Edited by: Arezz

Suzaku was currently looking at some reports in a room of the Himejima Clan

She was quite focused while the reports were on a small table, she turned her gaze to a table in the corner of the room that was broken

She had a look of resentment as she deeply sighed and focus her attention back to the papers

Suzaku: "... I do not think this is going well" She started to worry

The strength of the other supernatural beings was growing to an alarming state, some strange 'Magic Pills' suddenly appeared and strengthened those beings

This put the Clan Himejima clan in a big bind, the weaker you are, the juicier you will be when someone steps on you

Suzaku knew that absolutely, therefore as current Clan Head of the Himejima's she had to find a way to fix this

She was thinking of the words spoken by the man named Agarus

"If you need any help, you can come to me, after all, we are family now"

Tempting words, but she immediately y dismiss that though

She didn't even know if that was true, she dropped the reports and sighed tiredly

Suzaku: "... I'm too young for this" She laughed bitterly and closed her eyes to rest

*Knock Knock*

Sounds of knocking on the door came from outside, she immediately became alert, the door didn't take long to open

"Clan Head!"


Suzaku immediately ran out of the temple, she saw the grum and pale faces of all her fellow Clanmates

She felt really agitated as she ran and came immediately to the entrance of the Temple, in the air, there were almost a hundred of fallen angels

She felt drowned by this sudden event, just what she feared most seemed to be happening, but she stood firm

Suzaku: "... Can I know what brings the Fallen Angels to my humble faction?" She spoke trying to sound calm

The Himejima's were placed behind their leader, either for protection or to be prepared if a fight occurred

The Fallen Angel that seemed to be the leader, waved His wings as it slowly descended to the ground

Suzaku looked attentively at the winged man who was in the distance, she felt nervous

Fallen Angel: "Nervous?" It was the first-word winged man said with a smile

Suzaku frowned. "Is there anything you need from us?"

Fallen Angel: "You can say that, but tell me something, are all the Himejimas gathered here today?"

The Angel looked closely at all the humans standing in front while he asked that question

Suzaku: "What does that have to do with the fallen angels' faction? are you planning something against us?" She quickly realized the situation

Fallen Angel: "Whether or not we are planning anything, can you really do something about it?" He scoffed while walking slowly

Suzaku bit her lips with force "If you attack us you will provoke the wrath of all the other factions, you can't break the balance that has been maintained until now"

She said her last word trying to threaten him, everyone knew that if one of the main forces vanished, it would cause a war between the remaining forces.

The Fallen Angel stopped and laughed lightly. "So what? To be honest ... That's what we're looking for too, isn't sound like fun?"

Suzaku made a difficult expression, she had completely realized the intentions of these angels

They were here to kill or capture them, any option was equally bad, so she quickly asked her companions to prepare for a battle.

Suzaku: "prepare, for now, take the children to a safe place, we can't allow them to do anything against them, we have approximately ten minutes before they break the barrier!"

She gave orders quickly, the barrier placed by the Himejima clan was strong, but with a large number of fallen angels it was unlikely to withstand the attacks

"Hai!" Some retired to be able to protect the children, they should not let them see what is going to happen here

Suzaku knew that it was only a matter of time before the battle was unleashed, she knew the strength of his allies, this will possibly be a massacre

Even so, she was not going to give up, anyway, there was no escape now, and making time for the children to escape was the best plan

The fallen Angel laughed when he heard the commands of this woman, he waved his hand and his companions in the air start circling the place

Fallen Angel: "It's not a good choice to oppose us, you know, just stay calm while we do our thing"

The Angel walked slowly while extending his hand and touch the barrier


He tapped it lightly with his fingers and smiled

Fallen Angel: "This thing is so fragile, do you really thought something like this will give you security?" He laughed

He made signs with his hands and twenty fallen angels lined up to draw light weapons and explode the barrier

Seeing them, Suzaku's pretty face went pale as she bit her lips

This was her family and she was about to go through a tragedy, she felt very hurt and powerless

But being hurt would not save them, she clenched her fists tightly and looked at her allies behind

Suzaku: "I wasn't a good leader ..." She apologized to them

But her allies smiled and shook their heads

"Is not true"

"You have always take care of us during all this time"

"You're wrong, girl, you're the best leader we've had"

"This is just destiny, it's not a big deal" (EN:/ "Chill out we are just going to have a tragic death no biggie :D ")

Some young people, adults or old people spoke while saying that it was not her fault

After all, each of them knew that the strengths of the other factions rose suddenly and sooner or later this would happen

Suzaku was speechless, but she smiled gently at her family

She was grateful to everyone, looking back at the Fallen Angel in the distance she clenched her fists

At least she would try to take this bastard down with her

Fallen Angel: "Now!" Shout and the twenty of his companions threw their light weapons against the barrier

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

Large explosions were present while the weapons collided with the barrier

Each Himejima tensed while waiting for the barrier to break, preparing for attack and defend


They heard a sound and everyone could notice how a crack suddenly appeared in the air

That was the barrier

Suzaku: "Get ready!" She urged her allies raising her hands with several Shikigami between her fingers

She also prepared to take out the Vermillion Bird as soon as the battle began.


