A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 430: What did you give me

Chapter 429: Too Insidious!

So insidious!

This ice fox in Bing Ye is so sinister! "Bing Ye, I have no injustice with you, why are you doing this ?!"

"Because you look like‘ she ’, I do n’t allow another person similar to‘ she ’in this world to live!” The cold words fell, and the soldiers detained Yaoyao out of the pool surrounded by mist.

She couldn't understand Bing Ye's desperate desperation, only to find his reason too unreasonable. It seems ...

This man really has no soul and no emotion.

Because she is like ‘she’, ca n’t she live in this world? Oh, what a ruthless and ridiculous reason ...

Two days later.

It has been two days since Yaoyao was detained by Bingye into his cell. He announced the execution of the 'international spy' to the whole country, but the execution time is set today.

Think about it this time. There were too many, too many incredible things happening in the plane's death. I also learned too many, too many secrets. This once again set off a rough sea in her already rough life.

For those secrets in the mist, Yaoyao really didn't want to go any further. She was more reminiscent of bits and pieces in that isolated island.

The folk customs and customs there are so greedy. And Yu Aotian there is also a way to return to nature.


It was really an incredible journey to death. It's just that ... the final destination was to be executed in Aslan, I believe no one would have expected this ending.

Sitting curled up in the corner of the cell, Yaoyao buried his head deeply on his knees.

"Little girl, eat more before you die. You will be shot shortly. At least you can be a dead ghost before you die." At this time, the warden opened the door of the cell.

A soldier holding a dinner plate walked down and put the dinner plate in front of her.

"Thank you." She uttered two words weakly, and she stared blankly.

At this moment, the soldier picked up the spoon on the dinner plate, scooped a spoonful of food and brought it to her mouth.

"Thank you." Still thank you.

But the soldier didn't put down the spoon sent to her mouth.


This soldier is too enthusiastic? Still responsible for feeding? Full of irritability, Yaoyao looked up helplessly: "Thanks ..." When she saw the familiar face in front of her, she suddenly showed an excited smile: "Yu ..."

‘Shh’, Yu Aotian smiled evilly, and slowly brought the spoon in her hand to her lips: “Eat something first.”

Why ... how ...

Yaoyao looked at him inconceivably. Yu Aotian's military uniform is now owned by Aslan. This is the first time she has seen this man full of evil spirits in military uniform, and he looks no worse than Bingye. It may be due to the innate height of these two men. They can wear this spirit military uniform to have a different handsome feeling.


Why does Royal Sky appear here? How was he rescued? How did he know he was being held in a cell?

One after another, Yao Yao knew very well that now was not the time to solve these puzzles. She opened her mouth and said, "Ang," and ate up the food on the spoon.

Yu Aotian smiled with satisfaction and took another sip of food to feed her.

One bite after another, and soon a plate of food was eaten by Yaoyao. She seemed to be uncomfortable and uncomfortable when she was not fed by Yu Aotian, but she hung a touch of it all the way. Smile.

"Oh, the jail in Aslan is so stingy, you didn't tell them, can you eat five servings by yourself?"

"Who would say this?" She was so depressed that she was almost depressed in the past two days. She didn't believe it. Before Yu Aotian was shot, she would have the mood to eat with others. ?

"Ha ha." Yu Aotian shaved her nose droolingly, turned and looked at the warden: "I want to take her to execute the execution."

"Huh? Are you alone?"

"Yes!" Yu Aotian pulled out the gunshot book from his pocket and handed it to the warden. This is the gunshot book that he got only by running a dozen soldiers by himself.

"Well, take her away." The warden opened the cell door.

Yu Aotian turned her head and smiled, and Chong Yaoya squeezed her left eye, looking differently charming.

She stood up pretending to be heavy, followed behind Ao Tian and walked out of the cell.

Along the way, there was an unexpected smooth, and every soldier who saw them opened the iron gates happily.

It took them a short while to get to the last iron gate.


The heavy iron door pulled up, and the front door was the exit of the prison. Seeing that the light was on the horizon, Yao Yao stopped solemnly.

"What's the matter, baby?" Yu Aotian turned back with a wicked smile.

She frowned slightly. "Don't you think it's too smooth?" Should the shooting be a serious crime? How could it be possible for a soldier to take away the person who was executed?

Looking back, looking at the soldiers standing beside the iron gates, it was too easy for them to let go.

"Ha ha, isn't it smooth?" Yu Aotian smiled evilly, and at the moment he turned around, there was a cold luster under his eyes ...

Since Yu Ao Tian feels all right, it may be really all right. Yaoyao also dispelled the doubts in his heart and continued to follow him and walked outside the prison.

Suddenly, the dazzling light invaded Yaoyao's eyes. She had been in prison for two days and was unable to adapt to the dazzling sunlight outdoors.

