A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 461: Departure, Antai Cemetery

Listening to him saying this, Li Xuehe was crying with grievances, "Yunene, how can you say this to me? I am your mother, you are my only son, how can I not care about you? I am worried every time you get sick, I am taking care of you."

Huo Yunene looked at her coldly, "Of course you are worried, you are afraid that I'm dead, and your status at Huo's can't be guaranteed. You're not looking after me, you are just taking care of your position."

"Yunene..." Li Xuehe looked at Huo Yunene with angry eyes. "Who taught you this? Is it Li Xiaoman? Did she tell you something to break our mother-child relationship? I Go and strangle her."

As the words fell, Li Xuehe rushed outside the door like a lunatic.

Huo Yunene stopped her, and when she saw her wishing to smash Li Xiaoman's body, he narrowed his eyes tightly, "I'll do it again, don't provoke Manman again, otherwise, don't blame me for not Thinking of you and my mother and son, I can do everything for Manman."

"You..." Li Xuehe looked like Huo Yunene who had changed into a person. His eyes were full of shock and disbelief. "Yunene, you...you changed, you changed, you are not my good son You’re not my Yunene anymore. For other women, you treat me like this. I’m not alive... I’m not alive..."

After Li Xuehe finished speaking, he burst into tears in the room crying.

Huo Yunene saw this, and there was no trace of emotion or waves on the cold and charming Jun's face. After these five years, he saw many things and many people.

He ignored Li Xuehe, who madly smashed things in the room, turned and left.

Li Xuehe saw that Huo Yunene took care of her. She sat on the ground and burst into tears.

"There is no conscience, every one has no conscience. What did Li Xuehe do wrong, why do you have to treat me one by one? Am I bullying well? Not filial son, not filial son, I’m so big to raise you , Unfilial son..."


Back to the room, Xiao Yanyan was calling Long Sihao.

"Daddy, did you remember what I just said? Then I will watch it tomorrow, I will hang up!"

Xiao Yanyan finished, just about to hang up the phone, Long Sihao asked her to give Li Xiaoman the phone.

"Mommy, Dad wants to talk to you a little bit."

After Xiao Yanyan handed her mobile phone to Li Xiaoman, she took out the ipad again to play.

Li Xiaoman took the phone from Xiao Yanyan's hand and just stuck it to her ear. Long Sihao's deep voice rang in her ear.

"Wife-in-law, miss me?"

Li Xiaoman's eyebrows were stained with a thick smile. He squinted and sat on the bed leaning on the head of the bed to play with Xiaoyan Yan of the ipad, sitting on the single sofa in the room, lowering his voice, "think."

Her voice fell, and the sound of "Bao" rang in her ear, obviously from Long Sihao.

"I also want my daughter-in-law to reward her."

Li Xiaoman Qingli blushed a little, "It's late, I hung up."

"Hmm!" Long Sihao responded softly, "Hang up first."

After saying a few words, she hung up the phone. Li Xiaoman was very reluctant. She looked at Xiaoyanyan who was playing ipad with a guilty conscience. When she saw that she had not seen it, she blushed and kissed her mobile phone. Goodnight husband."

When the words fell, she was about to hang up, and Long Sihao's low voice came again.

"Daughter-in-law, it's not enough, just two more times, otherwise the husband can't sleep tonight.

Now Li Xiaoman is basically responsive to Long Sihao. Although she feels very embarrassed, she still kisses her mobile phone "Bah".

After hanging up the phone, she looked up and saw Xiao Yanyan staring at her staring.

She stood up and looked at her tenderly and asked, "Yanyan, what's wrong? Why are you staring at Mummy all the time?"

"Does Mommy really want to compare?"

"Adults don't ask a lot of children." Li Xiaoman stepped forward, took the iPad from her small hand, put it on the bedside table, and looked at her and said, "It's too late, it's time to sleep."

Xiao Yanyan nodded her head softly and moved it into the bed. "Mommy comes to sleep too."

