Edited by: Arezz

Yukio and his two wives were watching with interest as everything in the distance were being developed.

The three were sitting on their thrones which floated in the air, and even if someone looks up it was impossible to even detect them

After all, Yukio had used a spell to hide their presence and that no one could even notice that they were close by.

Down there was a sports field or that seemed to be before, at this time Issei was fighting Kokabiel whit all his strength

Shuri watched the fight and found it very entertaining, she had never been close to a battle since she left her clan

Even more so when he stayed in Yukio's dimension for such a long time

Meanwhile, Misla was focused on the battle, after all, she had learned recently that this boy named Issei was his brother-in-law.



Issei and Kokabiel clashed as both fists crashed loudly

Both were sent backward because of the strong impact between their fists

Issei frowned as he looked at his trembling fist, this fight was making things quite difficult

But Kokabiel was not better, he was gritting his teeth in anger

Kokabiel: "What the hell is going on with this guy? Why is he so strong?" He murmured looling at his hand, feeling a slight numbness in it

Issei: "Do you still insist on causing troubles? You really must be out of your mind to start a war between the factions just for fun"

Issei spoke as he waited for his partner Ddgraid to start accumulating energy to make a booster

Kokabiel looked at the human in front and smiled with elegance "You're just a child, you don't know how great and fun it's to be at war, we fallen angels don't have to be hiding in a corner, but governing over all beings of the supernatural world"

He spoke arrogantly while spitting his ideals, but If every one else heard his words they could only sigh in disappointment

Is not it the same as looking for pointless massacre of many people and chaos just for getting power?

Everyone could see that Kokabiel wanted the fallen angels to be the rulers of everything, but no one would leave that happen

Rias: "That's pretty silly coming from a Cadre ..." she said with disgust

Kokabiel looked at her before smiling. "Yes, is not what that guy named Agarus tries to do? He appeared recently, but he just been doing what he wants."

From his point of view, Agarus was someone like him, a person who loved war and wanted his faction to rise to the top

But Rias shook het head "Don't compare yourself with him, you can not even be his shadow" She clearly got a little angry at those words, but she calmed down immediately, still remembering the words that her husband had given her earlier.

Issei stood by her side as he watched closely each action of Kokabiel

Issei: "What do you think we should do *buchou?, This guy is very problematic, we must go to help others"

(*EN:/ just in case you dont know "buchou" is reference to a president or lider of a club like the occultist club call Rias, "Rias-Buchou", tell me If you don't like it)

Rias: "That's true, but I know that this man will not let us go anywhere until we manage to deal with him, maybe i can hurt him a little, but it will take some time, can you distract him?"

Issei nodded, he did not know what Rias was planning, but he was not really worried about it

He could only smile slightly, his instinct told him that nothing would happen to him after all

If Rias was really in danger ... Yukio would really stay still? of course not, knowing him, he must be out there watching them

What worried him most was his girlfriend, who was supposed to be in the furthest area fighting a weird guy


Katase and Yuto were right in front of Freed who held a sword in his hands

Freed: "Kuku, damn demons, why don't you come and try the taste of my sword ?, I asure you, you would like it!" Freed start laughing maniacally while waving his sword

Katase pursed her lips before looking at Yuto "I say, this guy sure is a pervert"

Yuto: "..." He did not say anything, he was focused on other things

But Murayama behind Katase nodded when she heard the word 'pervert'

Around her was Valerie who was taking care of Asia

Asia wanted to say something, but she remained silent looking at the seriousness of everyone, she shook her head and decided to just stand still

Freed started to run towards Yuto, both began to have a sword fight at high speed


His movements were fluid, fast and precise

Freed: "Kukuku! Bastard devil, that's all you have!!??" he screamed before throwing a straight kick to Yuto's stomach

But Yuto jumped back, dodging, Freed was confused by his sudden retirement but felt something was coming from above.

