A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 415: Miss Li, have you lost your memory?

Hearing these three words, Li Xiaoman tightened his eyebrows and brushed a trace of loss and sadness.

Although Long Sihao had already told her about Ji Yuqing, it was impossible for her to say that she didn't have any problems at all.

In the past five years, Ji Yuqing has been with him.

When he needs someone to take care of him, tortured by illness, and wandering on the edge of life and death, the person beside him is Ji Yuqing instead of her. How could she not be disappointed, heartache, sad?

Lowry saw that she was still very concerned about Ji Yuqing's existence, and asked, "Miss Li, do you want to know what the president's feelings are for Ji Yuqing?"

Listening to his mention of the word "feelings", Li Xiaoman's heart twitched fiercely.

Lori did not wait for her to speak up, and continued: "Miss Li, don’t get me wrong. I said this feeling is not love. The person the president loves has always been you. As for Ji Yuqing, the president only has a trace of sympathy for her. And the president will sympathize with her, just because the president saw a trace of Miss Li in her body. During the five years that the president received medical treatment, you were not with the president, and the president saw Ji Yuqing as if she saw you Therefore, Ling Shao and I let Ji Yuqing take care of the president. The president needs to survive. In addition to receiving treatment, what you need is the motivation that Miss Li brings to you. The presence of Ji Yuqing is equivalent to the motivation that Miss Li gave you to the president. In short, the president will assist Ji Yuqing to complete her studies, just because she has a trace of Miss Li on her body, and the president will allow her to take care of him for this reason."

After listening to Lowry, Li Xiaoman's tearful eyes gazed at him with complicated eyes, "Lot, what is this? What is the spiritual trust or is he using Ji Yuqing as my substitute?"

Lowry frowned his handsome brow. "Miss Li, don't mind this matter too much. I think for the president, Ji Yuqing should be a kind of spiritual sustenance. This can't blame the president. The president is already in critical condition. I want to see you but I can’t see you, but I can’t see you. The president wants to see you too much, so I put my spirit on Ji Yuqing, who has a trace of you. No matter what, the president loves you all the time. Miss, you promise, the president only funded Ji Yuqing to complete her studies, nothing more, and she never had any kind of skin kiss with her because she has your shadow on her body! I must tell you Miss Li this clearly Or else, Miss Li, you have a big brain, and the self-compensating plot is not very good."

His last joke made Li Xiaoman, who was uncomfortable, feel a little better.

She glanced at Lori with a hint of gratitude, "Lot, thank you for telling me the truth."

A smile appeared on Luo Ruijun's face, "Miss Li, don't be so polite, you really have to thank me, don't be angry with the president. I know that the president didn't tell you the truth five years ago. No, regardless of the reason why the president didn’t tell you the truth, the president is wrong. Today, you don’t forgive the president, it’s the president’s own responsibility, and the president is not very worthy of your forgiveness, but Miss Li, no one is perfect. People can’t live without sages, right? When everyone does wrong things, when everyone has a rib, they don’t understand, and everyone thinks they are wrong and thinks that they are wrong for the other side... …"

Speaking of which, Lowry paused and looked at Li Xiaoman, and continued: "So, I still hope that Miss Li will marry the president sooner. After all, the president can survive these five years, it is not easy! The president can After coming back from the Ghost Gate again and again, I can see Miss Li again, indicating that the president and Miss Li have a close relationship. This is a chance that God gave Miss Li and you and the president. I hope that you and the president can hold this time well. Opportunity, don’t miss it again, or you’ll really pass this village without that shop.”

Li Xiaoman lowered her eyes, her eyes filled with tears, she nodded heavily at Lori, and choked: "I will, Lott, thank you so much for saying so to me. many."

Lori raised his eyebrows to Li Xiaoman, and Jun smiled into a line, "Hey... Miss Li, they said you don’t have to be so polite, if I’m not as complicated as you and the president, you will be together if you love each other. Separation, there are not so many excuses and why, being a person should be a little more relaxed and free, and taking this into consideration is too tiring. One person may only have one true love in one's life, or perhaps only one person who truly loves himself and also loves himself , So I still want to do other things. I met together when I met. Miss Li, you love the president and the president loves you, so what else can stop you?"

Love is together, if you don't, you are separated.

Lowry's words were like hitting Li Xiaoman's heart with a bang, making her think a lot of things as if she was awake.

She glanced gratefully at Lori. "Lot, thank you. I know how to do it. Your words made me think a lot."

Seeing that she had figured out many things, Lowry was also very happy. He glanced at her and thought for a moment before asking tentatively, "Miss Li, have you ever lost your memory?"

Listening to Lowry's question, Li Xiaoman's tearful eyes looked at him doubtfully, "Lot, why are you asking this way?"

"Oh! That's it." Lowry frowned slightly. "I heard the president mention it. He said you don't remember something that happened to you and the president when you were a kid."

After hearing this, Li Xiaoman's eyebrows deepened, "Have I ever happened to him as a child?"

Lori listened to her saying, frowning at her, "Miss Li, I think you should have forgotten something. You should have some intersection with the president when you were a kid? Do you really have no impression? Think about it carefully, Did you and the president ever suffer from each other? You and the president are in danger, you have protected the president..."

Hearing Lori's words, Li Xiaoman's eyebrows grew tighter and tighter, trying to think about her and Long Sihao's childhood, but she really couldn't remember. In her childhood, Long Sihao was a very cold Teenager.

The feeling he gave her was a word, cold, very cold, but she couldn't remember the intersection between her and Long Sihao.

She did lose a bit of memory, but that was because during the kidnapping, she was terribly frightened, and only after waking up did she forget everything about the kidnapping.

After that, she listened to her uncle about the kidnapping.

But her uncle was unclear about the situation at the time, and only told her that she was kidnapped, and he did not mention Long Sihao.

Could it be that Long Sihao exists in the memory she lost?


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