A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 181 - Moving On With The PLANS (I) {EDITED}

[SHIELD Headquarters, New York]

"Agent Romanoff, good work on your last mission" Agent Hill spoke to Natasha Romanoff with a stoic look on her face.​​

"Thank you, ma'am" Natasha said in a common courtesy.

"Director Fury is waiting for you" Agent Hill said and left Natasha to her own musing. Natasha released a long sigh… things aren't going very well in her life. She knew when her new life as a SHIELD Agent started to go downhill.

She knew that her life has been worse, her life started with the Red Room and now she had ended up in SHIELD. Yes, she would happily agree that her life in SHIELD hasn't been sunshine and rainbows but it wasn't bad like it is now. She knew very well why this was happening. It was happening because of 'Fox'.

The higher ups of SHIELD were never happy with her joining SHIELD. They wanted her dead but Agent Barton went out of his way and gave the infamous Black Widow a new chance at life as a SHIELD Agent. But she knew very well that her position wasn't like any other Agent, other Agents would be able to retire but she won't be able to do that.

She either works for them or she dies. Director Fury and the Higher Ups have never trusted her, who would trust a Russian trained spy who was so good in spying. But they were good until she messed up in the Fox Job, where she happily handed the company deeds to Fox and was unable to get any single clue about Fox's identity.

Now, she knew that she was going to be crucified even if there were others. Are you going to hurt your own trained workers or would you try to put all the blame on some outsider who came to in work in your Agency? Natasha knew that it wasn't something personal but they had to do it… the Higher Ups and Director Fury wanted to put the blame on someone and she had a nice X mark on her at that moment.

Since then her life has become quite hard, she had been sent on the hardest missions. She was sent 14 more times after Fox in these 5 months and she failed all 14 times spectacularly. She was the only Agent in the whole world who was graced by Fox's presence every time she was sent after Fox. Apparently, Fox found it funny that Fox would walk in have a chat with her and then leave.

But Director Fury and SHIELD Higher Ups didn't found it funny. They thought Agent Romanoff might have some prior connection to Fox before she joined SHIELD. After all, why would someone like Fox bother with Natasha. Natasha knew that she should blame Fox for her misery but she knew very well, that there were only her boss and Higher Ups to blame.

So, they started to send her on the hardest missions with low information. She has completed them even if they were the hardest missions of her life. After all, being a SHIELD Agent has its perks. But she wasn't happy at this moment… she knew she was about to get another outrageous mission that might get her killed.

She arrived in front of Fury office and knocked on the door, she didn't know what kind of mission it is going to be this time. Until now, they haven't sent her on any suicide mission that meant she still had some value in SHIELD, but it could change at any moment.

"Enter" she heard Director Fury's voice from the inside. She pushed open the door and entered the room. They exchanged the usual pleasantries and Director Fury finally told her about her new assignment.

"Take a look" Director Fury said and handed Natasha a file with 'Classified' written on it.

Natasha looked through the file and found it was about Mutants. Personally, she didn't have any feelings about mutants and she didn't have any problem of them co-existing with other humans but the information she found in the file were not known by anyone.

She read information about what SHIELD has learned from Trask Industries. Trask Industries were working together with SHIELD in Camp X-Ray to experiment on mutants. Not much was written there but the mission was from a request from Trask Industries… the mission was about protecting a Senator named Robert Kelly and why she needed to protect him.

Natasha wasn't a naïve fool, she knew that this file was marked as 'Classified' because this file would prove that SHIELD was taking missions from private companies. That also meant that this was going to be a black op… she along with some other SHIELD agents are going to be sent to protect this Senator Robert Kelly and if this mission fails then she will be crucified along with the other Agents. They would be on their own after that…

This wasn't her first black op mission where if she was caught she was going to be left on her own but this time the chance of failure was very high. She had read about the Bill; this Senator has proposed and there was a very high chance that some mutant might try to assassinate the Senator and with the odd abilities a mutant can have they were already in a disadvantage.

She was pretty sure that the other Agents that are going to be sent along with her are going to be problem Agents. Well, I guess that's all… being an Agent I have learnt to read between lines.

"From the file you have already understood that this mission is going to be a black op, right?" Fury asked looking at me sharply.

"Yes, sir" I said in a confident tone, even if I was fed up in the inside.

"Senator Kelly must be protected until the Bill is passed. This is very important, Fox might very well be a mutant, if this Bill passes then we would be able to use these sensors to locate all the mutants" Fury said in a grave voice. Well, like I have any option here… if I fail this mission then I will be crucified by SHIELD.

"Take 4 days off before reporting for the mission" Fury said and dismissed me. At least he thought that I should get some rest, I was slightly worried that he was going to send me right off.

[POV Reo]

I arrived at Knox in the evening… the girls were quite happy to see that I was back. In the past 5 months we were not able to spent time together. Nemuri and Rumi were not in Knox, Rumi was with the Brotherhood while Nemuri was in Dubai stealing fuel.

Since Nemuri has taken a liking to the hacking laptop Momo had decided to make another one for me. Momo, Fleur, Luna, and Dora were just resting now so they decided to join me in bed to cuddle… they saw that I needed to do something so they agreed that the sex marathon will happen after dinner. I mused how they communicated with just their eyes…

I picked up the laptop and started to dive into every possible Government Organizations to learn about their secrets. This was still 2002 so a lot of stuff were still kept in physical archives especially the confidential files. I wasn't looking for those secret files… I was looking for the locations of missile silos and nuclear submarines…

I wasn't disappointed and started to note down the locations, it would need some time but it is possible to infect their systems with a virus. It won't be hard to make such a virus with this laptop… this laptop could beat any Super-Computers in this world. After all, huge feats could be easily achieved if someone is able to merge magic with technology.

I know that I could upload the virus from any location and crash their computer systems but there was still a chance that they would be able to destroy the virus so I decided to personally pay a visit to each of these silos and make the missiles and warheads impotent. They could be launched but there won't be any firepower.

I wanted to make the islands unplottable but it seems like I have to use barriers for now. From what I have seen in the movies during The Dark Phoenix the island is huge and if we are going to make a hidden and protected country then we will need to include a lot of sea area too. It was going to very hard to make such a huge area unplottable and it would take time.

So, I will use the barriers to protect the place and slowly prepare the unplottable wards. We could easily make a country specific for mutants, with all the mutants out there. I know that there will be a lot of fools who would try to stay behind because they will believe in humans… naïve fools.

Even though Nemuri owns all the import-export companies I don't think that will be enough for all the countries to bow their heads. I must also take away all their money… then, why don't a cause a Fire Sale (Die Hard 4.0) on a global scale, I know that there are fools who would try to stop it but why the hell would I care…?? In this world there is no need to downplay anything from the shadows…

With this laptop, making a fire sale won't be too hard. Yes, to do it globally is going to be hard but not impossible… I could force all the countries to allow the willing mutants to leave the country. Tomorrow I am gonna go back to the HP World and buy all the house-elves I can. They will help Nemuri with the theft of fuel and placing teleportation seals in all her companies.

Looks like all the plans are prepared for now… let's see what happens!

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