Chapter 404

Part 2 (Two)

Aslan (Ya Si Lan) Country

Others, this country also has lots of uniqueness.

For example, the average population’s IQ of this country is around 110, which is very unimaginable.

For the example, the way this country chooses it’s leader share a similarities with the way ancient people did, it is constitutional monarchy. The different is, their ‘emperor’ is a woman, and the throne is handed down from generation to generation. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

So that, the data that recorded kidnapping which done by the Prime Minister Qi Lian, then the people that being kidnapped were The Royal Princess Lan Pei Shan and also her daughter the heir of Royal Highness Ya Si Lan’s Queen, at same time she is the granddaughter of current queen.

While this surname of Lan, it is only used by the Royal family, other people can’t use it, the common thing is all the people who is using Lan surname is the Royalty relatives.

This is almost all that Yao Yao knows, but although she is curious about this country tradition, she never think after she has suffered a nearly fatal hardship and then drifting to this country.

“Colonel Nemo, How could I be at your military ship?” translated by azurro4cielo

“When we were having a patrol, we saw you were floating on the sea surface, hence we helped you.” azurro4cielo

Could it mean…. Yao Yao’s eyes rolled, emotionally asked: “How about my friend?” azurro4cielo

“Yours friend? We were only found you on the sea surface, and we were not found yours friend.”

‘Bzzz’ suddenly her head blank, Yao Yao’s face is turned to be pale, where’s Yu Ao Tian? Where Yu Ao Tian gone? Didn’t both of them were jumping together from the edge of cliff, but why at last Yu Ao Tian was not being saved together with her? read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

‘Hiks…. Hiks…’ Yao Yao listless breathing roughly, hurried she begged: “Colonel, Colonel NeMo, I begging you…. Please ask your men to patrol and search my friend, perhaps he still floating on this sea surface!” azurro4cielo

“Miss, toward your request, I do also hope that I can help you, but really sorry, our General is hurrying us to get back as soon, please forgive my powerless.” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

She knew, her request actually impolite, Colonel NeMo has helped her, she should be deeply grateful. But….

Speak frankly she really could not ignore the fact Yu Ao Tian gone missing without doing anything. “Colonel Nemo, you listen to me, that friend of mine is Chinese Government Elite Officer, no matter what you must ask your men to save and search for him!” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

“What?” Once Colonel NeMo heard it, immediately he frowned: “You say, that friend of yours is Chinese Government Elite Officer? Could he be….. Director of State Council Yu Ao Tian?”

Ha! Colonel NeMo knew! “That’s right, it is him! How could you know him?”

“Now the entire world are joining and form rescuing teams. But really sorry, still I can’t do anything to rescue him.” Ne Mo lowered his head to express his helpless. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

There are thick confusing gleam in Yao Yao’s eyes: “Why? Does it if one party has trouble then the rest would help? Why you from Ya Si Lan country does not care when you know the Director of State Council gone missing?”

“You don’t ask me the reason first. Now I want to ask you a question, are you Chinese?”

“Yes!” read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

Once Ne Mo heard it, immediately his facial expression changed to be so stern and serious, because they are keep on using English to communicate, so he thought Yao Yao is Japanese. “Miss, I sincerely advise you, if you don’t want to be executed immediately at the moment arrive in the port, just don’t admit yourself as Chinese!”

“Wh… why? Doesn’t Ya Si Lan country and Chinese Government always have good relationship?” This was also the data that she read after she checked on Ya Si Lan country, the reason is, there are many Chinese people descendant in Ya Si Lan country, so that the relationship always good. read at azurro4cielo.wordpress translation. If read elsewhere, this chapter had been stolen. Stop read from theft!

“Miss, regarding the relationship between my country (Ya Si Lan) and Chinese Government I won’t say too much. But, one thing that I can assure and say to you, ours Great General Bing Ye hates Chinese people the most!”


Great General Bing Ye…. this is translated by, owned by azurro4cielo

Extremely hate Chinese People? 

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