It was the last impact when the barrier was completely shattered, from the sky it seemed to rain something similar as if were broken glass vanishing in particles

It was their last line of defense

Suzaku breath air and was about to get the Bird Vermillion ready for the battle that was about to occur

"Oooooh!!!" It was not known who started the scream, but soon there was a thunderous sound of battle cries as everyone threw each other

The Fallen Angels throw their light weapons from the sky directly towards the Himejimas

But the strangest thing that they have seenin their lives happened

*Thump !!!* *Crash !!*

Himejimas: "Eh?"

The fallen Angels that were coming down at great speeds suddenly crashed into something in the air and bounced back like balls

The Fallen Angel frowned, something was happening here and they had no idea what it was

Fallen (1): "Leader?"

Fallen (2): "What is this?"

Fallen (3): "What the hell is this feeling?"

The Fallen Angels got confused looking again at the Himejima's temple

The Himejimas were very surprised too, they didn't understand what was happening and turned to look at their leader

Himejima (1): "Leader? What's going on?"

Everyone seemed to want to ask the same, but Suzaku could not understand anything either, but soon everyone noticed that under their feet there was a dark substance

Himejima (2): "What is this ?!"

Himejima (3): "Are they attacking us ?!"

Himejima (4): "No! Look! This is a shadow!"

Each Himejima soon realized this 'substance' was actually a shadow that soon spread all over the place leaving the floor totally dark with them standing there

The Fallen Angels had confused or complex expressions seeing this event

But the Fallen Angel that seemed to be the leader just frowned. "What are you doing? It's just another barrier, quickly take care of it!"

He had quickly realized the situation, it was just another fragile barrier, they just had to destroy it and that's it

The fallen angels nodded and together they started throwing several light weapons

*Swoosh! Swoosh!*

Almost a hundred light weapons were thrown against the barrier, the Himejimas tensed because there was nothing to protect them

But contrary to their thoughts...

*Glu Glu Glu!*

The watery sounds resounded, while the light weapons struck against something invisible in the air

There were no explosions, just as if they were absorbed

Fallen Angel (3): "Eh?"

Fallen Angel(1): "... Did you see that or it was just me?"

Each fallen Angel had a bad feeling, the fallen angel that was the leader felt very strange

Suddenly he opened his eyes in shock before starting to scream

Fallen Angel: "Retreat! Retreat! Retreat now !!!" He started screaming whit all his strength while waving his wings to escape, but it was too late

*Swoosh !!!*

A whistle sounded before a huge circular barrier appeared sealing the entire place, all the fallen angels were trapped hitting the barrier trying to escape

The Himejimas were pale as they watched the strange event, an estrange sound camefrom the shadows on the ground

*Rustle! Rustle!*

"...Blood.....kill...blood" Many whispers were heard from the shadows, some voices that made everyone's heart chill just by listening to them

Himejima (3): "God!" One of them was so scared that panicked while hiding behind others

He wasn't the only one, they all felt a terrible fear coming from those voices that sound in shadows, suddenly everyone heard a thunderous scream from a distance

Fallen Angel(1): "Ahhhhh! No !!! No !!"

They all saw the fallen Angel who was screaming in the air, everyone got confused but soon they saw some hands crawling from the shadows appear suddenly all over his body

They started to push him to the ground while screaming for help, but no one moved because fear stunned them

Fallen Angel (1): "Please, please help me! Ughh !!!!" He cried out in pain when he touched the ground and thousands of hands dragged him down, everyone just looked at the scattering blood of the fallen angel

A hand tore his heart, soon the body was submerged in darkness and disappeared from everyone's view

Fallen Angel(2): "No, no, no! This is crazy!" One of them shouted while getting nervous, taking a few steps back


Fallen Angel (2): "E-eh?" He turned around when he heard a watery sound, only to notice that his leg was submerged in something dark and muddy

He attempts to pull his leg, but his eyes showed shock when thousands of horrible faces were on the dark floor

Fallen Angel (2): "I...I... I do not want to die!" He screamed without thinking and cut his leg waving his wings holding the immense pain he felt

But he wasn't lucky, an extremely long hand dragged him by the hair and hit him on the ground


His body became a bloody mist before disappearing in the air

All the women in the place, whether they are part of the Himejimas or fallen angels, knelt on the ground while their expression was one of absurdly fear.

The Fallen Angels were in a situation where they only wanted to scream desperately

Fallen Angel(3): "No, they are not human! They are the demon itself!" One of them shouted while trying to escape but the hands hold him

It was not just him, many were dragged to the ground and ended up with the same bloody fate

Some suffered worse when the hands went through them mercilessly

But when they thought that everything was finished several dark beings made of shadow came from the floor holding weapons in their hands

Swords, axes, halberds, knives, no matter what they threw themselves against the fallen fallen angels to kill them without mercy

Up to this point, the Himejimas realize that this was a barrier, but it was for their protection so nobody could say anything

Fear was scattered in the air, the fallen angels were being killed slowly one by one

Soon they began to surrender, and it really worked since the shadows left them free, but several hands came out of the ground holding them to avoid they flee

After five minutes, only twenty fallen angels surrendered while they were huddled on the floor tied by dark hands

Their faces were pale and fear was legible on their face

Six men and the rest were women, they should have been thankful that at least they were alive from their former almost eighty companions

When it all ended the shadow that covered the ground began to retract and then dissolved just at the feet of Suzaku

All the Himejimas looked at her incredulously, but she was also in a difficult position

She collapsed on the floor with sweat all over the face, biting her lips

Suzaku: "Liar! ... This barrier is not 'insignificant'!"

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