A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 414: The truth makes her heartbroken

Seeing Li Xiaoman's expression is very serious, and her body is surrounded by a domineering, Lowry can't help but be shocked. The former Li Xiaoman was very gentle in his eyes, but now she has a domineering body, This domineering, like the domineering displayed by their president, can shock people.

Not seen in five years, she really changed a lot.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, his expression dignified, and looked at Li Xiaoman seriously, "Miss Li, did you hear any wind?"

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows, pink lips lightly ticked, "Lot help?"

As the words fell, her squinted eyes narrowly stared at him, "Lot, are you ready to tell the truth? Has Si Hao been treating the disease for the past five years? Has he got cancer?"

Upon hearing this, Lowry exaggerated his eyes and looked at Li Xiaoman in shock. "Miss Li, how do you know?"

As soon as Li Xiaoman looked at his shocked expression, he determined that Long Sihao was really treating the disease in the past five years.

She squeezed her hands tightly, and her heart was sore.

"Lot Assistant, is that true?"

Lori did not dare to meet Li Xiaoman’s sharp eyes, his eyes floating, like twisting the fart on the needle felt|share, "Miss Li, this... that... this... this... this I should go to the company Well, we will have time to talk next time."

When the words fell, Lowry stood up, ready to run.

Upon seeing this, Li Xiaoman sat steadily on the sofa, sharp sword sharp eyes staring at his back, "Luo Tezhu, do you want me to marry your president sooner?"

Lowry stood still and turned to squint Li Xiaoman, "Miss Li, what do you mean?"

Li Xiaoman looked at him and bent his lower lip, "If Lott helps you tell me the truth, I will promise Si Hao's proposal."

After hearing this, Lowry looked at her in surprise, "Miss Li, what you said is true."

Li Xiaoman slightly lifted his lips, gazing at him a little bit, "If you think my words are not credible, you can leave now."

"This..." Lori looked at Li Xiaoman for a while, then sat down on the sofa again, frowned, and then looked like he was out.

"Miss Li, anyway, the paper can't cover the fire, you will know sooner or later, then I will tell you now that the president has indeed been treated in the United States in the past five years, and he has been in a coma for a long time, almost the president... "

After a pause, Lowry frowned again and continued, "The president almost never woke up."

Upon hearing this, Li Xiaoman's heart was suffocated, and his eyes were red, and tears gleamed in his clear eyes. "Luo Zhuo, why did Si Hao get cancer suddenly? When was it discovered?"

Lorry knew that he could not hide anymore. He simply told Long Sihao why he had cancer, what happened during his treatment, etc., to Li Xiaoman.

After listening, Li Xiaoman's eyes were wet, and the tears shedding slipped over her cheeks over and over again. She bit her lower lip tightly and tried hard not to let herself cry.

The tighter and tighter her hands, the sharp nails fell deep into the palm of her hand, but she could not feel the pain, because at this moment her heart was replaced by another kind of pain.

She was uncomfortable because when Long Sihao was tortured by illness and hanged over the edge of life and death again and again, she was not with him.

She was also angry, heartache, sad, disappointed, why did he hide her?

If something happens to him during treatment, she will never know that he is gone.

And she is still complaining about him because of his injury. If one day someone suddenly tells her that he is no longer in this world, how should she accept it?

Her entire world will collapse, and she will die in pain.

Her heart is very painful, this kind of heartache is complicated, mixed with his heartache, complaining to him, worrying about him...

Lori saw that Li Xiaoman was in tears and looked sad. His handsome eyebrows scrunched tightly. "Miss Li, things have passed and the president's illness is gone. You don't need to worry."

Li Xiaoman bit his lower lip tightly, eyes full of tears squeezed Lori, his voice was crying, and his voice was hoarse because of crying, "Is it alright?"

Seeing Li Xiaoman's words was full of worry, Lori smiled and smiled at her, with a firm look, "Miss Li, I assure you that the president will not be in trouble again, and the president's doctor has assured our president. , The president will not relapse, only need to check regularly, if there is any problem, timely treatment is enough, the president is sure that there will be no relapse, and will return to k city to find Miss Li, otherwise, the president Will not come back."

When the words were down, Lowry paused for a while, then narrowed his eyes and continued to Li Xiaoman: "Miss Li, the president really loves you. The president has made a will five years ago. If the president is in treatment Unfortunately, in the accident, all the property under the name of the president will belong to you. In the past five years, in addition to receiving treatment, the president is thinking of Miss Li. The president will be comatose for a long time after each chemotherapy. The thing is to ask Miss Li about your news and want to know your current situation, but Miss Li has gone missing. We can't find your news. The president was going to find you, but his condition deteriorated rapidly, and the number of coma More and more, and it takes longer than a coma at a time..."

Waiting for Lowry to finish his speech, it was Li Xiaoman's crying cry in the tears: "Lot, don't say..."

She couldn't hear it anymore. The more she heard her heart, the more painful she seemed to cry.

Long Sihao is really a man who makes people love, hate and distress.

Lorry saw that she was very sad and pumped it out | handed her a tissue and gave her a concerned look at her, "Miss Li, don't be sad, it has been raining and sunny. Five years ago, you and the president separated. At first I didn't understand why the president was cruelly separated from you. Later I understood that the president thought that he must die. He didn't want you to worry about him, to be sad for him, and he didn't want you to watch him die. He wanted to live in your heart forever. So he chose to separate from you."

At this moment, Li Xiaoman thought of what Long Sihao said to her, and he would never let go of her unless he died.

He said this sentence more than once in front of her. Why is she so stupid? Why didn't she think that Long Sihao's separation from her would be the reason?

She even believed in the ruthless words he said before they separated, thinking that he was really just playing with her, really just using her as a tool for giving birth.

Why is she so stupid, how can she believe those words?

Luo Ruijun frowned and looked at her with a sad expression, "Miss Li, there is one more thing, I want to tell you something."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman looked at him with tears in his eyes, and asked with a hint of tears, "What's the matter?"

Lori stared at her, spitting out three words in her thin lips, "Ji Yuqing."


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