A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 604: Shemale, do you see enough

Long Sihao crouched down and kissed Xiao Yanyan and Xiao Longyi's forehead. "Daddy will be back soon."

When the words fell, he straightened up, his deep eyes directed at Lowry, "Take them in."

Lowry nodded lightly, and looked rigorously, "It's okay to take these two little guys in, but the President, are you sure you just go to the Biffel Castle Estate in Knox to bring out the President's wife?"

Biffel Castle Manor is the base camp of Knox. The whole manor has more than 150 hectares. The manor has castle buildings, lakes, rivers and forests.

The outside of the manor is all fortified by high walls made of mountains and stones, while the surrounding manor is a group of armed forces.

These nearly 1,000 armed forces are Knox’s self-built troops, with well-equipped weapons and strict governance, more regular than the government’s regular army.

Therefore, if Long Sihao does not have detailed plans and sufficient strength, it is difficult to take Li Xiaoman away from the inside.

Ling Hanye also walked beside Long Sihao and said in a solemn tone: "Long Shao, I know you are worried about your Xiaobao, but Lowry is right, you can't take your Xiaobai at all like this , We need to draw up a detailed plan."

Of course Long Sihao knew that he needed to draw up a detailed plan, but now he must first see his Xiao Xiao and make sure she is safe.

His narrow, narrow eyes narrowed, "I'll see Xiaoxiao at the Befield Manor first."

When the words fell, he returned to his private jet.

Ling Hanye was not so relieved that Long Sihao went alone, "Long Shao, I will go with you."

Long Sihao nodded slightly, and he agreed.

When Ling Hanye got on the plane, and after the plane took off, Lori took Xiao Yanyan and Xiao Longyi into the magnificent building behind him.

The castle is the same as the water heron lake villa, there will be someone guarding every distance.

The difference is that the water heron lake villa guards the bodyguards, and here are all internal organization personnel in the lr alliance, all of which are masters with one enemy and ten.

As Xiao Yanyan walked along with Lowry, she asked curiously, "Uncle Low, is this Dadby's home?"

Lori nodded, with a smile on Jun’s face, “Yanyan is a little bit, this is the president’s base camp, all the strength of the president is concentrated here, but the president said, the water heron lake villa in k city in China is the president’s Home, because the president’s grandfather lived there, the president’s mommy lived, the president’s grandmother, and the president’s grandfather’s dad, and the president’s grandfather’s father’s dad lived… the most important thing is to have the president’s wife and you, and also……"

Seeing Lowry start to play his verbose spirit again, Ling Dina, who walked behind, stepped forward and stood in front of Lowry, glancing at him, "Dead Lowry, will you die?"

Lorry looked at Ling Dina, and she remembered how she was wearing. His gaze involuntarily circulated on her.

His circulating eyes radiated like a scorching sun on Ling Dina's body, causing her cheeks to heat up, and her body was uncomfortable.

She glared a pair of brown eyes, "Luo shemale, have you seen enough?"

Lorry looked up at the fierce Ling Dina, squinted slightly, did not answer Ling Dina’s words, and looked at Xiao Yanyan and Xiao Longyi, "Little, little, little president, you are here for the first time. Will not come back."

When the words fell, he looked at Ling Dina again, "Miss Ling Dina, you are free, don't follow me."

Ling Dina stepped forward and took Xiao Yanyan and Xiao Longyi's little hands, "Little, little boy, Sister Dina takes you to go shopping, not with that long talk."

Xiao Yanyan raised her small face, frowned, and asked, "Sister Xiaona, are you familiar with this place?"

Ling Dina smiled charmingly, "It will be familiar when walking or walking, let's go, let's go there first."

Lowry saw that Ling Dina led Xiao Yanyan and Xiao Longyi to walk around the castle, and he followed them.

Because some places in the castle belong to the restricted area, he must follow, so as not to accidentally break them and be caught as a dangerous person.

Beaver Castle Estate

Li Xiaoman, Xianlong Sihao and several people went to the castle estate in Knox, France for three hours.

She was arranged in the second floor room of a small marble building in the manor.

And there were four manor guards wearing military uniforms and machine guns in front of the door to prevent her from escaping.

In addition to the self-built army guard soldiers with Knox in front of the room, the entire small villa building was surrounded by guard soldiers, and even the top of the small villa building stood guard soldiers with automatic rifles.

Twenty-four hours of 24/7 surveillance, if Long Sihao wanted to take Li Xiaoman away from the small villa, no one could do it.

Everything here is militarized and uniformly dressed. Those self-built troops are all wearing military uniforms and carrying machine guns. Those who do not know think that they have entered the military base.

The bodyguards are dressed in white and black trousers, and white gloves, are foreigners, no Chinese.

At this time, Li Xiaoman was standing in front of the window of the room, with an oval window. Outside the window was the green lawn of the manor, and further away was the verdant jungle, with towering ancient trees and beautiful scenery.

But the guard soldiers could still be seen patrolling back and forth in the manor.

Due to the strict guarding, she could not go out at all, and her mobile phone was also confiscated and taken away by the big housekeeper Frang. She wanted to inform Long Sihao that there was no way, but she believed that her Si Hao would come here as soon as possible .

The room where she is located is luxurious and deserves to be provided, but there is no communication tool.

After taking her gaze out of the window, she turned and was about to sit down in a luxurious room, and a respectful voice came from the door.


Hearing this "mademoiselle", Li Xiaoman narrowed his eyes slightly, the guards outside were French, and they spoke French naturally.

She happens to know some French. This mademoiselle means Miss, and who can be called Miss here besides Sophie.

It seems that she has come to trouble her again.

She sat down on the sofa in the room, her eyes calm and calm.

Whatever comes is safe, and she keeps this mentality at the moment.

Since she was robbed here in City K, she has remained calm and calm after waking up.

The reason why she knows where is here is that after she got off the plane, she was brought directly to this marble-built villa. Fran told her that this is the Biffel Castle Manor, which is Knox’s base camp. .

And Fran also told her that the purpose of Knox to catch her here is to force Long Sihao to marry Sophie, and asked him and Sophie to hold a grand wedding in front of the Knox family.

After marrying Sophie, her Sihao could only live here, with the purpose and mission of growing the Knox family.

Moreover, the entire Knox family lives on this 150-hectare estate.

Sophie came in and saw Li Xiaoman sitting calmly on the sofa, as if waiting for her, she concealed her hatred towards her, smiled gently, and went to sit opposite Li Xiaoman.

She stroked her hair charmingly and smiled gently, "is this beautiful?"

Li Xiaoman glanced indifferently as soon as he came back, and he calmed down, pretending to be Sophie, who is like a gentle lady, and slightly lowered her lip. "It's beautiful, but I think you should live here. Big?"


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