Freed: "Oh Shit!" He immediately rolled on the floor


A giant iron hammer hit the ground before disappearing into particles, the smoke came out Katase with a forced smile

Katase: "TSK!...He managed to escape on time..."

Freed felt that this girl was dangerous so he raised his sword to go for her, but Yuto appeared again in front of him.

Yuto: "I am your opponent"

Freed: "Then you are the first to die!!" He shouted and swung his sword


But Yuto responded in the same way while both swords clashed and stared into his eyes

Yuto: "No thanks, Sword Birth!" The instant that his words fell, thousands of swords emerged the ground aiming to take Freed's life (EN:/Archer is that you?)

Seeing this Freed immediately escaped the danger while feeling that these devils were not the same as he had investigated

'Are not they supposed to be weak? What's wrong with this? Kokabiel lied to me?' Freed started to realize that something wrong was happening here

If only this fool knew that all the information gathered by Kokabiel, was altered a long time ago by Kuroka

Freed: "I should retreat....." He started to realize that it was better to retreat and meet with the others, but he slowly realized that a presence was on his back


Freed: "Ugh! ... W-When ?!" He looks down at a sword that was stuck in his chest, precisely in his heart from the back

But nobody held the sword, he turned his gaze to the brown-haired woman whose eyes shone a golden hue

Yuto: "It turned out to be very careless," he said as he appeared in front of him and with his sword cut the last line of Freed's life.


In the distance near the barrier created by Sona and the Sitri stronghold, there were three people watching the battle that was happening inside

A Brown haired girl with violet eyes began to worry while looking at Issei fighting Kokabiel alone

Irina: "I can not allow this anymore, at this rate he will end up losing!" She insisted to the woman who was at her side

Even so, the woman shook her head while smiling slightly

Griselda: "This is not our fight, they've done their job and that's enough" She tried to calm her down

Then he turned around looking at Xenovia who made an awkward expression before leaning down.

Xenovia: "Sister ..." She did not know why Griselda suddenly appeared and had separated them both from this battle

Griselda: "I know you are confused, but believe me that neither of you is necessary for this battle"

Irina did not believe in her words and saw in the direction of her friend Issei with concern "... Please let me go, even if it just helps a little"

Griselda shook her head "Irina-san I like your motivation, but you could do anything against Kokabiel anyway"

Irina: "I know! But what about you? know you easily could beat him" She said quickly

But Griselda smiled in response "That's true, but then that guy would get bored and it would be very problematic"

Irina / Xenovia "that guy?"

Irina: "Wait, is anyone watching the fight ?!" She quickly tried to find someone, but could only notice the presence of those who were creating the barrier

Griselda glanced at Irina and smiled warmly "Well, he's here for you, after all, just wait here for now"

Her words confused the poor Irina who had to look awkwardly at this whole event now


Issei was fighting Kokabiel in the air, Issei's armor was somewhat broken but Ddgraid's voice sounded in the middle of the battle.




[Boost x 2]

With five Bost included, Issei squeezed his fist and hit Kokabiel with all his might in the chest


Kokabiel shot out like a cannonball directly into nearby buildings


He shoved several buildings before entering one of them, but immediately stood up while his eyes were pure anger

Kokabiel: "¡¡You!!" he scream while raising his hand and a spear of golden light shot straight towards Issei

Issei was not slow and quickly avoided, but Kokabiel came beside him

Kokabiel: "Die!" He immediately threw a blow against Issei's stomach


issei: "¡¡Ugh!!"

Not only that but whit an impressive speed began to hit Issei in various parts of the body

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Issei let out a mouthful of blood as he shot out into the air, but he turned and crouched as he took a breath.

Issei: "Damn it!, He's really hard to deal with"

[Is that the only thing you can do?!, Arghhh! at this rate I will not get my reward!] Ddgraid inside the Gauntlet started complaining openly whit disgust towards Issei

Issei felt a strange sensation of Ddgraid, he didn't really know what he was saying, but since a few days ago he was forced to train like crazy

Even sometimes Ddraig talked something about receiving rewards if he became strong, but he didn't know what was all about.

