A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 462: Ruthless, threatened with a gun

She has always been respectful to Huo Yehong, but if he does something more excessive, she will not respect him again.

When he arrived at Huo Chenfeng's tomb, Huo Yehong's expression was a bit sad. He looked at Xiao Yanyan, who was led by Li Xiaoman, and gently waved towards him. "Yan Yan, come, come and see you grandfather."

"Huh." Xiao Yanyan responded softly and walked to Huo Chenfeng's tomb.

Looking at the photo on the tombstone, Xiao Yanyan knelt down sensiblely, "Grandpa, I am Yanyan, and Mommy and I came to see you."

Then she knocked three heads.

Seeing this, Huo Yehong saw a deep smile in his eyes.

He looked at Yanyan and nodded with satisfaction. Then he looked at Huo Chenfeng's tomb and smiled and said, "Chenfeng! Did you see that, your good granddaughter came to see you, her name is Yanyan, Huo Anyan."

Xiao Yanyan heard that Huo Yehong said that her name was Huo Anyan, and she looked up at him, "Grandpa, I..."

Her voice did not fall, and suddenly a deep, clear voice came.

"Her surname is Long, not Huo."

Upon hearing the sound, Xiao Yanyan turned her head and saw that it was her father Bill Long Sihao who was speaking.

As soon as Long Sihao appeared, he was stopped by Huo Yehong's bodyguards to keep him from approaching.

Xiao Yanyan stood up and smiled at Long Sihao, sweetly calling: "Dad."

Li Xiaoman also looked up at Long Sihao and saw that he had come by herself. She slightly raised her lips. She was worthy of her husband, who was more courageous than others.

She fully believed that he could take Huo Yehong away from Yan Yehong's bodyguards alone.

The only inappropriate point is that if her husband and Huo Yehong clashed in front of Huo Chenfeng's tomb, this is very disrespectful to Huo Chenfeng.

Huo Yehong saw Long Sihao coming, and his white eyebrows wrinkled lightly, but there was not much accident on the old face, and he looked as if he was shocked.

He looked at Long Sihao kindly, "Si Hao, why are you here? Come see your father?"

Long Sihao narrowed his eyes slightly and stopped several of his black bodyguards, "I'll pick up my wife and baby daughter."

When the words fell, he looked at one of the black bodyguards who stopped him indifferently, and said in a light voice, "Keep away."

Huo Yehong didn't give an order, they naturally dared not let it.

Long Sihao saw them not letting it, narrowed his eyes narrowly, and the smile at the corner of his lips exuded a dangerous breath.

He raised his hand suddenly, and when the bodyguard didn't respond, he buckled his shoulder with a hard one, and he heard a "click", and the bodyguard's shoulder blade seemed to be broken.

And the bodyguard shouted in pain, one shoulder collapsed, a look of pain.

Long Sihao took the opportunity to move forward.

Seeing this, Huo Yehong winked, and the other bodyguards took out all the black pistols and pointed them at Long Sihao.

Li Xiaoman was very disappointed to see that Huo Yehong had a gun pointed at Long Sihao.

Of course, Xiao Yanyan, a toy gun, had seen it for the first time, but she saw her real gun for the first time. She widened her eyes and looked at Huo Yehong with surprise. "Grandpa Huo, is the gun they hold in hand? Is it like TV Can it kill people like that?"

Huo Yehong looked at Xiao Yanyan, still smiling kindly, "Of course it is a real gun, Yanyan don't be afraid, as long as you persuade your dad to listen to Grandpa, Grandpa will not hurt them."

Li Xiaoman smiled and smiled like a smiling tiger, Huo Yehong, both heartbroken and angry, "Grandpa Huo, you really let me down."

Huo Yehong frowned, "Manman, Grandpa just wanted Si Hao to change his surname to Huo, not really to hurt you. As long as Si Hao agreed, I would let you go back, otherwise, Grandpa would have to take you all back."

Long Sihao stared at Huo Yehong with a deep gaze, and a cold smile appeared on his lips. "Are you sure you have the ability to take us all back?"

"Si Hao, grandpa knows you are great, but no matter how great you are, you can't afford a dozen guns at once."

Long Sihao looked sharply at Huo Yehong, "I don't believe you will let them shoot."

Huo Yehong's sharp old eyes narrowed a bit, and he still smiled kindly, but this smile did not reach the bottom of his eyes. He glanced at the butler Huo Yan, and Huo Yan also had a gun in his hand, yes It is Li Xiaoman who is accurate.

Li Xiaoman saw it and frowned slightly, but she was not afraid, but she felt that she was really blind before, and she would treat Huo Yehong as a grandfather, and he really used any means to achieve his purpose. , Either using Yanyan, or using her.

Huo Yehong seemed to be disappointed to see Li Xiaoman. He bowed his forehead and said with guilt, "Manman, don't blame grandpa, grandpa is really forced."

When the words fell, he looked at Long Sihao again, completely like an amiable old man, not at all like an old fox who did whatever he could to achieve his goals.

He emphasized in a serious way: "Si Hao, you have blood from my Huo family. Grandpa does not allow you to have a surname, nor will you allow your children and grandchildren to have a surname. Grandpa knows that you refuse to surname Huo because your grandfather killed him I’ve lost your mother, but things have passed for so many years. You should hate enough. Grandpa has regretted it."

Xiao Yanyan looked at Long Sihao and Huo Yehong again, and asked doubtfully: "Grandpa Huo, why do you say that Dadbie's mother and my grandmother killed you indirectly?"

Huo Yehong looked at Xiao Yanyan, and still did not speak, Xiao Yanyan continued: "Grandpa Huo, you bullied his son and daughter-in-law in front of grandpa's grave. Grandpa Huo is not afraid of grandpa jumping out of the grave. ?"

Hearing Xiao Yanyan's words, Huo Yehong glanced back at Huo Chenfeng's tomb, just in front of Huo Chenfeng's eyes on the tombstone.

He was shocked, and some were afraid to see Huo Chenfeng's photos.

The most sorry person in his life is his son Huo Chenfeng. Whenever he thinks of the dead Huo Chenfeng, he will be very sad and regret it.

At this time he did not dare to face Huo Chenfeng, especially he did not dare to look at the eyes on his tombstone that were blaming himself.

He looked at Xiao Yanyan and seemed to helplessly sigh, "Yanyan, Grandpa Grandpa can't let Huo's grandchildren follow other people's surnames, otherwise, Grandpa Grandpa will leave Huangquan in the future, how can he face Huo's family Patriarchs."

Xiao Yanyan sees Huo Yehong's helplessness and desperation, and she also learns from him and sighs, "Ah! Grandpa Huo, it's really hard for you to worry about so many things at such an old age."

Huo Yehong heard what Xiaoyanyan was like, and looked at her with Yan Yueyan, "Yanyan, what Grandpa said to you last night. Remember, please persuade your dad to compare with Grandpa."

"Okay!" Xiao Yanyan responded briskly and looked up at Long Sihao. "Dad is older than Grandpa Huo, but Daddy doesn't let his old man worry about it, which is not right. , But in order to make his old man feel more at ease, dad never change his surname than you."

Hearing Xiao Yanyan's words, Li Xiaoman slightly pulled the corner of her lower lip, her daughter is really black belly.


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