When the words fell, she lifted her small head and saw that Huo Yehong was thoughtful, she continued: "Grandpa Huo, grandpa, I want to kowtow to Dad than Dad, Grandpa Huo take me Are you going?"

Huo Yehong looked at Xiao Yanyan and saw her frowning, looking at him expectantly, he thought for a while, and then looked at her and nodded and agreed, "Okay, Yan Yan, Grandpa agreed to take you and take you to see Your grandpa."

Seeing that he agreed, Xiao Yanyan smiled and opened her mouth. She thought it would be a bit of a mouthful, but she didn't expect it to be settled in a few words.

She came down from the chair and handed the photo back to Huo Yehong, "Then Grandpa Huo took me and my mom to see Grandpa tomorrow, I went to bed, Grandpa Huo good night."

When the words fell, she turned and walked to the door of the study.

Before she left, she stopped again and turned to Huo Yehong with a grin, "Grandpa Huo, don't say anything! Don't lie to the children! Otherwise, I will be angry."

Huo Yehong looked at the smiling sweet Yanyan, and nodded, "Okay, Yanyan, rest assured, Grandpa will not lie to you, Grandpa will take you tomorrow."

"Well, Grandpa Huo good night!"

Asked the servant to know that Xiao Yanyan Li Xiaoman in Huo Yehong's study was standing outside the study.

Seeing the little girl coming out, Li Xiaoman immediately stepped forward and took her little hand. While walking forward, she looked at her and asked, "What did you say to the study?"

Xiao Yanyan smiled mysteriously, "Mommy guess."

Li Xiaoman smiled and poked her small forehead, "Little ghost spirit, mommy is not a roundworm in your stomach, mommy can't guess."

Li Xuehe just came from the front. Xiao Yanyan saw her first. She waved her small hand and shouted very politely: "Grandma Fire."

As soon as he heard the words "grandma in flames", Li Xuehe wanted to rush over and teach Xiao Yanyan.

She looked at Li Xiaoman angrily, reaching for Xiao Yanyan, with a contemptuous expression, "Li Xiaoman, this is the daughter you taught, there must be no upbringing, let me apologize to me."

Li Xiaoman looked indifferently at the angry Li Xuehe, his eyes were cold, "Mrs. Huo, if you keep your mouth closed, you are not educated. Are you educated? If you are educated, you will not target a child. You and a four-year-old kid grab a spare rib, Mrs. Huo, you’re so sorry."

"You..." Li Xuehe didn't give her face when she saw Li Xiaoman, she looked at her angrily, "Li Xiaoman, you talked to me like this? Don't forget, I used to be your mother-in-law."

Li Xiaoman smiled gracefully, "You also said it was once. I will respect the person who deserves respect. As for you, I don't even know what you are doing. How do I respect you?"

"You...you..." Li Xuehe's eyes widened angrily and gasped. "You... Li Xiaoman, what are you doing? You have been swept away by the Huo family, and you are still carrying this little evil seed What are you doing here?"

If Li Xuehe scolded Li Xiaoman alone, Li Xiaoman could bear it because she would not care about a mad woman, but if Li Xuehe scolded her baby daughter Yanyan, then she would not be polite.

With a cold look, she released Yanyan and walked quickly to Li Xuehe, grabbed Li Xuehe's hand with one hand, and slammed Li Xuehe's hand to her face.


Li Xiaoman's force was not small, and the slap was not small, but Li Xuehe's face slapped by his hand turned aside.

"Li Xiaoman, do you dare to beat me? I killed you, a bitch|.

Li Xuehe glared at Li Xiaoman like a shrew, and then rushed to Li Xiaoman.

Li Xiaoman saw her thrashing, and immediately sideways avoided.

Li Xuehe, who didn't hit Li Xiaoman, flushed his eyes and turned to pounce on her, while Li Xiaoman lifted his foot and hit Li Xuehe in the stomach.

She had learned self-defense, and it was more than enough to deal with a woman like Li Xuehe.


Li Xuehe, who was kicked in the stomach, was full of pain. He folded his hands over his stomach, and his face was pale.

"You..." She reached out to Li Xiaoman, unable to say anything painful.

Li Xiaoman looked at her coldly, and his eyes seemed to be cold, "You scold me, I can bear it, but if you dare scold my daughter, I will desperately fight with you."

When Xiao Yanyan heard Li Xiaoman's words, her eyes flashed with emotion, her dear mommy was so kind to her, she was so moved.

Li Xuehe was kicked by Li Xiaoman and couldn't stand up. This scene naturally attracted the servants' attention.

But they just watched, and no maid came to help Li Xuehe. If you asked why, Li Xuehe likes to scold these maids.

None of the maids in Huo's house looked at Li Xuehe's eyes. When she saw that she had been taught by Li Xiaoman, they all liked it in their hearts, so they clapped.

Li Xuehe screamed when he was just kicked, and naturally disturbed Huo Yehong in the sound study. He came out with a cane. When he saw Li Xuehe bent over and covered his stomach with pain, he did not ask her what happened, but looked at it. Li Xiaoman.

"Manman, Yanyan, it's not too late. You go to bed and leave it to me here."

Xiao Yanyan looked at Huo Yehong sweetly, "Grandpa Huo good night."

When the words fell, she looked up at Li Xiaoman, "Mommy, we're going to sleep, and we'll see Grandpa tomorrow."

Li Xiaoman watched Xiao Yanyan nodded and took her little hand to the room where they had been before.

Without taking a few steps, she met Huo Yunene who came upstairs again. She ignored her and took Xiao Yanyan directly over him.

Huo Yunene glanced at Li Xiaoman's back, and then turned to look at his mother Li Xuehe.

Seeing her painful stooping to cover her stomach, he stepped forward and pulled his mother Li Xuehe up, then said nothing and pulled Li Xuehe directly into her own room.

After closing the door, Huo Yunene let go of his hand, and a pair of dark eyes stared at her coldly.

His handsome face was angry, and the words he spoke were even more ruthless. "If you go to provoke Manman next time, don't blame me for driving you out of the Huo family."

Li Xuehe, with a painful face, raised his head and looked at him in disbelief, "Yun... Yunene, what are you saying? You... for that... that bitch, you have to put Mom drove out of the Huo family? You... Why are you so cruel? You... I’m your mom!"

After Li Xuehe finished speaking, he cried in grievances.

"Your unfilial son, I worked hard...to raise you up, and you even said to... drive me out of the Huo family? You unfilial son, unfilial son..."

She cried, hitting Huo Yunene one by one.

Huo Yunene didn't hide and let her fight, his expression was cold and enigmatic, and he lowered the corner of his lip sadly, "Hehe... Mom? Are you a good mother? You just treat me as you At the Huo family’s tools, you never really cared about me. In your eyes, there is only money and only status. What you care about is whether you can be driven out of the Huo family and live the life of a wealthy wife. Apart from these, you Who still cares?"


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