A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 523 Setting up a deadlock (Part 2)

There is an emperor-level existence, or a true immortal has intervened.

This is what Yun Ye understood immediately when he saw Ye Cang's destiny changing in another direction.

And this was a back-up that had been set up long ago, or something that should have happened, otherwise the reversal would not have been completed the moment the character was cut off.

This reversal does not mean the end of everything. The power of the Imperial Dao may come from the Imperial Dao family, and the power of the true immortal may also come from the immortal clan holding the True Immortal Dao Code. It does not necessarily mean that it is a real Supreme Supreme of the Imperial Dao or the True Realm of Heaven. Fairy.

But at this point, Yun Ye could only intervene one more time.

If you can't kill with this move, then there's no need.

He is still confident that when he grows up, he will be stronger in the end, but it will be more difficult. On the contrary, it is unwise to confront the Emperor or the True Immortal now.

The Tiangan Universe can increase the spiritual power by trillions and billions of times. It is indeed invincible to the extreme in terms of numbers. However, the reason for this level of increase is essentially due to the intersection of multiple forces and the formation of rules. The throne also has similar power. Not to mention the Imperial Way.

Yun Ye didn't have any knowledge in this area, so he couldn't predict how strong these two realms were. He would only pass by if he had no choice.

Now he still has many choices.

"Go on, destined protagonist."

When Ye Cang woke up again, he was already in a human tribe. The people here were very simple, and they saved him from being seriously injured in the turbulence of space.

As a witness to the story, Ye Cang himself did not feel anything was wrong. He had tricked and killed many powerful officials in the Qianyuan Dynasty. It was normal for the Qianyuan Dynasty to pursue and kill him by exploiting the bottom line, and he also relied on The Dinghai Divine Pearl escaped successfully, and its foundation was indeed severely damaged, but at least it was still alive.

He had no idea what would happen next, just by looking at it step by step.

What he had damaged was the foundation of the Nine Revolutions and the essence of his soul, and even though he was a commoner, he didn't know how to recover.

As for the Nine Transformations of the True Dragon, although this technique can sublimate oneself, it does not have the effect of repairing the foundation. It is still necessary to find external help.

After living there for a few days, Ye Cang gradually let down his guard.

He found that he landed in a very strange space. It was an alien space isolated from the world. It was very similar to the secret realm, but completely different. It was an alien space located on the earth. The spiritual energy was thin. The only tribe with the highest cultivation level was the spiritual realm. .

He didn't understand what was going on, but there were no demon disasters here and there were only a lot of monsters. The tribes worked together to survive, and the atmosphere was very good.

He was saved because the tribesmen thought that he was from the surrounding tribes and might become a marriage partner, so they rescued him and formed a good relationship.

Anyway, it's just some basic treatment. Whether Ye Cang can survive depends on himself. It doesn't cost much. What they lack is young adults to resist the demons, not a few mouthfuls of food.

After getting familiar with it, Ye Cang was slow to recover due to his thin spiritual energy and didn't know how to leave, so he stayed in the camp for a while, hunting with these tribesmen and driving away the demons.

During this period, he was surprised to find that demons could "refresh" at a speed much faster than the secret realm. They must be cleaned up every day, otherwise once they pile up, they will be in big trouble and a tide of demons will engulf the surrounding human camps.

And every once in a while, a demon king will be born. This demon king is very powerful and requires the best teamwork to kill it.

The further you go inside, the more powerful these demon kings become. In the past, each tribe had to pay a lot of sacrifices to kill these demon kings.

As for now, for some reason, they suddenly gained the power to defeat monsters and become stronger, which greatly reduced the pressure on each tribe and gradually expanded their living space.

It is said that in recent years, some tribes have started wars with each other because they have extra strength.

The Biling tribe that Ye Cang belongs to is only a small tribe and cannot understand this kind of behavior. However, it also has a sense of urgency and wants to recruit more troops to defend against possible attacks from other tribes.

Ye Cang was attracted. Although he didn't use much power because his magic power was difficult to recover, his fighting ability was still impressive.

For these reasons, Ye Cang was pulled to challenge the Demon King together.

During the chat, Ye Cang learned that there was actually a legend passed down from ancient times, which described a hero who killed all the demon kings alone, stepped into the deepest part of the world to receive blessings, and then left the world and went to heaven, living an unnecessary life. Fight for a happy life again.

This made Ye Cang's expression change. Maybe this is the way to leave, and this kind of story is very interesting. Isn't the pursuit of fame, wealth and immortality what people want?

Become a hero and gain fame and fortune, enter heaven and gain immortality.

That is a field that only true immortals can set foot on!

Although it was impossible to truly step into the heaven in such a small place, the process was meaningful enough. Even if it was not the way to leave, he wanted to experience it.

Then in order to become a hero, Ye Cang showed his strength and defeated the demon king with overwhelming force, earning countless looks of shock and admiration.

Back at the tribe, the clan leader took out drinks and food and started celebrating, and Ye Cang naturally blended in.

At this time, a drunk man kept praising Ye Cang's strength and finally asked:

"Brother Ye Cang, do you think that people without talent, background, or resources can counterattack those with talent, background, and resources? With ten or a hundred times of effort, is it possible for an ordinary person like me to surpass them? "

Ye Cang was very familiar with this man and knew that he was not very talented. Even if he kept working hard, he could only do odd jobs in the demon hunting team and was not a fighting force at all.

When he asked this question, his face was full of disappointment. He actually knew the answer, but he wanted Ye Cang to tell him that Ye Cang's power did not come from resources, background, or talent. He expected such a miracle.

After hearing this, Ye Cang slowly shook his head.

This question actually makes no sense to answer at all.

People are different, and individual talent directly determines the upper limit. No matter how hard people without talent work, they will never be able to cross it.

If it crosses over, there must be some inequality on the other side, such as low talent but great background, financial resources, and luck, and surpassing talented people through external forces.

After all, strength is composed of these elements. How can a person be strong if he doesn't have any of them? This goes against basic logic.

The premise that hard work can transcend is only if the other conditions are not too different, and any gap in this world is a gap that cannot be overcome even if you work hard to the extreme. After all, there are only 24 hours in a day, so what if you work harder?

"Don't have this kind of fantasy. It's impossible. Background and resources, talent and hard work are essentially personal strengths. If you can counterattack without these strengths, it must be that the common sense of the world has been subverted. It’s just that your ancestors didn’t work hard enough and didn’t let you inherit the powerful talent.”

Ye Cang replied.


His newly condensed counterattack personality collapsed.

This time, his destiny was completely shattered, and there was no room for recovery.

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