"You finally showed up."

Suddenly, a cold voice came from the front. Yaoyao quickly rubbed his eyes and found out ...

Outside the prison, it was full of soldiers. And Bing Ye sat coldly on a chair and looked at them blankly.

She knew it! Knowing that everything went too smoothly, how could a military power like Aslan State ask a soldier to watch a prisoner on death row and go to the execution ground?

How to do? Bing Ye hates the Chinese so much. A heavy duty person like Yu Aotian will definitely not let him go? !!

The body trembled uneasily, Yaoyao subconsciously grabbed Yu Aotian's clothing corner, and looked at the ice night sitting not far away with horror.

"Oh, it's okay." Yu Aotian showed a soothing smile at her, and those bottomless eyes slowly cast their eyes on Bingye: "You're so fanatical that you want to lead me out, how could I not show up? What about? "

Introducing ... Ao Tian appeared? !!

When Yao Yao heard this, he looked at Yu Aotian with a smirk in his face, wondering that he had just realized that the smoothness was a sign of uneasiness? The reason why he didn't take it apart was for self-throwing? !!

"Three days ago, I received a message. Some witnesses saw you appearing in the territory of Aslan. I sent a division to search and you didn't find it, so I had to use this trick."

Use this trick?

What Bing Ye refers to is that he shot himself so aggressively in order to provoke Aotian to appear? !!

This man's city ... is really not lost to Yu Aotian!

Fearful eyes stared at the flashing eyes of the two men. At this moment, Yao Yao faintly felt that Yu Aotian met a strong enemy.

### Chapter 430: What did you eat for me!

The depth of Bing Ye is unpredictable, and the depth of Yu Aotian is unpredictable. The collision of the two men's ingenuity seems to spread a thousand fires invisibly.

"General Bingye, tell your purpose." Yu Aotian opened the topic frankly to the key point.

Bing Ye stood up expressionlessly and walked slowly in front of him: "It's very simple, I need the director to take me to meet someone!"

"People?" Yu Aotian's eyes turned, and the corner of his mouth slowly provoked a wicked smile: "Who is it?"

"Zeng! Kai! Rui!"

These three words were almost spit out from between the teeth of Bing Ye.

Yao Yao seemed to see in the eyes of Bing Ye when Yu Aotian mentioned Zeng Kairui's expression. Does Bing Ye also have a holiday with Deputy Prime Minister Zeng?

"See him ..." Yu Aotian shook his head in a difficult way: "Sorry, General Bing Ye, I can't help you with this. In case you have enemies with him, I will show you to him, wouldn't I Am I tired? "

Liar! Yu Aotian lied to him. He obviously wanted Zeng Kairui to die. If Bing Ye really killed Zeng Kairui, wouldn't Yu Aotian die beautifully? Obviously, he deliberately made it difficult for Bing Ye to try to find out the purpose of Bing Ye to see Zeng Kairui?

Oh, Yu Ao is naive and cunning. I don't know ... how will the cunning ice night be resolved?

While Yaoyao is waiting for a good show, who knows ...

Bing Yebing's eyes sank, and she grabbed her body and shoved a pill into her mouth.

"Yeah!" Yaoyao just wanted to spit out, but was forced to be poured by Bingye. "Ah ... heh ... heh ... you, what did you give me ?!"

"Poison!" Two words popped coldly, and he stared blankly at Yu Aotian.

"Oh." Yu Aotian shook his shoulders indifferently when he saw this: "General Bing Ye, it is useless to threaten me with her, she is not my wife. You might as well ask her husband to take you to see Zeng Kai Rui, her husband is very capable. "

"It's most reasonable to take me into the State Council as your governor. Besides ..." A flash of amber eyes: "If you really don't care about her, after I issued a notice to kill her, How come to save her ?! "

Speaking of Bing Ye's words, his hands were slowly behind his back: "One to save someone else's wife at the expense of revealing his whereabouts, the other ..." The corner of his eyes scanned Yao Yao: "To save the governor you, ignore Danger stay with me to please me. The relationship between you ... I don't want to speculate, now, I just want your answer from the director! "

Ice night!

Yaoyao clenched his hands into a fist. It turned out that her purpose of staying with Bing Ye had been seen by him for the past two days. The man's city palace was really deep! It's just another Royal Sky, but their personality is too far apart.

"Oops, baby, our **** has been seen through, but what can we do?" Yu Aotian finished the pretended expression with difficulty.

All of a sudden, Yaoyao ’s face ‘嗖’ turned white: “Do n’t ... do n’t talk nonsense!”

"Oh." Yu Aotian smiled again, and his deep eyes nodded after the cold eyes on Bing Ye, nodded slightly: "The deal!"

