A Marriage in Mistake: Sir, Please Control Yourself

Chapter 605: No, let her take risks

Sophie at the moment is in the same position as K City.

She smiled gently in the corners of her lips, but still maintained that elegance, "Why do you say this?"

Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows lightly, "Here you are the only daughter of the Knox family. Your words and deeds have been paid attention to. To maintain your image of daughter, you have to pretend to be gentle, ladylike, gentle and angry. Don’t overflow the watch, laugh without teeth, this kind of life is very tired? If it’s me, if you want to laugh, you can’t laugh, if you want to be angry, you still have to keep this gentle smile, I will feel very tired, and I will feel stressed. It’s very big. Even if it’s beautiful, it’s just a gorgeous cage.”

When she first entered Longshui Lake Villa with Long Sihao, she felt like a gorgeous cage, but now she feels that there is paradise and it is her and Long Sihao's warm home.

The anger in Sophie's heart jumped into her face. She squeezed her hands tightly, her eyes became ruthless, with a strong warning and confidence in her tone, "Li Xiaoman, don't try to go out easily when you get here, tell you If Si Hao does not agree to a wedding with me, you will never want to see him."

Li Xiaoman seemed to irritate her, with a sarcasm, "Sophie, if I were you, something like that would happen, and I would never see Si Hao again. Did you still want to marry him? Do you think you are now? Is it worthy of him?"

Sophie knew that Li Xiaoman was alluding to her twelve troubles in the domestic k-city. She clenched her palms, and her light brown eyes reflected strong hatred and anger.

She almost looked at Li Xiaoman frantically, "Li Xiaoman, irritating me is not good for you. This is my home. I can kill you at any time."

There is no trace of fear on Li Xiaoman's face, "If you kill me, you will not threaten Si Hao's chips, and Si Hao will disdain everything and ruin it."

She believes that her Si Hao will do so.

Sophie now very, very much hates and hates Li Xiaoman's indifferent and unfearing look, and wants to let her taste life better than death now.

But her father Knox had explained that she could not hurt her for the time being, so she temporarily suppressed the full of resentment under her heart.

She can't kill her now. She came here just to block her and make her sad, but her calm appearance made her want to go crazy.

"Li Xiaoman."

She stood up and stared at her fiercely. "Even if I don't deserve Boss Hao, the entire Knox family is well deserved. If you marry me, he can have everything here. If he marries me, It is equivalent to marrying the entire Knox family..."

Speaking of which, she approached Li Xiaoman and stared at her with a smile that was more charming than flower, "Do you know how many people there are in the entire Knox family? There are thousands of my father's self-built army alone, except this An armed army, and..."

Li Xiaoman interrupted her impatiently, "I am not interested in how many people in the Knox family, even if you have nearly ten thousand people in the entire Knox family, you will not scare me."

The thick anger on Sophie's face dissipated a bit, but the coldness in his eyes didn't fade away, "Li Xiaoman, you can't see the coffin without tears, you have to ask Si Hao to fight for your father and fight for you , Are you reconciled? You are hurting him. If you really love him, you should not let him be ungrateful."

Hearing Sophie's words, Li Xiaoman raised his eyebrows lightly and glanced at her with no emotional ups and downs, "As you said, what should I do?"

Sophie leaned down, a pair of light brown eyes narrowed, staring fiercely at Li Xiaoman, "You should leave him automatically, this is true love."

"Hehe..." Li Xiaoman sneered and thought Sophie was so funny. She even came to teach her what true love is. If she really knew how to love someone, she would not destroy her and Si Hao like that. Happiness.

She raised her eyes lightly, "This is the real purpose of you coming to me? Are you ill here?"

She pointed her own head, but the clear eyes glanced at Sophie.

Sophie wanted to be angry, but she put up with it, and she kept a smirk that was disgusting to see, "Li Xiaoman, you came here, I have the opportunity and time to torture you, you wait See, I will let you know what it means to be unhappy."

Li Xiaoman responded, "I'm waiting."

Sophie gave her a cold look, then raised her jaw and walked out of the room with a sullen face.

When she came out, she looked at the four people standing at the door and told them in French not to allow anyone to give food to Li Xiaoman.

But the four people rejected her because she was not their master Knox and would not obey her orders.

The rejected Sophie was naturally angry, but she did not break out.

She grew up here, naturally knowing that the self-built army under his father’s hands is not a regular army of the government, but they receive the same training as the regular army, and they also strictly follow the orders of their superiors like the regular army. .

Except what his father Knox and Fran said, they wouldn't listen to what others said.

Without staying too long, she left the cottage.

After Li Xiaoman left Sophie, the indifferent look on Qingli's face became a little dignified. Just in front of Sophie, she deliberately acted so relaxed and calm, but in fact she was not calm at all.

She saw it when she entered the manor after getting off the plane. This castle manor was guarded by a very regular army inside and outside, and each one was carrying a machine gun rifle. If her Si Hao was really and Nuoke There was a conflict and she was afraid that he might get injured.

But to let her take the initiative to leave Si Hao as Sophie said, it is absolutely impossible.

No matter what happens in her life, she will not leave him.

When she thought about Long Sihao, Long Sihao was outside the manor at this time, accompanied by Ling Hanye.

They were surrounded by soldiers outside the manor, and dozens of automatic rifles were aimed at the two. These soldiers completely regarded Long Sihao and Ling Hanye as invaders.

Ling Hanye looked at the French soldiers with a cold smile, "You treat your master's guests like this?"

At this time, the big housekeeper Frang who got the news came out.

Looking at Long Sihao, he nodded slightly to show respect, "Master Glen, welcome back to the manor."

He then ordered the soldiers who pointed their guns at Long Sihao and Ling Hanye to make way.

Seeing this, Ling Hanye approached Long Sihao and said in a low voice: "Long Shao, since they gave way, let's go ahead and talk again."

Long Sihao said nothing and lifted his feet into the manor.

Ling Hanye then walked in.

Although Fran entered the manor last, he was at the forefront.

They were accompanied by dozens of soldiers with guns. They walked on both sides and behind Long Sihao and Ling Hanye. It was obvious to prevent them from suddenly taking Li Xiaoman away from the manor.

Long Sihao still does not know where Li Xiaoman is in the manor, so he will not act rashly.

His purpose today is mainly to determine his safety.

Only by confirming his location and safety can he proceed to the next rescue plan.

No other place in this manor is equipped with firearms and ammunition. If he acted rashly, a shootout was triggered, and Xiao Xiao had not received any training in this area, so he would not be injured.

The bullet is blind, and one will accidentally lose his life, so he can't let her Xiaoxiao take the risk with him.


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