A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 399: Baby, know daughter Mo Ruo father

Xiao Yanyan raised her pink face, "Dad is making breakfast."

It is said that Li Xiaoman's eyes are full of smiles, and the feeling of happiness five years ago is back.

Xiao Yanyan saw a smile on her face, widened her eyes, and asked tentatively: "Mommy, have you forgiven you for more than five years since leaving you? Has your fire gone?"

Li Xiaoman frowned, thinking that Long Sihao had left her for five years, and her heart was still in pain.

Since he loves her, why did he leave her five years ago?

Xiao Yanyan saw that her mum frowned, her small eyes looked at her for a moment, and her voice asked innocently, "Mommy, haven't you forgiven you?"

Li Xiaoman pressed his lips tightly, and did not return to Xiao Yanyan.

She had been in pain for five years, sad for five years, and missing for five years. He suddenly came back, but refused to tell her that the reason why he left five years ago, if she said in her heart that there was no trace of mustard, it was impossible.

Seeing that her mum was silent, Xiao Yanyan was hesitant to tell her the truth. Long Sihao, who was wearing home clothes, walked in. He glanced at Xiao Yanyan, and then looked at Li Xiao again. Man, "Xiao Xiao, breakfast is ready, get up and freshen up."

When the words were down, he strode to the bed with a long arm, and took Xiaoyanyan who was sitting on the bed| into the arms, and looked down at her and said: "Yanyan, dad would like to chat with you for a while , Let's go out first, eh?"

He didn't wait for Xiaoyanyan to agree, so he took her out of the bedroom, then entered the bedroom next to Xiaoyanyan, and closed the bedroom door.

Xiao Yanyan blinked her eyes and looked at him suspiciously, "What do you want to talk to me privately?"

Long Sihao looked down at Xiao Yanyan, put her on her own princess bed|, pulled a single sofa and sat opposite her.

The father and daughter, big and small, stared at each other, and no one looked away first.

Long Sihao stared at the little girl who had been facing him for more than n seconds, bent his lips and smiled, reached out and gently squeezed her small face in pink and jade, and his eyes looked at him more gently and indulgently, "Yan Yan , Did you just want to betray Dad?"

Xiao Yanyan tilted her head, squinted, and asked curiously: "Do you know that Baba is swollen?"

Long Sihao reached out and gently flicked her small forehead, and gave her a little shudder, "Baby, know daughter Mo Ruofu, I don't know what you think."

Xiao Yanyan touched her small forehead under the bounce and frowned, "Banbi, it hurts."

Listening to her pain, Long Sihao reached out and rubbed it for her, gazing at her tenderly, with a serious tone of voice, "Yanyan, what Dad told you more than yesterday, don't tell your mommy."

Xiao Yanyan looked up at him and asked a little unclearly: "Why can't you tell Mommy? Could Bae forgive you sooner than you don't want Mommy? If Bae said, maybe Mommy will forgive you."

Long Sihao looked down at Xiao Yanyan, the lines on her beautiful face were soft, and her lips smiled softly. "Yanyan, you think so much about Dad, Dad is very happy, but Dad doesn’t want to use this method. Come and let your mommy forgive me, Dad has many ways to make your mommy forgive me."

Xiao Yanyan blinked her eyes, "Doesn't Baba think that other methods will be more difficult? Baba is better than why not choose the easier method?"

Long Sihao reached out and touched her little head, saying with deep meaning: "Yanyan, you are still young, there are many things you don't understand. Dad would rather take more thoughts and choose a harder way to make you Mommy forgive me, and she will never choose a way to make your mommy feel sorry for her to forgive me."

After listening, Xiao Yanyan understood a little, and she also realized how much his mom loved him.

Originally, his mommy could easily forgive her mommy, but because of fear that her mommy would know that he was sick, he would feel sad and uncomfortable, so he chose another way to win her mommy's forgiveness. .

Others don't understand his thoughts, but she understands a little. She loves her mommy more than she really loves, and she can't bear to make her mommy feel sad and uncomfortable.

She is very moved because she is small, because she loves her mommy very much.

Long Sihao looked down at Xiao Yanyan, who seemed to be in tears, "Well, baby, go to breakfast."

Xiao Yanyan looked up at him, nodded her head with a smile, then got out of bed, walked out of the bedroom with a small step, and when she reached the door, she stopped and turned to look at Long Sihao.

"Baba is better than cheering and asking Mummy for forgiveness earlier."

Long Sihao looked down at Xiao Yanyan who cheered him on. The narrow and long eyes were filled with smiles. He strode forward and hugged the little girl, thin lips bent, confidently said: "Baby, don't worry, I will definitely ask your mom for forgiveness."

When the words fell, he took her out of the bedroom and walked to the dining room.

Li Xiaoman, who has freshly groomed, has brought the prepared breakfast to the restaurant. She has just put the tableware and chopsticks, and Long Sihao holds Xiao Yanyan in.

Seeing Long Sihao holding Xiao Yanyan's hand, the atmosphere between the two fathers and daughters was quite harmonious and warm. A smile appeared on her beautiful face. Such a scene was something she had never dared to imagine.

Five years ago, when Long Sihao and her separated, she never appeared in front of her. She never thought that one day he would hold their baby daughter.

After sitting down at the dining table, Xiao Yanyan, who was already hungry, used chopsticks first, and she praised deliciously without hesitation.

Xiao Yanyan's praise made the smile of Long Sihao's eyes deeper. He looked at his baby daughter tenderly, "Yan Yan, eat more if you want to eat. , Dad will do it for you every day."

Xiao Yanyan saw that Long Sihao was so good, and the cooking was so delicious, and Xiao Tianping in her heart began to bias him from Han Jinxi's side.

She smiled sweetly at Long Sihao and nodded heavily. "Well! Thank you Dabi."

At this moment she was calling Dadbi, not Babi.

Long Sihao gazed at her tenderly, "It's less polite than Dad. We are a family. I should take care of you and your mommy."

Xiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows and blinked her eyes at Long Sihao. "But cooking should be Mommy's business! If Dad is better than cooking, who will make money?"

Long Si Haojun's eyebrows lightened, gazing at Xiao Yanyan with a spoiled gaze, and smiled, "Make money to support the family, do laundry and cooking, Dad is all inclusive, Yanyan and Mommy just have to eat, drink and play."

Xiao Yanyan's eyes lit up, blinking her small eyes, and smiled sweetly at Long Sihao, "Wow! Dad is better than you, you are great!"

Sitting on the side, Li Xiaoman stared at Long Sihao, "He will coax the children."

Upon hearing the sound, Long Sihao narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Xiaoman, stood up and sat next to her, stretched his arms, took her into his arms, lowered his head and printed a kiss on her lips , Thin lips attached to her ears, lowered her voice and said: "How? Jealous? I think my coax girl did not coax you?"


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