A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 579 Siege and Killing


The eighth bell rang, and the heavy sound penetrated for three days. Even the venerables standing in the red sky were shaken, and the figures of many venerables became illusory for a moment.

This was the third day that they were shaken, causing them, the carriers of power, to temporarily leave the material world.

Although it was not serious, what it represented was terrifying, and the venerables like them could not help but fall silent.

The next day, blue sky.

About to fall into the hands of the unknown Lord of the Cave!

If we really let this cave sky continue to spread, wouldn't it be like the imperial way, forming a fourth day covering the world, and a fourth day covering three days, directly cutting off three of their realms?

The murderous intention couldn't help but spread.

"Who can stand up and kill him?"

"If you kill him, you will become a king and an emperor. From now on, you will be invincible and you will have great merits!"

"Why don't all fellow Taoists take action together!"

The qi of many venerables are intertwined, and their murderous intentions are quite obvious. The emperor's ultimate soldiers have been recruited and are ready to take action at any time.

In fact, they are very cautious, hoping that someone will step in to prevent the incident, and do not want to act rashly.

After all, one wrong move could lead to one of the twenty-one great beings being beheaded.

Even if they kill the Lord of the Cave Heaven, they may be given extremely huge killing rules, and almost no one is willing to take action rashly.

This time, there is only one reason why they are willing to take out the Emperor's Ultimate Weapon in advance, and that is at the junction where this invincible being is advancing!

If the Lord of the Cave Heaven has already ascended to the blue sky, it may be difficult for them to be willing to take action. The Lord of the Cave Heaven is too powerful and can only compete with the ultimate foundation.

The ultimate foundations of the Emperor's Ultimate Weapons and Heaven's Divine Weapons are indeed incredibly powerful, but isn't there no loss in using these divine weapons?

If you really try your best to kill the Lord of the Cave Heaven, you may not get any benefits. It is possible that your own heritage will be exhausted, and your inheritance may be cut off.

If we step into such a huge risk casually, how can the imperial power survive for tens of thousands of years safely?

Is it true that the emperor is easy to talk to and can't kill?

There were quite a few Imperial Taoist families who had enemies with the emperor and were eventually exterminated. There was once a mythical Taoist sect that was at its peak and almost unified the world before the emperor came to this world. It was extremely arrogant. It is believed that even thousands of years later, the emperor will still be the emperor. The person must also be born in his own family.

As a result, after forming a blood feud with the emperor of that generation, that emperor counterattacked like the protagonist, and finally pointed his finger to the sky, causing the bright moon to fall.

Under such great power, this so-called invincible mythical Taoist sect was immediately annihilated and turned into the dust of history.

No one cares about losers unless they feel the same way. The real top forces have recorded this history and taken it as a warning. There are many possibilities in the Red Sky World. Even if they try their best to block them, there will always be unexpected existences that break everything and reach the top. .

"When you take action, it should be a sure-kill situation."

Many venerables hold divine weapons of heaven, waiting for an opportunity to explode. They must take action. Otherwise, if they are cut off from the three realms, wouldn't their wealth and life only depend on this person's thoughts?


The ninth bell finally rang again. The roaring sound overwhelmed all other sounds. The sky was torn apart. The man standing in the chaos stretched out his arms. The green light fell from the sky and penetrated the world. The entire Red Sky world was violently turbulent. The air on the ground Spiritual energy, everything was in chaos at this moment.

This is a sign that it is about to break into the blue sky!

From the perspective of the human world, one would take it for granted that this blue light penetrates the sky from bottom to top, but in fact it is the opposite.

Instead, Xuantian is on the top level, Qingtian is the middle level, and Red Tiantian is the dimension closest to the human world, so the power penetrates from top to bottom.

After Xuantian became a Taoist, three days gradually took shape, and only then were the methods of the Imperial Tao and the methods of the Holy Tao clearly distinguished.

The method of practicing the Imperial Way starts from the first day, which is also the outermost heaven. It is least disturbed and has the lowest difficulty in practice, so it is easier to break through. It is the first choice for immortality. The only shortcoming is that because it is in the outermost heaven, it is difficult for people to practice. The interference of the heavenly realm has also been greatly reduced. In the past, the emperor became enlightened and blessed all living beings, but now this ability has been lost.

The laws of the holy way are completely opposite. Since it starts from the red sky, the mysterious blue sky above will suppress the practitioner, making it difficult for the practitioner to move forward. Every time he breaks through the realm, he will experience a catastrophe. In all likelihood, he will die and the Tao will disappear. At the same time, once the holy way penetrates for three days and lands on the earth, it will also gain the greatest interference power in the human world. Using the holy way to modify the rules, both the effect and the speed of modification will far exceed that of the imperial way.

Once you take the imperial path and want to convert to the holy path in the end, the power that is required cannot be sustained by ordinary emperors. Only the Lord of Cave Heaven can do it.

This can be regarded as using force to defeat cleverness. No matter where the foundation is, as long as it is broken with enough power, the power of Yun Ye Tian Gan Cave Sky is enough to make up for the shortcomings of the emperor's realm's lack of interference in the red sky realm. It is nothing more than a saint. The Tao only needs to break through the red sky, while the Imperial Tao only needs to penetrate the black sky, blue sky and red sky for three full days.

Create the world!

The so-called power to open up the heaven and the earth literally means that it can open up three days and penetrate the earth. In the Yunye Mysterious Realm, he can achieve the cave of heaven. He should be the God Lord for a lifetime.


All the venerables who were ready to take action recited the mantra. The power started from Xuantian, penetrated through the blue sky, and fell to the red sky, urging the power to the extreme.

Talisman seals, killing formations, and heavenly artifacts also exploded with power in an instant, killing across the continent towards the border continent. For a time, the sky and the earth turned pale, and the entire Red Sky Realm changed. Everywhere was trembling and disintegrating. If the energy level of the Red Sky Realm were not extremely high, I am afraid that it has already been torn apart by the intertwining of these terrifying forces.

Among the many forces, the Yaori Dao Domain of Shirizhou is one of the few that does not hide its identity. A golden crow flew up from the ancestral land, its golden wings spread out, and the true sun fire came out from the big sun in the sky and turned into a scorching sun. Xuantian, directly take the cloudy night that stands in Xuantian's domain and spreads out the heavenly stems.

"Sun Heavenly Artifact?"

Yun Ye had seen this imperial weapon. It was the Golden Crow Divine Bell of Emperor Yao Ri, which was made by sublimating the power of the sun.

Powers are also different from powers. Many conceptual powers have no offensive power. Even if they are offensive, they tend to be auxiliary. They require specific occasions and opportunities to create miracles, and they often cannot change fate against the will of heaven.

But the solar power contained in the Sun Heavenly Artifact is different. It is extremely domineering. It has the true fire of the sun that burns all things. It even has various abilities related to the concept of the sun, such as resurrection, regeneration, territory, and vitality. This is definitely a superior power, even if it has been condensed. For a prestigious position, few monks can control it.

It is the consensus of many venerables to use this heavenly artifact as the main attack, and this will be the beginning of a decisive killing of the Lord of Cave Heaven.

Don't ask for names.

Regardless of origin.

Just achieving the Heavenly Stems and Cave Heaven is the greatest sin and must never be allowed to exist in this world.


The power of four heavenly artifacts hit a point, and the sky collapsed at this moment.

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