A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 398: Long Shao, God appeared again

After the last New York Jewellery Show, many designers were even more famous, and many designers acted in a low-key manner and rarely showed up. The invited guests heard that many designers would attend this exchange reception, and they all wanted to see this As a rookie in the jewelry industry, all the invited guests are here.

At this time, there are already many famous cars outside the Yahong Hotel.

The person in charge of the reception was Li Xiaoman's assistant Jiang Yiyi. She wore a light blue tube top dress, petite and exquisite figure, with a light makeup, beautiful face and a touch of playfulness.

She was carrying red wine and was talking to the vice president of Enli Jewelry.

Enli Jewelry only entered K City three years ago. Although it is not as good as te, Huo's magnificent jewelry is famous, but now it has established a foothold in K City and has its own consumer group.

Today, Xiao Yanyan, wearing a pink mini dress, with a sweet smile on her face, took a small step to Jiang Yiyi's side. After seeing her talk with the vice president of Enli Jewelry, she took her aside. .

"Sister Yiyi, did you call Mommy? Why hasn't Mommy come down yet? Did Mommy oversleep on it?"

Jiang Yiyi looked down at Xiao Yanyan with a playful smile, "Maybe Yanyan is here to help me entertain me, I'll go to Xiaoman's room to see?"

Xiao Yanyan glanced at the guests in the lower hall. "Sister Yiyi still entertains here. I'll go see Mummy."

When the words fell, Xiao Yanyan turned and walked two steps and then stopped, raising her eyebrows at Jiang Yiyi's mysterious smile, "Sister Yiyi, my uncle cousin will come soon. Sister Yiyi remember to take care of my uncle well!" "

"Ok!" Jiang Yiyi made an ok gesture towards Xiao Yanyan, and her eyes smiled like a crescent moon, "Yan Yan, can you go alone?"

The reception was in the lobby on the third floor, and Li Xiaoman was in a room on the fifth floor of the hotel.

She is wearing a **** white dress with European and American colorful stones and is standing in front of the mirror in the room.

What she wore today was Xiao Yanyan and Jiang Yiyi personally selected for her. She originally planned to go out at the beginning of the reception, but now she dare not go out.

Because the dress on her body is too transparent, this dress is ultra-transparent tulle design at the waist and below the thighs, she wears this dress is equivalent to wearing only a bikini.

Her eyebrows were tight and wrinkled, and she was entangled in whether she had to change into the clothes she was wearing before going out, and a deep, familiar voice rang from behind her.

"Are you sure you want to dress like this?"

Because of this familiar voice, Li Xiaoman was shocked, and the **** bright eyes stared blankly at the handsome man Long Sihao who appeared in the mirror in front of her. The eyes were full of shock, but he did not turn around. Look behind.

Since she left the Waterway Lake Villa a month ago, she has never seen Long Sihao, and he has never been to her.

This month she actually had a very hard time, thinking about him every day, her heart was sad, sad, lost...

She thought that he would not appear in front of her again, would not come to her again, but did not find him to appear today.

The invitation list for today's cocktail party did not have him. Why did he come? Still running into her room, how did he know she was there?

The most important thing is how did he come in? Where is his house card?

Why can this man break into her room so divinely every time?

It was this time at the Plaza Hotel in New York, and this time too.

Suddenly, her waist was tight and she was hugged from behind by Long Sihao.

Her body shuddered, and the familiar clear breath lingered between her noses, making her breathing slightly tight and her heart beating a little faster.

Long Sihao buried her head in her white and beautiful neck, her thin lips kissed her jade neck, her voice was low and hoarse, "Xiaoxiao, miss me?"

His kiss flowed through Li Xiaoman's body with an electric current, causing Li Xiaoman's body to tremble.

Li Xiaoman's beautiful face was slightly reddish, and her beautiful eyes narrowed. Her eyes were filled with dissatisfaction. She looked at the handsome man in the mirror who was "disrespectful" at her neck. She turned around and pushed him. open.

"Long Sihao, what are you doing? How did you come in? How do you know I am here?"

With a hint of displeasure in Li Xiaoman's face, Long Sihao raised his eyebrows slightly, smiled with a curvy lip, and joked, "Xiao Xiao, you asked so many questions at once, which one do you want me to answer first? Just met , You thought about exhausting me?"

His words of "want to exhaust him just after meeting" could not help Li Xiaoman thinking of another level.

She glared at Hao and returned to his words lazily, and turned to leave the room.

Seeing this, Long Sihao stretched out his long arm and pulled her into his arms, gazing at her with hot eyes, "Xiao Xiao, I came to see you specifically today, so you won't stay with me I will for a while?"

Li Xiaoman glanced at him and turned his head away. He didn't come to her for a whole month, alienating her deliberately, which made her very unhappy.

"Mr. Long, I am very busy today and I have no time to accompany you... Um..."

Not waiting for her to finish, Long Sihao suddenly lowered his head to seal her temptation|The human lips chewed her lips heavily, before staring at her quietly, "No time to accompany me, free Are you going to accompany other men?"

The lips were bitten by him, Li Xiaoman frowned, and stared at him with a trace of resentment and grievances, "Long Sihao, who the **** do you treat me? Forcibly trapped when you need me You won’t let me go by your side, if you don’t need it, you will ignore it for a month, and don’t listen.”

Hearing her words with a sense of negative energy and grievances, Long Sihao's slender fingers gently pinched her jaw, and the quiet eyes fixed on her, and the bottom of the eyes was full of smiles, "Why, angry? I don’t think I’ve ignored you this month?"

When the words fell, he lowered his head, kissed her pink lips, gazed at her tenderly, and continued: "If I really don't listen to you, how do you know you are in this room? ? How to find it accurately?"

Li Xiaoman took off his hand, took a step back to keep a distance with him, and looked at him plainly, "You say, what do you want to do when you suddenly appear today?"

Long Sihao strode forward again, and pulled her into her arms again, her strong arms tightly hugged her slim waist, and looked at her affectionately, bending her lower lip slightly, her voice ambiguous, "Nothing." Want to do it."

Li Xiaoman's evil and charming man with squinted eyes and smiles, "Long Sihao, is it fun to tease me like this?"

Looking at her with a disgruntled face, Long Sihao lowered her eyebrows, and looked at her with a smile, charmingly smiling, "It's fun."


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