A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 524 God General on Earth

Fate is a mysterious thing.

This is a possibility.

The greater the possibility of an individual, the more noble the color and character shown in the destiny will be. This is high-latitude information that can only be observed using divine methods.

Ye Cang was born with the fate of Qianlong. Even some masters of magic cannot understand the complexity of this fate.

The so-called possibility is composed of four parts based on one's own choices, talents, background and opportunities.

Naturally, talent is the most basic and core possibility. If you are born as a true dragon cub, then there is no problem with having a hidden dragon destiny, or even a true dragon destiny, because a true dragon can only give birth to one child and will inherit all the blood. , if you don't die young, you will definitely grow into the next generation of true dragons.

This is close to 100% possibility, so we can get the true dragon fate.

The same goes for Qianlong.

This means that no matter how miserable a person is at the beginning, he will have a close to 100% chance of growing into a true dragon.

After Ye Cang's origin is decrypted, it can be known that he is the son of a certain venerable with mysterious origins, and he will inevitably inherit the Nine Transformations of the True Dragon he mastered.

So here comes the question. Even if the Nine Transformations of the True Dragon solves the problem of talent, the Divine Pearl of Dinghai protects you, and there is a strong background that keeps sending opportunities in the dark, a monk has a close to 100% chance of becoming a soaring dragon in the sky. A real dragon?

If it was really that simple, wouldn't Zunbit be mass-produced?

Ye Cang's own bloodline is very ordinary. He only has outstanding understanding, but he has not reached the level where he can change his fate by relying on his understanding.

There were many parts of his experience that no one could interfere with, but no matter how many times he rehearsed them, he would miraculously overcome them.

For example, when Ye Cang opened up his own Xuantian, it was obviously extremely dangerous, and he had a very low chance of controlling the four-level spiritual method, but he was able to succeed many times without ever failing.

After Yun Ye obtained the power to create the world, he further understood the cause and effect, and could indeed bring the cause and effect to a close, greatly increasing the possibility of something.

But what level of power is this?

The fusion of ten methods!

Converted into a position of honor, I'm afraid he must have the power of cause and effect to interfere with Ye Cang at all costs.

Manipulating cause and effect and reversing fate is not without cost.

Even Yun Ye, when using this level of spiritual magic, not only has to expend a huge amount of mana, but also has to endure the same amount of cause and effect.

It's just that these causes and effects were dispersed throughout the universe by the Ten Heavenly Stems and did not show up. Without the Cave Heaven, one can only resist, at a huge cost.

Even if Yun Ye calculated the power of the throne to the extreme and created the possibility of reaching the throne, it would require the Venerable to lose at least a thousand years of life.

If it is almost 100% to reach the throne, then when one Venerable completely sacrifices himself, at least three Venerables will be required to assist in sacrificing a thousand years of life.

And you must have a top-level destiny method. If you don't have a top-level destiny method, even if you want to sacrifice, it will be useless and you will not be able to reach this height.

Given the extremely ruthless characteristics of the world's top monks, would they pay such a high price for a descendant?

Yun Ye didn't believe it.

And this is just the Qianlong destiny.

So he continued to deduce, and finally revealed the Venerable who was suspected to be Ye Cang's father.

This venerable man was not aware of the prying eyes, and from here on, Yun Ye actually knew that there must be someone at a higher level controlling the situation behind the scenes.

The subsequent fate reversal also proves this point.

With the Qianlong destiny, it is difficult to control the position, and the unreasonable destiny is completely the domain of the imperial way or even the immortal way.

In this special period, the birth of this special existence obviously has only one purpose.

Become an immortal!

"To become an immortal, I don't know how many corpses I have to step on to get to the top. The sunk cost is too great. I must say... this person can only be me."

Yun Ye's figure gradually faded away.

The forbidden land of the sacred mountain.

The Royal Valley.

Ye Cang went through countless hardships and relied on his meager magic power to defeat all the demon kings and walked out of the special space. What greeted him was a pair of vertical pupils.