He decided to ignore his partner for now while his gaze was fixed on Kokabiel who was about to throw another spear

Kokabiel: "You will die here, it's a Shame that you would not be able to see the glorious world where the fallen angels rule!, Die hu--"


Kokabiel was suddenly interrupted when purple energy hit him and caused him to lose his balance, causing him to drop his spear of light.

Kokabiel looked at his right hand which turned black and disappeared transforming into ashes

Kokabiel: "Arghhhh !!!" he scream immediately, it was not the pain, it was the indignation that some stupid kids were doing this to him

His gaze fell on Rias Gremory, who was pointing her hand towards him

But she now had black stripes on her body and her red hair fluttered in the air, not only that but a tyrannical aura came out of her

But did he really care about that?

Kokabiel raised a spear whit his other hand and rush with all his strength to Rias


In just a second he appeared in front of her and moved his hand with his spear straight to Rias's chest


Even so, the spear that was supposed to hit Rias's chest just touched the ground

Kokabiel quickly released the spear, raised his hand over his head and felt a slight pain in his palm.

Thump! Rumble- !!

But immediately, his legs trembled for a second, not just her legs, it seemed that the floor was shaking from the impact of having hit the ground.

Kokabiel: "What the hell is that ?!" He immediately snapped up, Rias Gremory known as the Red Tigress, it was not just a name

Since living with that strange ability, many have lost their encounters with her, a woman who can bend her strength and release a huge amount of mana in an instant.

Rias did not give an answer, just turned in the air and threw a sweep with her leg

Kokabiel quickly jumped, but immediately regretted

Rumble- !!

He looks up the air, only to notice Issei who just appeared there with his fist about to hit him

Immediately Kokabiel covered himself with his wings to protect himself


The fist of Issei collide with the wings, but suddenly there was another sound.

Bang !!

Kokabiel: "Puah!"

This time Kokabiel felt a tremendous blow that could even have broken some ribs on his left side

Without protection, he flew a few meters before flapping his wings and being able to stay away from both of them

Rias: "I could not give him a good hit, I'm sorry" She apologized to Issei

Issei shrugged "It does not matter buchou, I think we already won against this guy"

It had to be said that those who were looking outside the barrier were somewhat surprised, to think that Issei and Rias could defend themselves quite well against a fallen angel of Cadre level.

Sona looked at her 'rival' and friend with a frown, she had left her behind, but she would make sure to become stronger

Rias looked at Kokabiel in the air and released an intense level of mana air from her body, because she was using her tiger technique only a black color surrounded her

It gave an ominous feeling because of his long red hair resembling blood and dark aura in the eyes of others it was like looking at death itself

Rias: "You've already lost, just surrender to us" he spoke seriously

Issei stood at her side while waiting for the actions of Kokabiel, but that man stayed there flying without saying anything

Kokabiel: "You ..." He uttered short words and then his face became distorted until he started laughing loudly "Hahaha, how funny are you two !!"

Kokabiel laughed for a long time before lifting his eyes and looking directly at both kids below him.

Kokabiel: "This is what I wanted, a war, a worthwhile battle ... Well, you wanted it and today I will show you the true power of a fallen angel!"


An intense pressure emerges from Kokabiel as the mana in the air rushed towards him as if he were preparing for the biggest attack of his life

Rias: "this is bad ..." Her pretty face stiffened a little

Issei nodded in response "Do you think we should escape?"

Rias: "Do you think he would let us escape ?, we can only resist and deal whit him completely, Sona must have informed the Upper ups about this already"

Issei nodded, he could see his friends running to get closer to the place they were fighting, it was better to prepare for the attack of this winged bastard

Kokabiel did not take long to prepare, he spread his arms as if he were a God in the air and smiled with satisfaction

Kokabiel: "Huu ... How detestable they really are" He said with a smile as he noticed how the whole Gremory group gather underneath

Everyone was cautious as they prepared for Kokabiel's attack, but after a few seconds, it seemed that this fallen angel did not plan to attack

Kokabiel looked at his expressions of confusion and shook his head "Why mess my hands with garbage like you? No ... I have this for that"

He said with a slightly evil smile on his face whit a sound of his fingers, in the air many lights began to emerge

Everyone's complexion in the Gremory group paled, those lights were spears of light, they were hundreds, no, thousands!

