A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 398: The neck is planted with strawberries

"Long Sihao, you big jerk."

Li Xiaoman couldn't bear it anymore. She couldn't care about any lady's temperament or rest quality. She just wanted to tear Long Sihao.

She rushed forward, and when Long Sihao saw it, she did not retreat. She strode forward to take a full embrace, and also picked up her legs and wrapped it around his waist.

Li Xiaoman's slender hands pinched Long Sihao's neck, glaring at him with his teeth, "Long Sihao, I will strangle you."

Long Sihao, with Li Xiaoman on his body, turned around and looked at Xiao Yanyan with a low, soft voice, "Yanyan, I'm going to "extinguish fire" for your mum, go to bed early, whether you hear me or not There’s nothing going on in your mom’s room, don’t come over and knock on the door, baby, good night!"

When the words fell, he held Li Xiaoman and entered the master bedroom directly. The door of the bedroom was closed with a bang.

Seeing that, Xiao Yanyan opened her mouth with big cherry-colored eyes and blinked her pure small eyes. After a while, she closed her mouth, walked into the second bedroom, picked up her mobile phone and called Han Jinxi.

Although this apartment has been empty and unoccupied for the past five years, it is cleaned every day, and all kinds of furniture and appliances are available.

And Xiao Yanyan's second bed was as early as a few days ago, Long Sihao personally arranged for her.

Although the second bedroom is not as big as the master bedroom, it is not too small. It is also a bedroom like the dream kingdom. There are all kinds of toys. The wardrobe is full of hats, skirts, etc. Long Sihao bought for her personally. Wait.

In the master bedroom, there was a mess, the sofa was lying upside down, the pillows were lying on the floor, and they had been torn apart. The velveteen cotton filling the pillows was scattered all over the ground, as if they had just experienced a war.

There are men and women's clothes scattered on the ground, and the middle of the luxurious kingsing bed is overlaid with a man and a woman who are innocent.

Both have snow melt cotton on their hair.

Li Xiaoman's slender hands rested on Long Sihao's muscular chest, his squinted clear water eyes spitting the handsome man on his body, gasping slightly, "Long Sihao, you... if you are today Dare to touch me, I will..."

"You just touched me a hundred times in reverse?" Long Sihao waited for her to finish, and took her words. The narrow and long eyes looked at her tightly, her eyes were hot, and her lips smiled, "I don't mind being hurt you……"

Speaking of which, Long Sihao smiled more and more enchanted, her thin lips attached to her ears, her tongue licked and kissed her ear socket badly, and she uttered a word ambiguously, "Press."

"You..." Li Xiaoman twitched his lips, and the beautiful and charming face was as red as peach blossoms in March.

Her squinted water eyes glared angrily at the appearance of the elegant temperament and the inner soul, but the evil spirits were broken by the soulless man, "Long Sihao, you are really hopeless, you are a stream in an elegant coat | Rogue."

Long Sihao bit her earlobe gently, gazing at her hotly, her voice low and hoarse, "You too, Xiaoliu | rogue."

"You..." The fire in Li Xiaoman's heart rose to the top of her head again, and she couldn't bear it again.

"Long Sihao, I killed you. Your mouth is really bad."

When the words fell, Li Xiaoman took advantage of Long Sihao's failure and turned over with all his strength, pressing Long Sihao under him, and biting him fiercely against his **** thin lips.

When Long Sihao saw this, he took her hand to grab her slim waist, and the other hand clasped the back of her head. The long tongue took the opportunity to poke into her mouth and caught her little tongue.


There was a rude kiss from the two in the bedroom.

Li Xiaoman, who was taken advantage of, wanted to withdraw his lips, and after the helplessness, the head was clasped by Long Sihao's palm. She couldn't lift her head at all, and couldn't retreat. She was forced to kiss him.

She wanted to bite him, but always touched his teeth, or else her lips were bitten by him.

She gasped in pain, but he bit her with a smile.

He kissed her vigorously, biting her, until he saw that she was about to burst into tears, and then he retreated from her lips distressedly, narrow eyes narrowly gazing at her gently, "Xiaoxiao, has the fire gone?"

Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes, his eyes glaring at him, "What do you think?"

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes and raised his lips lightly, sketching a smile of evil charm, "I understand, Xiao Xiao thinks that I am not doing enough at present."

When the words fell, he paused, and the thin lips were attached to her ear again, and his voice was low and hoarsely asked, "Are you ready?"

Li Xiaoman looked at him with puzzled eyes, "What are you ready for?"

"Roll the sheets." Long Sihao bent his lips and smiled, spit out these three words in his thin lips, and then turned over, pressing Li Xiaoman on his body again, hugging her slim waist tightly, kissing her and hugging Watching her roll on the big bed|.

"Hmm...Long...Si Hao, Hmm...I'm dizzy, I'll serve you!"

Li Xiaoman, who was forced to roll over with him on the big bed| was almost dizzy, and she completely served Long Sihao.

There is nothing he can't do in this world, only what he can't think of.

He kissed her like this, turned her over on the bed and rolled over, he was not tired, she was faint.

I don’t know how long it took to roll, before Long Sihao stopped, narrowly gazing at her affectionately, "Xiaoxiao, I love you."

Li Xiaoman, who was about to faint, heard these three words, and his eyes suddenly became wet. The bright water eyes looked at him tightly, and his heart was moved by these three words.

She blinked her eyes, and the mist of tears wet her long eyelashes.

She squeezed her pink lips and made no noise. Long Sihao lowered her head again and kissed her lips. This time he kissed very softly.

Li Xiaoman did not struggle, did not refuse, and gradually closed his eyes, responding to his gentle and intoxicating kiss.


Next day

Li Xiaoman woke up and met a pair of sad eyes.


Li Xiaoman saw it in a blink of an eye, lying on the bed|Looking at her was her baby girl Li Anyan, she sat up in the curtain, looked at her body subconsciously, and saw her wearing a nightgown, She was relieved.

Then she raised her eyebrows and stared at her little Yanyan, and asked softly, "Yanyan, what's wrong? Why did she look at her mom like this early in the morning?"

Xiao Yanyan reached out her delicate little hand, pointed at her slender white neck, blinked her small eyes and asked: "Mummy's neck has been chopped a lot more strawberries."

Once again, Xiao Yanyan discovered the kiss mark left by Long Sihao on the neck, Li Xiaoman Qingli's moving face blushed, and stretched out her hands to gather her nightgown.

Immediately she raised her eyebrows and smiled and asked, "Yanyan, how is your dad?"


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