Qingfeng and his group would go out every day to get some information, and when they came back, they would summarize it. At this time, they also learned a lot about the demon domain.

For example, the demon domain army was actually gathering in the central area of ​​the demon domain, the imperial capital. A demon king in Tiandu also set out yesterday with a group of elite demons.

The Black Evil Tiger King was injured and was recovering from his injuries. He also issued a wanted order and drew the portraits of Wan Daoyi and others and hung them in the city. If anyone found them, they could be killed on the spot.

There was another demon king who was very mysterious, and they didn't get any information about him.

Yesterday they saw a group of demons bringing back a corpse, which was the disciple of Master Yunhe's group. According to these circumstances, everyone judged that Yunhe and his group were in danger.

Hearing this, Qingfeng was very worried about Xue Lichu, and he didn't know whether she could escape.

How could he know that Xue Lichu was seriously injured at the moment, and was on the way to escape with Ye Ruxin. The pursuers dodged one wave after another, and the two women were forced to suffer.

On this day, everyone finally made it to the Zhongyuan Festival. From the morning, various activities were organized in Tiandu, which was extremely lively.

On this day, mortal slaves were also allowed to celebrate the festival and buy gifts on the street.

Qingfeng and his group each found a place to hide.

He and Yu Zixin actually chose a tall house roof, where they could see the square and altar in the center of Tiandu.

The two stood on the roof, both silent. After a moment of silence, Yu Zixin suddenly asked: "Pluto, why do I feel familiar with you?"

After saying that, her eyes stared at Qingfeng's eyes, as if she wanted to see something from his eyes.

Qingfeng's heart trembled when he heard this, but he didn't dare to show any emotion in his eyes. After all, the two of them were separated by Taoism and Demonism, and he didn't want her heart to have any burden.

So he smiled lightly and just said: "Daoyou, you are too kind, but it's a pity that I don't recognize you."

Yu Zixin looked him up and down, and could only shake her head helplessly, not seeing any difference.

At this moment, a loud explosion was heard, followed by a series of roars that resounded throughout the Tiandu City.

The two saw countless fireworks rising into the sky and blooming, illuminating the entire night sky.

"So beautiful." Yu Zixin exclaimed.

"Although the fireworks are beautiful, they are too short-lived. In the blink of an eye, the brilliance is gone."

Hearing Qingfeng's answer, Yu Zixin shook her head and said, "But how many people want to be those fireworks, just for that moment of brilliance."

Qingfeng saw a different glow in her eyes, like a little girl's feelings, and she was completely different from her usual self.

For a moment, I don't know why, Qingfeng felt a little distressed.

For a moment, he really wanted to tell her who he was, but this idea was cruelly strangled by him as soon as it came to mind.

It's not that he is heartless, but sometimes, he can't help himself.

Everyone has to pay a price for what they do, and no one can escape the cycle of fate.


At this moment, a huge firework exploded, covering half of Tiandu. The fireworks were like flowers scattered by fairies, beautiful as hell.

Yu Zixin looked at the fireworks, with indescribable joy and happiness in his eyes.

Looking at the square again, countless monsters and mortals were looking up, and some were praying with their eyes closed.

Seeing this scene, Qingfeng sighed for a moment: "A disaster will happen soon, and many people will definitely be injured by mistake. I can only hope to reduce some killings."

"Ah," Yu Zixin sighed: "If I can't get the Qiankun Demon Suppression Card, perhaps the human world will be reduced to this from now on, and all mortals will be bullied by them.

Now I can only sacrifice my small self to complete my big self."

Qingfeng certainly understood this truth in his heart, but he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. Maybe he was really a bit too soft-hearted.

He shook his head slightly, and before he could say anything else, he heard another loud bang.

There were no fireworks at this moment, but a huge building in the east of the city suddenly exploded and a raging fire started.

It was Mu Jianxin and his men who took action.

There was another bang, and the fire in the west of the city was also ignited by people. The fire took advantage of the wind and instantly ignited a sea of ​​fire there.

For a moment, the city began to be in chaos, and the crowd fled everywhere, and casualties were inevitable.

The monsters guarding this place were rushed by the crowd and were immediately dispersed.

"It's our turn to take action." Yu Zixin had put on a cold face at this moment, and he was completely different from when he was watching the fireworks just now.

Qingfeng nodded, and casually took out the Zhangba spear that had killed the big-eared monkey, and a stream of bloody murderous aura floated out of his body.

Yu Zixin glanced at him, and the light in his eyes was a little strange.

At this moment, Qingfeng said: "If you don't go now, when will you go?"

As he said that, he waved his spear and flew to the altar.

What he didn't expect was that until he flew to the altar, no monster came out to stop him.

Curious, he looked at the burning jade plate on the altar.

As he got closer, he felt how intense the heat of the blue flame was, and the jade plate in the flame was even more red from being burned, as if it was about to melt.

Qingfeng tried to grab the object with his magic power, but found that once the magic power reached the cauldron, it would be absorbed by the cauldron.

At this time, Yu Zixin also flew over. Of course she was very happy to see the jade plaque. Before Qingfeng could say anything, she also grabbed it with magic power.

As you can imagine, the results have all ended in failure.

In desperation, Qingfeng could only stretch out his palm and decided to use Gang Qi to wrap it up and grab it out.

Just when his palm was about to touch the cauldron, a whistling sound broke through the air in the distance.

It turned out that a steel fork flew through the air carrying a huge force. If he hadn't dodged quickly, he would have been hit by this fork.

With a "boom", the three prongs passed him and hit the ground, immediately making a bottomless hole in the ground. This shows that the power of this blow is not trivial.

Qingfeng was terrified when he saw this scene. If he had been hit just now, his skin would have peeled off even if he didn't die.

While he was thinking, a person from a distance rushed towards him, and he was in front of him in a blink of an eye.

This person turned out to be a monster with a sheep's head and body. The sheep monster glanced at Qingfeng with cold eyes and said in a cold voice: "I have been waiting for you for a long time. I want to see how powerful you are. That guy Lao Hei is very You need me, Lord Yang Shen, to take action.”

Hearing his words, Qingfeng had already guessed that this monster should be the most mysterious monster king in the world. It turned out that he was actually a sheep monster.

Before he could think about it, another person below shouted loudly: "You yellow-haired children really don't know how high the sky is and how high the earth is. Just let me, the Black Tiger King, kill you humble bugs."

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