Wan Daoyi also knew that the Qiankun Demon Suppression Talisman was indeed in Tiandu City, and was being refined with demon fire in the Four-sided Cauldron. As long as it was refined for 49 days, the demon suppression talisman would completely disappear, and the demon army could unscrupulously pass through the seal barrier and attack the human race.

Hearing these words, Wan Daoyi thought of the bloody scene after countless monsters entered the human world, and he shuddered all over.

The man also shook his head slightly and told Wan Daoyi that everything was a disaster. The demon domain was bound to descend on the human world this time, but there were still some unresolved issues in the demon domain.

It turned out that the demon king of the demon domain suddenly fell, and the thirteen princes in the demon capital were fighting for the throne. When the throne was determined and the world was unified, it was time to attack the human world.

Even so, the demon domain is now sharpening its knives, and many demon kings are waiting for this day to come. After all, they have been sealed for too long.

Wan Daoyi was thoughtful when he heard these words, and then asked: "Senior, can you tell me your name?"

The middle-aged man looked at him and said calmly: "Zhao Wuji."

Qingfeng and his group looked at the tall city with difficulty, and they waited until the next morning, still thinking.

Just when everyone was in a dilemma, someone suddenly exclaimed: "Hey, how could there be people there?"

After hearing this, everyone looked towards the giant city and saw that people kept coming out of the city gate. Those people were carrying baskets and holding some farm tools in their hands, and they didn't know what they were doing.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but wonder, could there be human beings in this demon domain?

After observing for most of the day, Master Cangquan went out again and captured a person.

After some investigation, they found out that there had always been human beings in this demon domain since ancient times, but many human beings were in very bad circumstances.

Most humans became slaves and served the demons as slaves.

Only a small number of elite humans are high above and can stand on equal footing with the demon race. Such people are called aristocratic families.

Knowing all this, the man was knocked unconscious again and this part of his memory was erased with a secret method.

In this case, it is easy to deal with. Qingfeng and others got some farm tools and backpacks, and painted some black paint on their faces to make their faces darker and uglier.

But Qingfeng was wearing a mask and was unwilling to take it off. Fortunately, Zhongli had a piece of animal skin for disguise. He put it on Qingfeng's face and painted some dye. In an instant, he turned into an extremely ugly face.

At this moment, he bent his waist slightly, looking like a hunchbacked old man.

In this way, everyone walked into the city with some worries in their hearts.

Wan Daoyi never dreamed that Zhao Wuji not only saved him, but also taught him a kung fu called Xuantian Wuji Dafa. He said that this kung fu was the secret book of Tianxuanmen in ancient times, and it was also the practice method of their family for generations.

Now that he has met humans from the outside world, he hopes that he can bring this skill out of the demon realm and promote it.

Not only that, he also helped Wan Daoyi repair his body and taught him how to practice this skill. Wan Daoyi didn't care at first, but as he studied this skill, he gradually couldn't help himself. He didn't expect that this skill was so mysterious and was not inferior to the sect's magic skill.

Qingfeng and his party didn't expect that it would be so easy to enter Tiandu. The monsters guarding the city were just sleeping soundly and didn't even want to look at them.

After entering the city, everyone saw a different scene, with neat houses and clean streets.

Countless humans were cleaning and walking in the city, and countless monsters were wandering in the streets like mortals.

But they were followed by some human slaves, and they would be beaten and scolded if they were not happy.

Many monsters set up stalls in the city, some selling the flesh and blood of various monsters, and some cages were filled with human women and men.

There were monsters around who kept raising the price to buy them.

When Qingfeng and his group saw this scene, they all shook their heads and felt sad for the humans here.

But at this moment, everyone had a mission and could not do anything. They could only watch those people buy and sell.

Everyone was unhappy, so Qingfeng led a group of people to a restaurant and wanted to eat something first. When they arrived at the door, they were kicked out by a mortal waiter.

The man kept cursing them as low-class people who wanted to eat upstairs. Are they tired of living?

Looking at the waiter's face, Zhongli almost couldn't help but take action. There was no way everyone was so angry that they ate some porridge at a noodle porridge stall on the corner of the street.

This exotic food is not bad, with a different flavor. The seller is also a human, and an old woman. Seeing her white hair, she should be quite old.

Qingfeng asked around and found out that the human race is in a very low status. Except for some privileges of the noble families, they are all inferior people.

For example, she was a servant of a monster. Because she was old, the monster arranged this business for her. She had to sell enough porridge every day, otherwise she would be punished.

And they were all descendants of humans who were abducted by the monsters when the ancient monster domain was sealed.

Listening to the old woman's story, everyone sighed helplessly.

At night, there was no inn to take them in, so they could only find an abandoned house to live in.

Although they feel a little wronged, compared with those human races, everyone feels much luckier. At the same time, everyone also knows one thing, that is, they must get back the Qiankun Demon Suppressing Talisman.

Once the seal is broken through by the Demon Realm army, the human world will be devastated, and their descendants will be like the humans in the Demon Realm. When thinking of such consequences, no one can settle down.

According to what the old woman said, three days later will be the Ghost Festival, the biggest festival in the Monster Realm. Monsters all over Tiandu will come out to celebrate. That day will be crowded with people, which is just the right time for action.

Elsewhere, Master Yunhe encountered a group of monsters again. This time there were a lot of monsters. After a fight, Xue Lichu was injured.

After fighting for a while, those monsters became more and more fierce, and everyone had no choice but to scatter and run for their lives.

In the chaos, Yunhe took the remaining Qixing people, and Ye Ruxin protected Xue Lichu and fled in opposite directions.

Xuantian Wuji's technique is very mysterious and profound, but this technique seems to be tailor-made for Wan Daoyi. Once he practiced it, it was easy to master and it was extremely smooth.

This method, combined with the Nine Turns Divine Art he practiced, turned out to be flawless and flawless, which made him ecstatic for a while.

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