Bingye turned and walked quickly to an adjuvant: "Notify Colonel Thal, and release all Chinese ships that have been stopped!"


After hearing these words from Bing Ye, Yao Yao finally understood why Yu Aotian arrived in Aslan three days ago and has not been able to leave now.

If he successfully left three days ago, I believe he has already been rescued, right?

This ice night completely staged a trick to invite Jun to enter, deliberately left Yu Aotian in Aslan, and induced him to come and exchange with him. It's cruel!

At the port of Aslan, more than 10,000 soldiers lined up in a square array, and a Chinese warship arrived at the dock.

Looking at the dozens of ships that were gradually approaching him, Yaoyao inexplicably became nervous. Didn't you know that Chenyi was in it?

The warship finally entered the dock, and the person in charge of the Chinese quickly walked off the ship: "Councilor!" A man in a military uniform saluted him a military salute: "I am the commander of the 45th Army Fang Zhi , Specially sent to pick you up! "


Our military commander stepped in front of the representative of the Assyrian state: "On behalf of China, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Assyrian state. Thank you friends for helping the important leaders of our country."

This representative is just a colonel in Asland. He smiled politely: "It's just a hand. I believe that the friendship between the two countries will be more progressive in this friendship."

Representatives of the two countries trembled towards each other.

Yu Aotian talked to Yaoyao and thanked the colonel in Aslan, and boarded the Chinese warship.

"Aotian!" Han Liyu had been waiting for a long time at the hatch of the ship. After seeing Yu Aotian, he didn't mention how excited he was.

Followed by all official leaders of China who came to the rescue. Apparently, he received congratulations from all directions.

Looking at the lively scene, Yao Yao gradually retreated from the place that was not his own.

Walking slowly to the deck, leaning on the railing, Aslan's country gradually became smaller from her sight.

Oh, finally I can leave here, great!

This place, she doesn't want to come in this life.


After returning, she was clear of what was waiting for her.

Looking up, looking up at the endless blue sky, the sea breeze blowing her long black hair, how long will it take to forget this ‘travel’?

1 day? 1 year? Maybe a lifetime ...

But no matter what, if you can't forget, you still have to do what you need to do; you have to do what you need to do.

"Isn't it cold?"

Yu Aotian's voice suddenly came from behind, and then a suit jacket was slowly put on her.

Looking sideways, looking at Yu Aotian who came to her side, she barely squeezed out a smiley face: "You disappeared for so long. Didn't talk to those who came to you, drink a few glasses to celebrate?"

"I'm afraid of chaos after drinking." Yu Aotian smirked.

Suddenly her small face ‘唰’ sank: “I ’m going back!”

"Oh ..." Suddenly, Yu Aotian took her arm.

"what's up?"

"Feng Chenyi didn't come to pick you up, are you not lost at all?"

Lost, if not lost, why would she hide on the deck when she saw the people who came to meet Royal Sky? Sometimes I have been away from my hometown for a long time and I long for the warmth of my family. But ... "Nothing to lose. He's so busy, why should he come over to pick me up? It's the same when I go back to meet him."

"Oh, you think about him."

"Of course, because he is my husband ... eh."

Before Yaoyao finished speaking the last word, Yu Aotian sealed her mouth fiercely and swallowed her harsh title.

Panic eyes were gradually covered by the cold, and Yaoyao struggled hard, trying to push the man in front of him.

But the man's arm held her firmly in his arms like a pair of pliers.

Soft lips kiss her obsessively ...

### Chapter 431: Feng Chenyi passed away? !!

"Hmm ..." Yaoyao's breathing gradually became a little messy, and she couldn't stop banging on the man's chest without any strength.

Gradually, her struggle stopped and the man kissed herself. The hatred contained in those eyes was slowly breeding.

Yu Aotian seemed to be aware of her changes, and slowly opened her eyes. When she met her hateful eyes, he finally ended this overbearing kiss!

‘Pah’ the next second, Yaoyao started his hand and hit him with a slap. "Yao Aotian, from the moment you boarded this ship, you should know that our position has changed!"

"Oh." Yu Aotian touched his beaten face lightly, this is the first time he was slapped by a woman! Turning around, facing the blue sea, he laughed evilly: "In fact, since we were killed, Feng Chenyi and the US government have been looking for you."

"You ... how do you know ?!"

"Just told me."

Correct! Han Liyu is in China, so he can easily know the movement of everyone. "Then ... what about others ?!"

Looking at the excited expression hanging on Yao Yao's face, Yu Aotian snorted coldly: "Is he so happy knowing he is coming to you?"

"Yao Aotian! I don't want to play a mystery with you. If you know Chen Yi's movement, please tell me!"

