Xiaoman, or let it go.

When Li Xiaoman saw him let go, he picked up Xiao Yanyan and entered the airport.

Huo Yunene did not follow up, but ordered a cold-faced bodyguard beside him to investigate Li Xiaoman's whereabouts.

And Xiao Yanyan was pretending to have a stomachache. As soon as she entered the airport, she didn't call her stomachache, but looked at her dear mommy curiously, and asked in a childish voice: "Mommy, who was the uncle just now Ah? He seems to know you very well! Does he like you?"

Li Xiaoman’s expression on Qingli’s face was dull, and her eyes looked softly at Xiao Yanyan, who was hugged by her. “I don’t know him. How do I know if he likes me? I don’t like it anyway.”

Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows, and the smiling **** looked at her mysteriously, "I know who Mommy likes."

Mysterious Xiao Yanyan, who smiled, Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes slightly, "Who do I like?"

Xiao Yanyan stretched out her delicate little finger at the position of Li Xiaoman's heart, and raised the eyebrow of her eyebrows, saying: "Who does Mommy like, Mommy's heart is very clear."

Her words made Li Xiaoman think of Long Sihao, but he felt a pain in his heart, and Xiu frowned a little.

Although she and Xiao Yanyan have been away from the villa for two days, and he hasn't appeared in these two days, she still doesn't quite believe that Long Sihao really let her go so easily, he didn't say never again Let her leave him?

Why did she let her go so easily?

When she was in the villa, she hoped Long Sihao let her go, but he really let her go, but in her heart...

Since falling in love with Long Sihao, she feels that she is not like a normal person, her psychology is always so contradictory, thinking this way and that way.

After successfully returning to city h, she has been busy moving her studio to city k.

A month later, her "many jewelry design studio" was established in K city.

Many jewelry first entered K city, in order to open the market in K city and enhance the popularity and fame of many jewelry, she held a jewelry exchange party in the name of many designers, the venue was located in the same place with the Dihua International Hotel in Asia Hong Hotel.

The reception invited local political and business celebrities, as well as competitors in the same industry.


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