A middle school cartoonist

Chapter 565 Let’s recall the correct way to observe comics

Don't cry?

Yoshida scoffed at Makoto Takahashi's wicked [well-intentioned] reminder and didn't take it seriously!

You must know that as the editor-in-chief of the weekly "Shounen Jumk", Yoshida's daily work, in addition to collecting manga manuscripts from his cartoonists, naturally also involves observing and reviewing the comics of new cartoonists who submit submissions to the weekly...especially in the manga "Son Jumk" After the animation of "Dream Eater", many more people were infected by the "dreams" and "enthusiasm" of the good friends Ajou Mumenha and determined to become cartoonists. Each editor in charge is responsible for observation and review every day The work of comic manuscripts has also increased!

The number of newcomers submitting articles to the weekly has increased, and correspondingly, the number of comic manuscripts has also increased... Even though the evaluation standards on the editorial side of the weekly are quite strict for most newcomers, there are also some amazing and talented newcomers among them. The comic manuscripts you bring will naturally stand out from them!

It's just that whether those new cartoonists are just a flash in the pan or they have become new popular cartoonists... In addition to talent, what is more important is the persistence and hard work in the later period!

Although he only has to be responsible for two cartoonists, Makoto Takahashi and Little Sea Otter, it doesn't mean that Yoshida's current job is easy! In addition to occasionally taking charge of some master-level cartoonists, Yoshida also needs to participate in observing and reviewing the manga manuscripts of some new cartoonists...

What's more, neither Takahashi Makoto nor Little Sea Otter are worry-free goods. At least Yoshida has expressed in public more than once that he is envious of the two cartoonists under Editor Hattori, namely the obedient and hard-working Aya. Shiroki Yumeha is a good gay friend group, and Shizuka who stays at home and concentrates on completing the manga manuscript!

The reason why Yoshida didn't pay attention to Takahashi Makoto's uncharacteristic reminder today is that he naturally has considerable confidence!

On the one hand, as the editor-in-chief of the weekly editorial side, Yoshida has observed a large number of manga manuscripts, and is an industry veteran who is extremely familiar with various plots and plots... Therefore, he can make people cry in just a few words. Yoshida said that he had read the comics, but the number of those comics could only be described as a drop in the ocean among the comic manuscripts he had observed!

As for the other aspect...

Although the plot of the comic "One Punch Man" is a little weird, generally speaking, it should be classified as a passionate fighting comic, which is the "King Way" comic that once made a good gay group resentful for a long time! This kind of comic will definitely have plots that make people cry, but judging from the previous serialization of this comic, how can a comic with this comic style make people cry... Yoshida said that he really hasn't even thought about it!

So, to sum it up simply...

"Hmph! Cheng, you really underestimate me as the editor in charge!" After Yoshida successfully took over the manga manuscript, he sat on the sofa in a quite comfortable posture, ready to start observing the manga manuscript in his hand... However, Before the observation, Yoshida first weighed the manga manuscript in his hand, and did not start flipping through it in a hurry. Instead, he said to Takahashi Makoto in a serious tone, "Cheng, I am requesting you again as a friend and editor in charge... please Don’t stay up late to finish the manga! If this happens again, I will ask the editor-in-chief of the bottle to let you take a break for a while on the grounds that it affects your health!”

"Oh? It's just a cat belonging to me..." Makoto Takahashi raised his eyebrows and looked at Yoshida with interest, "Unknowingly, he has begun to have a rebellious heart and awakened the power in his body. [Rebellion Factor]?”

"Huh? Hey Cheng, I'm just thinking about you!" The kind reminder was met with cynicism... If Yoshida hadn't already known the true nature of a certain middle-class cartoonist, he might have started to enter the stage of "Rampage" Roar] mode now!

"Hmph! Very good, very good! Then keep the worry and hatred in your heart now, and continue the twisted struggle in the darkness! When the darkness corrupts your heart and despair fills your soul, you will You have the qualifications to kill me!" Makoto Takahashi looked at Yoshida with a look that said "I like you very much", and said words that made Yoshida familiar and speechless, "When that moment comes, your tragedy will be over." And let me [bury] your sinful life!”