Li Xiaoman sat up, leaned against the head of the bed, looked down at Xiao Yanyan and smiled softly, "Yanyan went to sleep first, Mummy is not sleepy now."

"Huh!" Xiao Yanyan responded, closing her eyes obediently.

Li Xiaoman tucked in the quilt for her and did not sleep.

Although she is not worried about what Huo Yehong will do to her and Yanyan, but she should be vigilant. She still has Huo Zhai.

Huo Yehong secretly brought Yanyan here without her and Long Sihao's consent, and the purpose was impure. He was no longer the grandfather she knew before.

She didn't sleep all night, and Xiao Yanyan also woke up early in the morning.

Huo Yehong agreed last night with no regrets. After breakfast, Li Xiaoman and Xiao Yanyan got into Huo Yehong's Mercedes-Benz business car and went straight to Antai Cemetery.

There were also several black cars escorting them.

Xiao Yanyan, who was sitting in the back seat, turned her head and looked back, and then looked up at Huo Yehong sitting next to her. Grandpa Huo, we just went to see Grandpa, why did you let others follow? Is Grandpa Huo afraid of meeting bad people? "

Huo Yehong's eyes looked kindly and looked at Xiao Yanyan, who was puzzled, and his tone was kind, "Yanyan, don't call Grandpa Huo, so unfriendly, just call me Grandpa."

"Oh! Why did Grandpa let others follow?"

In fact, she knew that Huo Yehong was afraid that she and her mum would run away. Don’t look at her younger. Yesterday, she knew that Huo Yehong took her to Huo Zhai for a purpose.

And she also knew that Huo Yehong would not let her and her mummy go easily.

Huo Yehong looked at Xiao Yanyan, her face full of love, "Yan Yan, so safe, you are my good-great-granddaughter, and Grandpa certainly wants to keep you safe."

"Okay!" Xiao Yanyan smiled and looked at Huo Yehong. "Grandpa, you are so kind to me and mommy."

Her small mouth said that Huo Yehong was really kind to her, but she didn't think so.

Li Xiaoman, who was sitting next to Xiao Yanyan, kept silent, but looked out of the car window.

Huo Yehong saw that she was silent, and asked with a smile: "Manman, why don't you talk? Don't you want to talk to grandpa?"

Li Xiaoman withdrew his gaze from the window and looked at Huo Yehong. When he saw him looking at her kindly, she pursed her lips slightly, "Grandpa Huo said just fine, I listen."

Her words made Huo Yehong frown, and she was about to speak out, and Xiao Yanyan stepped in first.

"Grandpa, Mommy recognized the bed and didn't sleep well last night, so I don't want to talk today."

Huo Yehong looked at Xiao Yanyan again and asked kindly: "Nah Yanyan is sleeping well?"

Xiao Yanyan frowned, "I'm not used to it."

Huo Yehong looked at her, and there was something in it, "I will get used to it if I live longer."

Along the way, she and Li Xiaoman didn't talk anymore, and Huo Yehong asked nothing more.

After arriving at the Antai Cemetery, Xiao Yanyan and Li Xiaoman got off first.

Huo Yehong, who got off the train, was helped by the housekeeper Huo Yan to walk to the front.

Behind him, in addition to Xiao Yanyan and Li Xiaoman, were more than a dozen bodyguards in black with cold faces and wearing white gloves.

Xiao Yanyan looked at Huo Yehong, who was supported by Huo Yan in the front, and then looked at the dozen or so black bodyguards that accompanied her, and her small eyebrows frowned.

"Mommy, there are so many black crows, we have to run away, it's a little difficult!"

She said so quietly that only Li Xiaoman could hear it.

Li Xiaoman looked down at her, smiled softly, and lowered his voice, "Trust dad."

When talking with Long Sihao last night, they told Long Sihao that they would go to Antai Cemetery today.

If Li Xiaoman did not look at the fact that Huo Yehong had helped her, when she was in the car, she controlled him.


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