A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 439 Observing as a reader...until the end

Chapter 439 Observe as a reader until the end

As the editor-in-chief of a cartoonist, everyone hopes to have a talented cartoonist under his command... After all, if the cartoonist under his command is not good enough, the cartoon will not pass the serialization meeting, or it will be cut in half after being serialized for a period of time, etc., but it will make Colleagues and editor-in-chief doubt their ability to work!

The genius of the cartoonist Eiji Niizuma was naturally known to the editors of the monthly magazine. Therefore, after meeting Yujiro, several editors subconsciously believed that among the newly serialized comics, there must be works by Eiji Niizuma. This also means that This is an opportunity to win over talented cartoonists... so after seeing Yujiro participating in the serialization meeting, the expressions of the editors became hot!

As for the identity of Yujiro, Sasaki, as the editor-in-chief of the monthly magazine, has not yet finished introducing him, but the editor of the monthly magazine, who has already begun to think about it, has no intention of continuing to listen. They are all thinking about how to win over the talented cartoonist. New wife Eiji!

"Editor-in-Chief, let's talk about the new serialized comic manuscript first!" Yoshida had also been on the editorial side of the monthly magazine for a while. Looking at the thoughtful looks of several editorial colleagues, he naturally understood what they were thinking. What... As a [Black-bellied Starman], Yoshida of course wanted to continue to completely misunderstand his colleagues on the editorial side at this time, so he made up a seemingly reasonable excuse at random to perform a magic touch, "I will talk to you later. Yujiro also needs to attend the serialization meeting at the weekly magazine, so..."

"That's it..." The editor seemed to have no idea. After briefly looking at Yoshida and Yujiro, he nodded in agreement, "Then let's get started!"

"Ahem, let's start with the comic "Zhan" by cartoonist Jing Hehe..." As the deputy editor-in-chief of the serialization meeting, after distributing the comic manuscript to several editors, he slowly introduced, "This is written by one of us. A new serial submitted by the group! The name of cartoonist Jing Hehe may not be familiar to you, but..."

"Eh? Cartoonist Jing Hehe?" An editor suddenly looked at the deputy editor in shock and asked with some uncertainty, "By the way, cartoonist Jing Hehe... isn't he a fictional character in the comic "Dream Eater"? ? I remember it was a character who appeared in the comic "Dream Eater" some time ago, right? So is the author of this new series using a pseudonym?"

"It's not a pseudonym..." After explaining it to his colleagues who looked confused, Yoshida suddenly felt a sense of superiority at this moment, "Before the cartoonist Shizukawa, he once worked for a period of time under Mr. Kouma of the Phoenix Academy. Assistant... Previously, Acheng, no, Teacher Ji Zhen of the Phoenix Institute, once said frankly that the image of Jinghe in the comics was derived from Jinghe-kun who was still working as an assistant at that time!"

"That is to say, about the setting of Jinghe River in the manga..." The editor who had just asked the question swallowed unconsciously, ignored Yoshida who was about to explain, and quickly flipped through "Zhan" in his hand. The comic manuscript comes...

"Damn it! This plot twist is too exaggerated, isn't it?"

"Originally, I thought that Tazmi would take the young lady on the road to escape after a fierce battle with those killers. I didn't expect that the plot would turn out like this..."

"Although there is no restriction on the type of comics published in the monthly magazine, this type...this comic..."

"Assassination group? Although the various scenes are handled well, in terms of bloody violence..."

Controversy soon began over whether to serialize the comic in the monthly magazine!

An editor said that this comic is too bloody and violent, and may face some criticism after being serialized, that is, from those who on the surface wear the "righteousness" of "everything is to make the next generation healthier and grow better", but privately Those who use "checking physical growth status" or "it is necessary to open a room to teach certain knowledge in order for the next generation to grow up healthily" and other excuses to provide 'special teaching' to the next generation. It should be serialized...

Another editor pointed out that although the plot of the comic may be dark in some chapters and does not belong to the "kingly" type of comic, this comic has a very exciting plot twist in just the first chapter, and at the same time, as a Types that rarely appear in monthly magazines should be given the opportunity to be serialized...