Each of them pointed directly to take their lives

Kokabiel: "What a funny joke, did you want me to surrender? Did you want to see me lose? Well, I do not believe it, you're a person who has not even lived long enough to see that, ¿now why do not you pray for your life?"

He started to laugh while watching them full of ridicule

Valerie: "Rias ..." She immediately worries about everyone, but suddenly she saw a smile on Rias' face as if she didn't care about it

Rias: "Baka," She said out loud, when Kokabiel heard her he felt that this woman was quite brave, but then laughed

Kokabiel: "I know what you are thinking, do you think that Agarus will come to save you ?, You must be wrong, after all ... This place is being surrounded by a barrier, do you think that someone could feel some mana coming out of this place?"

His words were cruel to crumble Rias' attitude, but Rias still remained with a smile

Rias: "I'm just telling you ... You'll have a hard time" She laughed lightly while ignoring him

Kokabiel felt the anger boil inside him, immediately under his arm pointing towards the Gremory Group

Kokabiel: "Trash !, DIE together with your stronghold !!"







There were several screams, but everything became a disaster next

Boom! Boom! Boom!

There were many explosions in the act, the thousands of spears crashed to the ground turning it into a terrain disaster

Not only that, the sacred air of the light spears spread all over the place, the smoke that floated made it difficult to see everything

But every person outside the barrier had their mouths covered, it was regret or anger because they didn't help when they needed it

Kokabiel: "HAHAHAHA! Did you see it?! They are still weak! They are not worth it and they even decided to try to stop me, and they only finished fulfilling my plan faster!"

He began to gloat while he laughed and shouted that his plan was complete, he looked at the place but he did not find any of those who came with him before.

But he did not care, he had finished his work here

Now he just needed to be notified in the subordinates that had gone to provoke the wrath of the Himejima and other humans

Kokabiel: "Even so, I lost my arm ... Well, it should not be difficult to restore" He told himself as he decided it was time to leave this site

But before he could move he felt mana energy rise from the ground


Yukio, who had his elbow leaning against the throne, while his cheek rested on his palm and smiled.

Yukio: "Well, the show is over"

From the ground, huge white chains begin to surround Kokabiel like snakes, which he could not resist.

When the smoke was dispersed by these chains what could be seen a giant 'Mark' as if it were a spell with a pattern of a Dragon in the middle

The big 'Mark' was expanded while covering all the Gremory team and none suffered any damage, all the spears of light that hit the said 'Mark' was absolved

They were like water crashing to the ground, this was the 'Mark' of a Dragon's wife

Shuri laughed a little. "Seriously, every time I see the protection our brands carry, I feel it's unfair." She touched her "Mark" with a blush knowing that this really only meant the love of her husband

Misla nodded while smiling, although they thought it was unfair, this 'Mark' proved that they were the women of their beloved Dragon

Besides, not only that, but she was happy. their "Mark" had an incredible defensive ability that triggered if someone wanted to hurt any of them.

Yukio: "Anyway, Bill, take him to the dimension and throw him un a cell, I'll go see him later, for now, we should go check the Himejima clan"

Both women nodded, while a shadow of a man in the distance disappeared to fulfill his orders

Yukio looked in a direction where he could look at three women, there he saw a Twintailed Brown haired girlwith violet eyes, a pretty girl, but seeing her Yukio felt very guilty inside

But he knew that he had to face her, he spoke in a low voice, a voice that nobody heard

except for Griselda who nodded in response and took both girls to the Yokai faction

Yukio soon opened a portal and the thrones floated inside, from start to finish they just came to see the 'Show'

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