A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Vol 3 Chapter 328: Yaoyao's mother was killed

Chapter 328 Yao Yao's Mother Was Killed

"Do you think I'm dead?" Yu Aotian still smiled lightly, his voice was soft.

However, Deng Huihong saw the killing in his eyes. She shook her head and sighed slightly: "Perhaps this is life!"

"Well, it's the number of lives. I didn't expect Red Sister, you will follow Uncle Luo, I remember ..." Yu Aotian's eyes turned: "Uncle Luo seemed to have a wife then?"

‘Awkwardly’ Deng Huihong's heart sank. Sometimes she really wanted to forget it, but the fact is there, not to say that you can forget it by forgetting it. "Well, neither I nor Tianming are ... legal couples."

Deng Huihong, who was new to the Politburo compound, was only 18 years old, but she was so slim that many political officials fell down under her pomegranate skirt.

But she just fell in love with Luo Tianming, who was a secretary at the time. Although she knew he already had a wife and a family, she couldn't control her feelings for him. Finally embarked on the lover's no return road.

The Politburo itself strictly manages corrupt practices. Luo Tianming was afraid that the relationship between the two would be detected, so he had to sacrifice Deng Huihong to become a full-time lover.

This is why, when Deng Huihong's younger brother occupied the pension and house left by Luo Tianming's death, she did not dare to make too much trouble. Because so far, she is his lover, and in what capacity does she want to return to their property?

Although the old man is Luo Tianming's father, he doesn't even know that this so-called daughter-in-law is just a lover raised by his son!

"Oh. I didn't expect that Yaoyao would go my old way." When Deng Huihong guessed that Yaoyao might be a lover, she really didn't know what to say except for her helplessness. However, she never regretted Luo Tianming as her lover, but she did not know if Yao Yao had such luck!

"Red sister, Yaoyao didn't go your way, because I never took Yaoyao as my lover !!" Even when he was so cruel to her at first, he didn't really consider Yaoyao himself Lover to look at.

"Really. But you are not suitable, not at all. If I can live to see Yao Yao take her boyfriend to see me, as long as she brings you, even if I die, I will not agree with you Together. "Deng Huihong didn't hate Yu Aotian, and even she appreciated Yu Aotian's excellence. Everything, everything, just from the perspective of her adult, Yao Yao is really too simple, such a simple child, Not suitable for a boyfriend like Xiang Aotian.

"Red sister, that's the future."

"Yeah, what happened in the future ..." Mother Luo smiled helplessly and lowered her eyes slowly. After a moment of silence, slowly stood up: "Xiaotian, I will tell you the answer you want. But please promise me a request, can you?"

"Say it."

"Please don't hurt my father-in-law and Yao Yao. Can you?"

Yu Aotian put his hands in front of her, and slowly raised an unruly smile at the corner of her mouth: "Why?"

"Xiaotian, you should know! That matter has nothing to do with my father-in-law and Yaoyao !!!" Deng Huihong ran to him in excitement.

Long Yan, who was standing on the side, was about to stop and was stopped by Yu Aotian.

She begged to kneel in front of Yu Aotian, and the old hand firmly grasped his trouser legs: "Red sister, please, please, please let my father and Yaoyao go!"

"Oh, Red Sister." Yu Aotian smiled helplessly, squatting slowly, and his bottomless eyes splattered a gloomy Ruiguang, and then said, "That thing, follow Mine ... Mom! Does it have anything to do with me and my brother ?! "

The slightly rock pressed by Luo Luo's mother's heart sank heavily, but she was questioned by Yu Aotian, but she felt that her plea was so funny and so unconvincing, yeah, That thing really involved too many outsiders, didn't it?

Now that it has become a big mistake, it can only be wrong again and again.

Thinking of this, Luo's mother loosened the hand that grabbed Yu Aotian's pants.

"But Sister Hong, don't worry. I won't hurt Yaoyao. To talk about the people who have nothing to do with this most, it seems that Yaoyao really is."

Deng Huihong opened her eyes wide, and the next second she smiled helplessly: "You ... you know?"

"Well! When I saw your picture with Uncle Luo, I already guessed it."

"Hehe ..." Yu Aotian is really too smart! Insight is too strong! Deng Huihong is becoming more and more determined now, and Yaoyao must not be with a man who has such an arbitrary control of the overall situation.

"Red sister, before you give me the answer, I have a personal matter and want to ask you."


Yu Aotian was silent for a moment, and slowly said, "Where did the scar on Yao Yao's left shoulder come from? You should know?"

Knife injury?

Deng Huihong recalled carefully. She shook her head helplessly for a while: "Sorry, Xiaotian, I don't know. At that time, I received a call saying that Tianming had a car accident with Yaoyao. When I arrived at the hospital, the doctor told me I, Tianming has died unfortunately, and Yaoyao is trying to rescue. But the doctor said that Yaoyao ’s fatal injury was not due to a car accident, but a knife injury to his left shoulder. Therefore, I do n’t know what happened to that injury. . "

Hearing Luo's mother's memories, Yu Aotian took a heavy breath, and the expression on her face that looked forward disappeared instantly.

Ms. Luo stood up with a faint smile on her mouth: "Xiaotian, as for the Huamei villa case, Tianming and I were involved. Sorry ..." After saying this, she closed slowly Eyes.

Waiting for her due results.

Tianming ...

What I said, my hunch has always been very spiritual. Like the moment you left me, I seemed to feel it.

Do you know that in those years we were with you, the most you said to me is sorry, I will definitely give me a name.

But I never really cared about that so-called status.

What if he is just your wife?

It's enough for me to get all your love. In fact, you never owe me anything, and I will stay with you without regrets.

Oh, but one thing, I really hate you!

I do n’t understand, I do n’t understand why you left my father and Yaoyao to take care of me before leaving.

When I get your death news, I want to leave this flashy world with you for the first time. But because of my dad and Yaoyao, I can only live in this world in pain and feel the days without you.

But now ...

I can finally be relieved and I can finally go to heaven to accompany you. I'm just sorry, I can't keep my promise and I can't continue to take care of our dad.

Tianming, please wait for me in heaven, okay?

Thirteen years of lonely thoughts finally came to an end at this moment, and Deng Huihong turned these 13 years of pain into murmurs before he died. She was really not afraid of death. Perhaps the death at this moment was that she had waited too long and ended too long.

Sometimes, love, that is, if you leave, I only have a body.

'Bang' a sharp gunshot across this gloomy hall, is it the end or the beginning of a new hate, it seems, it is still unknown ...

This novel comes from reading books 罔

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