A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 440 The intention of a monthly magazine editor

It is very common for "full-screen silence" to appear in serialization meetings... It is not that the editors present are past the age of "making loud noises when flipping through comic manuscripts", the silence is just because of the source The new serial "White Rabbit Candy" submitted by manga artist Hohoin Kouma caused the editors present to observe the manga draft and collectively fell into a strange silence!

Although they both belong to the editorial side, due to the influence of individual values, each editor on the editorial side still has certain differences in the speed of observing comics. However, whether it is an editor who is the first to read the comic manuscript, or because he has to host At the serialization meeting, the deputy editor who was the last to read the manga draft stared at Yoshida with a rather strange look in his eyes after reading the manga draft!

"I said... what are you looking at?" After Yoshida noticed the weird looks in the eyes of all his colleagues, he complained angrily and glared back sharply!

Being stared at is a very unpleasant thing. Of course, what is even more unpleasant is being stared at with suspicion by a group of people! By the way, if it were any other editor who would have been treated like this [all colleagues watching] at the serialization meeting, he would have knelt down in fear... It should be said that Yoshida has been trained by Takahashi Makoto for many years. ?

"Well, Yoshida-kun, although I was indeed moved by your words before, but...please forgive me for my rude guesses!" The editor sitting directly opposite Yoshida carefully organized the manga manuscript of "White Rabbit Candy" After that, he asked with some difficulty, "Is this manga...really completed by Mr. Kouma from the Phoenix Institute?"

"Of course... wait, what do you mean?" Yoshida stared at the editor sitting opposite with a somewhat unkind expression. After pondering for a moment, the gloomy look on his face became more intense, and he asked angrily, "I said...you don't think this comic was plagiarized by Cheng, right?"

"I didn't mean that, it's just..." Although the editor's wording was very strict and careful, Yoshida's next words still made Yoshida furious, "Based on the previous painting style of Mr. Kumaru from Phoenix Academy, this This comic is obviously a little different..."

"A-Cheng's style of painting?" Yoshida's face that was full of anger just now was now replaced by a sarcastic sneer, "Not to mention that among the people here, I am the one who has the most contact with the cartoonist Phoenix Inferno Kuma... I think even the editor-in-chief, who once served as the editor-in-chief of the weekly, and Yuujiro, who has had occasional contact with Cheng, are not sure about Cheng’s painting style, right? Hmph! You really dare to say that..."

"But compared with the previous "CLANNAD", the style of this comic is completely different..." Another editor, who had also stared at Yoshida with strange eyes before, also intervened in the dispute at this moment, "And let's not talk about it first. Regarding the style of painting, judging from the plot of the manga, it seems that it is somewhat inconsistent with the previous style of Mr. Kumamoto from the Phoenix Academy..."

"Eh? After hearing what you said, I also feel a little..."

"Oh, it turns out that the sense of disobedience I felt when I read the comics is like this..."

"You, you guys..."

Several editors who had read the manga "White Rabbit Candy" began to speak one after another. Each of them used various examples to express that no matter how you look at it, this manga does not feel like it was completed by the manga artist Hohoin Kiruma! At the beginning, Yoshida argued with reason... However, as more and more people criticized him, Yoshida, who was fighting alone, said that unlike the protagonist in the anime, he had the ability to suddenly burst into flames when being beaten. Small Universe]’s aura or skills, in the end can only be dealt with with silence...

"Although each cartoonist may draw cartoons in different styles, even so, even in each different cartoon, some of the cartoonist's style, perhaps characters, will be retained more or less. Or maybe it's the direction of the plot..." As the editor who first provoked the dispute, after seeing Yoshida in a situation where he could no longer refute, he did not stop his remarks, but took advantage of the victory to pursue it! "However...please take a look at this new comic series "White Rabbit Candy". If the deputy editor hadn't reminded me, no one would have thought that this was a comic by the cartoonist Hohoin Kouma, right? Hohoin Kouma Everyone here does not deny that the teacher has monster-like talents, so it is possible that he can draw this comic! However... I think it is "recruiting assistants on the surface, but actually looking for a ghostwriter"! This possibility... also exists!"

"Ghostwriter...you, don't go too far!" Yoshida couldn't stay silent this time! According to the other party, if the comics created by Makoto Takahashi are really ghostwritten... then this not only means Yoshida's dereliction of duty as the editor in charge, but it will even destroy the cartoonist Hohoin Kouma!

"Excessive? Oh, you can't say that, Yoshida-kun!" He did not lose his mind because of Yoshida's angry roar. A certain monthly editor still kept a smile on his face and continued to talk, "In the new submission submitted this time, During the serialization, wasn’t Mr. Shizugawa also the assistant of Mr. Kouma from the Phoenix Academy? And... look at the number of manga manuscripts submitted for "Zhan"?"

"The number of comic manuscripts...huh? Quantity?"

"I remember that the final chapter of the manga "CLANNAD" was completed in the monthly issue released today, right? But Shizukawa-sensei, who assisted Mr. Kouma of the Phoenix Institute to complete the manga "CLANNAD", was able to finish it in less than a month Within a week, submit a comic manuscript that can be used for serialization in the monthly magazine..." A certain monthly editor deliberately showed a look of disbelief on his face, shook his head slightly and said, "If every cartoonist completes the comic manuscript The speed is so fast, which is really a gratifying thing for both weekly and monthly magazines!”

