A Mutant's Ascension

Chapter 182 - Moving On With The PLANS (II) {EDITED}

[POV Reo]

"Why is it so hot?" Luna asked me while pouting.​​

"Because we are in the middle of a desert at noon" I said in a dry tone. Luna just pouted cutely and took off her top. She was wearing a pink bra underneath… I didn't mind her taking off her top because we were the only ones here. The reason why the two of us were here was because we were looking for the entrance of the missile silo underneath us.

It has been 5 days since I have returned to the Knox from the Xavier Mansion. I was able to buy 139 house-elves and handed every one of them to Nemuri. Nemuri was slightly freaked out to see so many hyper-active house-elves. They were like that since I have told them that Lady Ravenclaw was going to be their Mistress.

Nemuri said that with this many house-elves she would be able to finish all the arrangements in just a few more days, she just needed to make the teleportation seals and the house-elves would place them. With her bond with them they could easily found all of her properties… the properties don't need to be magical for that to work because the contracts Nemuri has been using were magical.

Me and Luna have been busy making all the nuclear warheads in the States impotent. It took us 5 days to visit all the missile silos and nuclear submarines and make them impotent. It was quite a tiring job but it was quite fine.

I was using this country's own systems to locate all the facilities. The process might seem slow but only a few countries own nuclear warheads. After this we will be visiting Russia, this facility was the last in the US which wasn't tampered with by me and Luna.

"I found it" Luna chimed in from the side… she spoke pointing towards a huge hatch. It was slightly buried in the sand. It was quite clear that she used her seer abilities to locate it because there was no way she could have known… even I didn't know where the hatch was with my metal sensing abilities.

"Good girl" I said and gave her a few head pats… those made her really happy and she beamed happily. I used my metal sensing powers and disabled all the sensors… it was another thing I was able to do after I absorbed Leviathan's power.

I could only do it for minor stuff like these… turn on and off a light or electrical appliances stuff like that. I am not able to control a computer from a distance with my powers. After disabling the sensors, we both donned invisibility cloaks and opened the hatch. We slipped inside without making any noise… most of the silos were unmanned, this was also unmanned.

"Wow, this is huge!" Luna exclaimed with awe in her voice. She gestured with her hands towards the huge rockets.

"You know the drill. Look for the nuclear warheads and disable them, leave the rest like it is" I said to Luna, I was also looking towards the missiles.

I casted the spell to detect radiation… this was way quicker than looking up at them one by one. I found this spell in Japan back in the HP World, the Japanese wizards and witches crafted this spell after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing so they could detect the radiation.

We soon found the warheads, there were five nuclear warheads stored here. Both me and Luna were done in about 30 minutes and we were already ready to leave. We silently exited through the hatch and after closing the hatch I reactivated the sensors.

"Can we go back to Knox to pick up the cold clothes? You, know it is really cold in Russia" Luna said with a serious look on her face. But her serious look also looked very cute.

The thing is that I haven't told Luna where we were going next and she already knew, well who cares, she can see the freaking future. Both Luna and I apparated back to Knox and took all the winter clothes we needed. The others were confused when they saw us taking the winter clothes but didn't say anything. After that, I checked where we were going first.

Since we haven't visited the place before this we decided to take a flight. I grabbed Luna by her waist and took flight… only after a few seconds we were already above the clouds…

[POV Natasha]

I am really getting the feeling that this is going to be my last mission. Since I was in the Red Room I have started to trust my instincts and they have never been wrong. I don't think that they would be wrong now for the first time.

Senator Kelly has already been attacked by two mutants and it has only been five days. Nine days more and we have already lost 3 men… the first attack was done by some guy who was able to make waves of air… we lost two men that day. The guy was taken to Camp X-Ray in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. We were only able to catch him because of the prototype mutant sensor made by Trask Industries.

The other guy was some dude who was able to spit fire… this dude came way too close to my liking. I guess these sensors are still a prototype for a reason, he was able to spit fire on Senator Kelly when he was about to get out of his car but the Agent nearest to him decided to sacrifice his life and jumped in front of the fire and gave his life. This incident happened only a few hours ago…

He was also arrested and sent to Guantanamo Bay. I don't like this, these both attacks were completely amateur, others might not be able to feel it but I could once I saw the reports… it was almost like someone was checking the security around Senator Kelly.

[POV Rumi]

Today, Magneto has sent another guy named Shane to attack Senator Kelly. The guy was able to spit fire… this was the second orchestrated by Magneto. The first attack was done by a guy named Dwayne, he had the ability to make waves of air. He was also caught and sent to Camp X-Ray, but we saved him and killed the people who were escorting him.

"So, what do you think?" Mystique asked me looking in the direction of Senator Kelly.

Both me and Mystique saw the whole incident from a nearby roof. We were sent by Magneto to see what kind of protection Senator Kelly had. Magneto's aim was to assassinate Senator Kelly while Mystique would impersonate him.

"I am the newest member of the Brotherhood, and this is way too much trust you are showing in me" I said giving Mystique a side glance. Mystique laughed after hearing me…

"Your senses are the sharpest in our group, even sharper than that beast Sabretooth. We saw you fight with those guards escorting Dwayne" Mystique said with a smile on her face.

"They have some kind of sensor… the sensor isn't perfect that is why Shane was able to get so close to the Senator but most of them are good fighters, but that red-head is going to be the most trouble" I said pointing towards a sexy red-head among the guards. The woman was named Natasha Romanoff… I have seen her file on Nemuri's laptop.

"Yes, she kind of looks like trouble to me too but she doesn't seem to be well-liked by the others" Mystique said pointing towards the other guards who were talking to each other but they didn't invite Natasha. Poor girl…

"So, how do you think we should approach Kelly?" Mystique asked me.

"The best way to approach him is going to be inside his office… he has a sensor on his person too but we could still get close enough to him but we would need to wait. The guards are always near him so if you try to impersonate him now then they will definitely find out" I said watching the whole formation intently.

"I guess you are right… let's go and inform Magneto" Mystique said and with that, both of us left. I gave another look in Natasha's direction…

[POV Nemuri]

Fuck this shit! Why the fuck is this happening to me? While I stay and work in this place the others are able to enjoy Reo's manhood. This is so unfair… if anyone should enjoy his manhood then it should be me!! After all, I am the Super Pervert!!

Damn, I need to do better than that! Well, who cares, only the hyper-active little guys are here. I still get freaked out seeing how excited they are to work… this place is so damn hot but after I empty all their fuel reserves… I will give them a Big Fuck You and leave this goddamned place… I can't wait to be bonned by Reo again… my pussy tingled in excitement.

I was only wearing a pair of bikini bottoms and was completely topless. The house-elves didn't care because they weren't interested in humans, like will you be interested to see a naked cow. The concept is just like that and I was currently in middle of nowhere… I have casted a Fidelius around me. After all, I can't have humans to see the house-elves who are popping around now and then and that we are stealing their fuel diligently. I can't allow my glorious body to be seen by others. Only Reo and the others girls can see my glorious body.

I had to make a cut behind the bikini bottom for my tails, my tails were happily swishing behind me while I was watching over the progress. My job while simple was magic-consuming… I had to enchant the trunks, the little guys would come and take them to the oil fields, fill them up and bring them back after shrinking. I had set up my camp at some distance from the oil pumps.

Quite an easy job but tiring… I pulled out another beer bottle from the crate and took a swig after I used my teeth to open the bottle… the fangs, help me a lot. I don't know why but I have started to like shiny things and don't know why but I feel like I must have them. I released a frustrated sigh and continued to watch over the work… looks like I need to scratch the itch during the next break…

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