A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 370: We can't get married

"Well, Yaoyao, I know Aotian has done too much this time. But ..."

"Don't tell me, he has a dilemma !! I have already investigated the case of Huamei Villa, and it was his dad who wanted the coup to be executed by the deputy chief and my dad and others in secret !!!"

Long Qi didn't expect that Yaoyao had already investigated everything. Even the Longhua case wasn't quite clear. After all, he is only 19 years old now, and many things. Won't tell him. "Okay, now that you know everything and you understand, why are you looking for death? !!! Don't you want revenge? Don't you want revenge for your mother?"


How to report

It turned out she still wanted to use the power of Feng Chenyi, but now ... he ... "Long Qi, can you tell me to leave here first?"

"This ..." He encouraged Yao Yao to take revenge and felt sorry for Yu Aotian. Now he is letting her go ...

Distressed eyes were begging eyes of Shang Yaoyao. He shook his fist vigorously: "Okay! I'll send you ... go!"

"Thank you ... Long Qi ..."

Finally, she can leave this room full of pain. Now, she doesn't want anything, as long as she can leave here! !!

"Just send me here. Long Qi." Because he was too hasty, Yao Yao wore only a men's shirt. Standing at the entrance of the building, for fear of being seen by others, she waved to Long Qi and hurried to her home.


Door key ...

Everything she had was at the wedding venue, cell phone, keys, wallet. wait wait wait……

Another part was left in Yu Aotian's home.

How to do? Looking for Feng Chenyi?

Looked up and down in distress, eh, this way?

When Yaoyao was at a loss, who knew the door suddenly opened ...

He raised his head in surprise, and there was a sloppy face in his eyes, with some scum on the perfect chin. "Wind ... Chen Yi?" He was clearly a clean person, never seeing Hu Zhe on his face, why is he now ...

"You finally ... go home!" Suddenly, Feng Chenyi held her in her arms.

Yao Yao disappeared for three days, Feng Chenyi was waiting here for three days without sleep. Although Hei Yanlong and Ouyang Zixuan told him to go home and wait, he couldn't sit still at home.

Thinking, even if Yaoyao comes back, he will definitely be here for the first time, he wants to see her! !!

"We, Advanced House, okay?" The moment she was caught in Feng Chenyi's arms, her heart caught in the ice cave seemed to regain a trace of warmth. A sense of sourness was flowing uncontrollably down the nasal cavity, but she held back! She didn't want to cry in front of Feng Chenyi, nor did he want him to worry about herself.

Yaoyao closed the door behind Feng Chenyi, Yu Guang glanced down at his clothes. Oh, this look is still seen by Feng Chenyi.

"Chen Yi ..."

"Yao Yao ..."

The two shouted each other's names almost at the same time. Yaoyao turned his head and smiled at him: "You say it first."

"The wedding scene hasn't been cancelled. What day do we set our time? Is it okay tomorrow?"

"Chen Yi!"

"If you feel too hurry, then the day after tomorrow?"

"Chen ..."

"It's not Sunday, it's a good day." Feng Chenyi kept her elegant smile all the way, but she didn't give her any chance to speak at all.

wedding? Hmm ... funny, where do they have a wedding? !! "Feng Chenyi !!! Listen to me !!!" Yao Yao's low roar stopped Feng Chenyi's words. "We can't get married. Do you understand? We can't get married !!"

"Why?" Feng Chenyi's expression cooled down instantly. He sat slowly on the sofa and said blankly, "Don't you want to avenge your mother?"

"Yes! I don't want it anymore! I won't take revenge !!!" A stride stepped in front of him, Yao Yao answered positively.

"Really? Even if you don't take revenge ..." Her cold hand grabbed her wrist.

"His ..." Yao Yao took a sigh of cold air, and the wound on his wrist that was tied by a rope happened to be pinched by him.

Feng Chenyi glanced coldly at her slender bowl, and there was a touch of cold air between her eyes. But he didn't say anything, and didn't let go. Instead, he pulled her into his arms, and said gloomily, "Even if you don't avenge yourself, marry me !!"

Looking at this domineering face, her eyes flashed with an incomprehensible light: "Why?" The reason she married him was revenge. Now that she is not revenge, why should she marry him? !!

"Luo Yaoyao, why should I marry you, don't you understand ?! Huh?" The big hand raised her jaw violently. Who knows, the trace of her puppet that had been ridden by Yu Aotian was also exposed, and Feng Chenyi's eyes once again scratched a cold luster. "You remember, Luo Yaoyao, in this life, you are alive, my wife of Feng Chenyi; even if you die, my Feng Chenyi will not let you go !!!"

What an overbearing love is this? Domineering to suffocating.

Only then did Yaoyao find out that he was in trouble with two men who shouldn't be troubled ... "Actually, you can also be with me in another way."

"Another way ?!" Feng Chenyi slowly took away the hand that pinched her jaw, and smiled ironically: "Can you be my lover? I can't do it !!!" Shen: "I love you! I just want to love you with great respect!"

At this moment, the tears that had been lingering in Yaoyao's heart finally couldn't help it, and she yanked his clothes resentfully: "Did you take it for granted? If you want to get money from you, Be yours ... oh! "

Cold lips swallowed her unfinished words, he didn't want to listen anymore, he didn't want to listen any longer. Now Feng Chenyi is most afraid of recalling two things.

One was a relationship with Li Nuoting two years ago; the other was when Yaoyao asked him to borrow money, he said in a word, you come to be my lover!

Feng Chenyi confessed that he had never done anything regrettable in his life, but these two things were unforgettable memories that he could not wash away for a long time.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhh ..." Yaoyao tried hard to open this overbearing kiss. She couldn't accept it. After three days with Yu Aotian, she had a kiss with another man.

"That's enough! Feng Chenyi !!!" He shoved away from his embrace, Yao Yao quickly stepped back and stood in front of him. After a long silence, she smiled lightly: "Don't you ask me where I have been in these three days?" <

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