"Perhaps Teacher Shizukawa completed it in advance?" The other editor who asked this question said what was natural, but... looking at a certain editor who was smiling, Yoshida always felt that these unintentional words would bring about consequences. Quite a problem!

"Of course! If that amount of manga manuscripts had not been completed in advance, I think it would have been impossible for either the genius teacher Eiji Niizuma or the monster-like teacher Kouma from the Phoenix Academy... ..." A certain monthly editor tapped the table with his fingers, "But in this case, the question arises... What is the purpose of the assistant who is responsible for assisting Mr. Kouma of the Phoenix Academy to complete the "CLANNAD" manga manuscript? How about recreating a new comic that was originally supposed to be completed?”

That's because the brain circuit of a middle-class cartoonist is beyond the scope of ordinary people's understanding... Yoshida showed a disdainful smile on a certain editor who was showing off his IQ and feeling superior!

"My inference is that the so-called changeable comic style of Mr. Kouma from the Phoenix Institute is actually ghostwritten by different assistants! The reason why Mr. Shizukawa separated from his assistant status is probably because of his relationship with Mr. Keuma from the Phoenix Institute. A contradiction has arisen... The evidence is the comic draft of "Zhan" that you just saw! "The editor of a monthly magazine pointed at the comic "Zhan" that has been included in the serialization list, shaking the comic draft of "White Rabbit Candy" in his hand, " I think everyone has finished reading it, right? I personally feel that there is a certain gap between this comic and Shizugawa-sensei's "Zhan"!

"Indeed, compared to the twist-like plot of "Zhan", although the bland plot of "White Rabbit Candy" is very good, the gap is still..."

"I think so too..."

Regarding this, Yoshida did not deny it! For Yoshida, who knew the inside story, he did come to such a conclusion after reading two manga manuscripts, but the rest of the reasoning given by the editor of a certain monthly magazine was completely nonsense... However, he originally planned to keep it. Yoshida, who remained silent, finally couldn't help it after hearing that the editor of a certain monthly magazine kept pouring dirty water on Makoto Takahashi!

"I said... you should stop it in moderation!" Although Yoshida acted calmly, the editors present could all hear the anger in Yoshida's tone! "Listen to what you said, are all the comics that Cheng has serialized over the years written by other ghostwriters? Humph! Don't be kidding. You must know that the comics that Cheng serialized when he debuted were completed without the help of assistants. of……"

"I don't deny this, but..." The editor of a certain monthly magazine seemed to completely ignore Yoshida's murderous words. Instead, he continued the previous topic and continued to explain to his colleagues on the editorial side, "If Mr. Shizukawa is completing During the period of "CLANNAD", he had already started drawing "Zhan", so there should be no reason for Mr. Kouma from the Phoenix Academy not to know about it, right? But judging from the manga manuscripts submitted to the serialization meeting, it was submitted by Mr. Shizukawa as his assistant? The new serialized manga is even better than the teacher’s manga artist, Phoenix Infernal Fury…”

"Hey, I said you talked a lot nonsense, what exactly do you want to cause trouble..." Yoshida slammed the table, stood up and glared at the editor of a monthly magazine opposite, "I can prove what Acheng said. The comics in the series were all created by Cheng alone. There is no possibility of a ghostwriter! If word gets out that a cartoonist like you has worked so hard to create comics, I am afraid that no one will dare to contribute to the monthly magazine in the future. Right?"

"Proof?" A certain monthly editor asked suspiciously in a mocking tone that anyone could hear, "Although I also agree with Yoshida-kun as a person, but... there has never been an incident between the responsible editor and the cartoonist at the weekly magazine. Something about complicity? I remember the cartoonist of the weekly series... I guess his name is Nanafeng Toru? "

"So..." Regarding the editor of Qi's monthly magazine specifically mentioning Fengtou, Yoshida instantly understood what the other person meant, and the look on his face became even more angry, "You are suspecting...suspecting that Cheng has found a ghostwriter. , Do you suspect that I helped Acheng conceal this matter?"

"You said that yourself, I didn't say anything!" The reply method used by the editor of a monthly magazine at this moment... It's so **** style!

"You! You guy..."

"Although everything I said before is just my guess..." The editor of a monthly magazine suddenly changed his tit-for-tat speaking mode, "However, I still believe in your character, Yoshida-kun, and the character of Mr. Kouma of the Phoenix Academy! So! …”

"So what?"

"In order to prove that Mr. Kouma of the Phoenix Institute does not have a so-called [ghostwriter], and also to prove that Yoshida-kun, you did not help Mr. Kouma of the Phoenix Institute cover up the matter of the [ghostwriter]..." A certain monthly editor's face revealed a conspiracy. With a successful smile, "So, our monthly magazine should send an editor-in-chief to take over your job, Yoshida-kun... Of course, it does not completely replace your job, Yoshida-kun. It is just that during the serialization period of the monthly magazine, Mr. Kouma from the Phoenix Institute I’m just here to witness everything as the editor-in-chief!”

Well, to put it simply, I just want [Minotaur] Yoshida... In fact, this is the real intention of the editor of a certain monthly magazine!

Everyone who posted [Happy Chinese Valentine’s Day] today is ⑨! So a certain cat thought hard for a long time and finally came up with the idea of ​​having the most powerful reinforcements of the [FFF Group] appear in this chapter.

It seems that everyone who is celebrating the holiday has already gone to target shooting, so for the adults who are not celebrating the festival, I will update it early today so that you can have extra time to do what you want to do.


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