"Before we talk about this..." Yoshida raised his hand and raised the manga manuscript in his hand, and said to Takahashi Makoto with some helplessness, "Speaking of Cheng, these manga manuscripts... seem to have far exceeded the content of one chapter required for weekly serialization. Right?"

"Well! The manga manuscript in your hand, My Familiar Cat, should be the content of four chapters to be precise..." Makoto Takahashi said the rather incredible fact in a matter-of-fact tone...

"Four, what's the content of Chapter 4!?" Yoshida looked at Makoto Takahashi in surprise. After pondering for a moment, he suddenly asked inexplicably, "Cheng, do you have a fever? Why did you draw so many manga manuscripts in one go? Huh? Although I am very happy that you have completed so many comic manuscripts in a short period of time...but you didn’t work hard to this extent, right?"

"Huh? My beloved cat, what are you going to say? Is this level of desperate effort? My good friend Yacheng Mu Mengye will cry if he finds out!" Makoto Takahashi took out the last issue of the weekly magazine and turned it to In the serialization part of the comic "Go Soul", he sighed to Yoshida, "You must know that Mr. Huangmao Glasses is writing the comic plot while enduring the beatings and killings of Seiji and I in Go! Physical exhaustion, Mental fatigue, soul trauma... To push yourself to that level in order to create comics, in a sense, the man with yellow hair and glasses is the most desperate, right?"

"...I suddenly sympathize with Takagi-kun!" After hearing the news revealed by Makoto Takahashi inadvertently, Yoshida's mouth twitched... But looking at the manga manuscript in his hand, Yoshida suddenly reacted and asked with some uncertainty Makoto Takahashi asked, "Cheng, you said before that the manga manuscript was not completed... but that was actually a lie! It's not that you didn't complete the manga manuscript required for the serialization, but that you didn't complete this short plot, right?"

"Yes... eh? My beloved cat, have you finally come to your senses?" Makoto Takahashi looked matter-of-fact, which made Yoshida feel a little painful in a place he couldn't describe! "This four-chapter comic draft is a complete story, and it is also my favorite plot in this comic! So My Dependent Is Cat..."

"Hey, hey, I get it! You can observe the complete story, so you have to always be grateful to the Demon God Phoenix Academy, right? I know!" Yoshida, who has been the editor-in-chief of Makoto Takahashi for many years, naturally I know what Makoto Takahashi wants to say! "...But speaking of Acheng, don't you usually like to deliberately stick the plot in key parts? Why did you change your past habit this time..."

"Huh? My beloved is a cat. Who would do such a heartbreaking and immoral thing? You are making a false accusation! It is absolutely a false accusation!" Makoto Takahashi's defense was only met with ridicule and contemptuous eyes from a certain editor in charge! "The reason why I finished the four-chapter comic draft in one go, well, let me think about it... it seems that it is probably because of my interest!"

"..." Yoshida felt that he should focus on observing the manga manuscript instead of continuing to waste time with Takahashi Makoto!

Ignoring Makoto Takahashi, Yoshida had already begun to look through the manga manuscript in his hand!

But when Yoshida saw the title [Unyielding Justice], he suddenly felt an uncomfortable feeling in his heart... because Yoshida suddenly thought of the plot of the previous chapter, that is, Teacher Saitama saved the city but was treated as a sinner. That sadistic plot!

If we still use a plot similar to the previous chapter, we must stop this guy Cheng at all costs...because if the same plot happens again, it will ruin this comic!

And more importantly, if you treat Saitama-sensei in that way again... everyone will feel heartbroken!

Yoshida suddenly felt a certain determination, and after leaving Makoto Takahashi aside, he began to immerse himself in observing the manga manuscript...

As for Takahashi Makoto, with a smile called "joy" on his face, he silently walked to the piano...

"My beloved cat, do you still remember your experience when observing the comic "CLANNAD"? Now it's time for you to experience the correct way of observing comics again!"

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