"A few days ago, Feng Chenyi and Long Chan unexpectedly found the village we used to stay in. But when they arrived, we just left. So they found the big uncle who had kept us and asked It's where we are. "

That is to say ... Chen Yi knows ... the relationship between her and Yu Aotian ... during this time? !!

What was Chen Yi's mood at the time?

But that ... that is helpless! Although Yaoyao is extremely afraid that Feng Chenyi knows everything about her on the island, she wants to ask where is Feng Chenyi now. "What happened after that? What happened after that?"

"After that, Da'ao's two sons told them that we were taken away by the military base. Because the people who accompanied them at the time were officers of the US government, in order to avoid political problems. Feng Chenyi and Long Mao took part of the imperial dragon. People from the agency went to the military base to find us. "

"Some people in the Royal Dragon Club?" After hearing this, Yaoyao responded very strongly: "If that military base is really what you said is Zeng Kairui's" Black Army ", then, weren't they ferocious? less?!"

"Oh ..." Yu Aotian sighed slightly, and the bottomless eyes gradually darkened. He was silent for a long while, and slowly retracted the eyes staring at the blue sea. "As soon as they arrived at the military base ... the explosion!"


An invisible boulder weighed heavily on Yaoyao's heart: "This is what Zeng Kairui did in order to destroy the corpse! Then ... how are Chenyi and Longji brother now? What happened to them? ! "Excitedly grabbed Yu Aotian's arm, she asked loudly.

Yu Aotian took a deep breath and lowered his head expressionlessly. But the solemn expression on his face had given the best answer.

"No, this won't be true! Impossible!" She didn't believe it, she didn't believe that Chen Yi would leave her so carelessly; she didn't believe it, she didn't believe that fate would be so tricky, she was sure Did the husband leave himself during this marriage? !!

"Oh, oh ... wow ..." The wailing cry of grief flowed along Yaoyao's cheeks, and she sat weakly on the deck: "Why? Why is my family always leaving me one by one? And go. I do n’t know who my family was before 6 years old, and I do n’t want to know, then after 6 years old ... ”

"When I remembered for the first time, when a man begged me to call his father, I knew that he was my family, but ... he left immediately."

"It's okay, Dad's gone, I still have a mother. But ..." Biting her lower lip in tears, she stared at Yu Aotian who stood in front of her angrily, and stopped talking. "Grandpa went abroad. I thought maybe I wouldn't have family anymore. But at this time, Chen Yi reached out to me when I was most helpless, and at that time I told myself ... he ... is the last family in my life, but ... he has left me now! Why! Why! Why? "The small hand slammed on the ground.

Seeing this, Yu Aotian was afraid she would hurt herself, and hurriedly held her in the arms from the ground: "Then you might as well consider and consider remarrying to me. I'll be your family."

"Dream! You are the culprit of taking away my family, and whoever I marry will never marry you! Also! I have no time to joke with you at this time!"

"Huh? Baby, do you think I'm kidding you?" Yu Aotian frowned pretending to be innocent.

Her eyes widened in indignation: "Others don't know who you are, and I don't know yet ?! If you want to get married, your children will use soy sauce!"

Yes, Yaoyao really understands Yu Aotian's character in treating women and her desire for marriage.

He used to hate marriage and children, but since he got to know Yao Yao, he has made some changes to his children. But as for marriage? !!

Until now, he was still in a state of exclusion. Regardless of the woman, he never thought about getting married.

No doubt, what he just said is just a joke!

"Let me down!" Yaoyao twisted his body angrily.

Yu Aotian smiled crookedly: "Where are you going?"

"I want to be alone!"

"Baby, wouldn't you think about it, right?" Yu Aotian asked after concern, and put her back on the ground.

Yao Yao gave him a cold glance: "Rest assured! I will not seek death until your Ao Tian is not dead!" He turned and disappeared into his sight.


This is not bad, their hatred has become her motive. Watching her back disappearing quickly, Yu Aotian shook her head helplessly, turned and continued to face the sea.

‘Chen Yi reached out to me when I was most helpless, and at that time I told myself ... he ... was the last family in my life, but ... he also left me now! why! why! why? !! ’

"Family ... Oh ..." Yu Aotian smiled puzzledly. Perhaps, at this moment, he could clearly see Yao Yao's longing for Feng Chenyi and the loneliness and helplessness in her heart ...

12 AM domestic time.

The largest quay is surrounded by countless reporters on the inner and outer floors.

"Dear viewers, at 6 am this morning, our spokesperson announced that the Chinese fleet had successfully retrieved from Yu Aotian, the director of the State Council, who had died in Aslan. Now the warship that is slowly shored up behind me is the director. The commander's forty-fifth army, the captain's general fleet. "

"Woo ..." A voice of the warship captain's voice was issued, and the large warship finally landed, and the reporters blocked the position of the ship's mouth, waiting for Yu Aotian to appear. <

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