Several editors on the editorial side were arguing with each other. Although Yoshida and Yujiro were specifically allowed to participate in this serialization meeting, the two editors from the weekly magazine remained silent and did not make any remarks!

"So... is this comic interesting?" The editor-in-chief, who has the final say, asked this question to the editor who was in the middle of the dispute...

In the end, the comic "Zhan" from the cartoonist Jing Hehe was directly included in the list of candidates for serialization after all the editors gave it an "interesting" evaluation...

"Then the next manga... uh..." The deputy editor picked up the manga manuscript on the table, looked at Yoshida who had an [Inscrutable] pose next to him, and slowly turned towards you with a twitching corner of his mouth. He opened his mouth and said, "It's the comic "White Rabbit Candy" submitted by the second group. The cartoonist is... it's Phoenix Academy Fierce Man!"

"Sure enough, it's a manga by Mr. Kouma from the Phoenix Institute!" After hearing the news, several editors of the monthly magazine were not too surprised. After all, after seeing Yoshida participating in this serialization meeting, several people who had similar experiences, Naturally, I have known for a long time that in this new series, there will be a new series about the Phoenix Academy's murderous nature!


"Speaking of the name "White Rabbit Candy"..." A certain editor's mouth twitched unconsciously, and his eyes towards Yoshida became a little unkind, "I want to tell you, Yoshida-kun, will this comic be the same as the previous one?" It’s the same as “CLANNAD”, there are all kinds of pitfalls in the middle, right?”

"Sa, I don't know about this!" Yoshida spread his hands helplessly, "After all, Cheng has only completed three episodes. Judging from the current plot, this is indeed a very healing and heartwarming movie. Comics... As for whether there will be various pitfalls in the future, I don’t have the ability to predict, how can I know?”

"Very healing and heartwarming? This new comic by Mr. Kouma from the Phoenix Institute?" After hearing this evaluation given by Yoshida, several editors on the editorial side looked at each other and cast doubtful eyes on Yoshida. With a [ultra-high synchronization rate] that had never appeared in a serialization meeting, they asked in unison, "Yoshida-kun, are you kidding me? You are definitely kidding!"

"Uh..." Yoshida was startled by the abnormal synchronization rate on the editor's side, and then smiled awkwardly, "Actually, I didn't believe it at first, but after reading the manga... I think you guys probably Do you understand? And..."

"Yoshida, do you have anything to say?" Seeing Yoshida's hesitation, Editor-in-Chief Sasaki did not flip through the comics anxiously like other editors, but asked in confusion, "It's about this comic. Something?"

"Could it be that Mr. Kouma from the Phoenix Institute has made some arbitrary demands?" An editor who was looking through the manga manuscript taunted unhappily, "Although I also admit that Mr. Kouma from the Phoenix Institute is in the manga. Ability, but you can’t just make a request every time you serialize a comic, right? This approach is too arbitrary, right?”

"Of course not!" After loudly defending Takahashi Makoto, Yoshida's expression of difficulty and hesitation disappeared, and he said to the editor-in-chief and other editors in an extremely serious tone, "Perhaps what I say next may affect your understanding of comics. "White Rabbit Candy" review, but I think there are some things that need to be said to everyone! ”

"O-Cheng, the teacher of Phoenix Academy Kuma, once said, 'Even if there is only one reader left, as a cartoonist, I will continue to draw for this reader'!" Yoshida recalled that day in Takahashi Makoto After hearing the words at home, there was a hint of respect on his face, "So..."

"Regardless of whether this comic can be serialized in a monthly magazine through a serialization conference, and regardless of what you think of this comic... I will read this comic seriously!"

"No matter how deceptive this comic will be in the future, and no matter whether this comic is healing or depressing... I will read it seriously!"

"I am not observing this comic as an editor, nor am I looking at it from the perspective of reviewing whether the comic can be serialized..."

"But read it as a reader, as a reader who is taken seriously by the cartoonist... until the comic is finished!"

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