These vertical pupils were not in front of him. On the contrary, they were still one hundred thousand meters away in the sky, blocked by clouds, but he still saw them.

Uncontrollably, he saw the pair of vertical pupils and their full appearance.

Its body was so huge that it reached into the sky, and it was wrapped in armor as tight as magma. Its breath spread for millions of miles, and all life was extinct.

This is a demon named "God General of the Earth". To be precise, this is a name rather than a clan name. As long as you step into the manifest realm, you will have your own unique name.

Unless you deliberately conceal the existence of the manifest realm, you will be able to detect the traces it leaves in the world when you look at it.

Monks below the Xuan realm can only see the most superficial traces, which is their "name".

The stronger the monk, the more traces he will see, and the greater the fear he will feel.

Ye Cang, who had already partially recovered his foundation due to chance, walked out of the valley filled with joy, and then immediately froze completely.

This king of the manifest world, who was so terrifying that he had no intention of resisting, was staring at him, watching him step by step as he walked out of the valley.


Lightning flashed and thundered, like a punishment from heaven, and the gods on earth were obviously furious.

His emotions aroused the power of heaven and earth, thunder rumbled, and turned into a white-blue light pillar that crashed down. Ye Cang was horrified and struggled to sacrifice the Dinghai Divine Pearl.

The Dinghai Divine Pearl was stimulated by the powerful force and fully recovered. The eighteen Divine Pearls formed a formation.

A radius of several thousand meters is protected by a special formation.

This barrier erupted with power far beyond the profound realm, forcibly immobilizing the thunder and temporarily protecting Ye Cang Wuyou.

As soon as Ye Cang showed a look of surprise, the divine general on the ground raised his hand and suddenly grasped the mountain peak called Tianjueshen Mountain. The magma-like texture spread from his palm to the entire Tianjueshen.

The mountain mass accumulated over millions of years disintegrated, revealing its true form...

A giant sword that is one hundred thousand meters long!

Just by pulling it out, the world was in turmoil, and the demonic power that blew everything away spread like an octopus, forming an aura unique to the god generals on this earth.

Shrouded in this aura, even if he is protected by the Dinghai Divine Pearl, Ye Cang is aging rapidly, and his body and soul are drying up simultaneously.

Facing this kind of power, he could only feel despair and no other emotions.

What stands before our eyes is...transcendent life!

"Desecrate my emperor!"


The divine thought shattered Ye Cang's soul. He was already dead and could not die anymore. However, the divine general on the ground was not able to vent his anger at all. He raised his hand high and thrust the Tianjue Divine Sword into it. With a rumble, it was as if the stars were falling, and the earth was immediately destroyed. A red explosive wave tens of thousands of feet high was set off.

Disasters that are enough to wipe out life countless times spread and roll across this land, and no one can stop it.

When everything calmed down, most of the forbidden area of ​​​​the sacred mountain had turned into magma.

Only the Juehuang Valley still exists.

Even if it is extremely close to the attack.

Still no loss at all.

After all, this is the place where the emperor of the god-general clan on earth fell, and it is shrouded in the power of the imperial way that will last for thousands of years even if the master dies.

I am so tired of reading this kind of story. The next book will be written as a light-hearted novel with the same world view. It is the peaceful modern era of Hongtian. The power system and the core of the story are also different from those of the previous generation. I will definitely not disappoint everyone.

Everyone can also guess that the second generation will definitely not be able to live forever. The protagonist of this generation will create a happy ending to prevent the emergence of true immortals again.

I am just thinking about the good ending in the future and writing about this process. However, the ending is good, but the process is still very difficult. I have to use various means to win~~~

If I didn't write it this way, the story would be so cut that I couldn't read it and would scratch my head.

(Speaking of you, I really don’t want to write it. If I write it this way, I won’t know how to talk. But if I don’t write it, I feel unqualified and burst into tears.)

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