A new world for a hundred generations

Chapter 580: Invincible at birth, I will carve out the destiny!

The four venerables set up a supreme killing formation, shattered the heaven and earth, and entered the three days of chaos without showing their figures.

Yun Ye saw the four top killing weapons burst out with power, the golden crow spread its wings, burned everything along the way, and wanted to penetrate the heavenly universe to evaporate and destroy the world.


The four powers were all resisted by invisible forces. Yun Ye stood in the depths of the universe, out of reach, and watched the four invading forces indifferently.

For a moment, the power of the creation of the world burst out, directly suppressing the four great heavenly artifacts, constantly weakening the power of the heavenly artifacts, and seeing the four great heavenly artifacts dim and silent, they were completely no match.

The four great venerables all changed color.

Although they have not yet fully revived the heavenly artifacts, they are only initially revived, and they should be powerful enough to sweep across the realm of the venerables.

This unknown master of the cave heaven can still easily suppress when he advances to the true realm and shakes the blue sky?

"Burn my body to attract the heart of heaven!"

A whisper resounded through the red sky, and the man with flames burning on his eyebrows and golden flames burning in the depths of his eyes formed a seal and completely revived the Imperial Way Extreme Soldier. The Four Sun Continent was shaken. In the incredible eyes of many cultivators, the panoramic shadow of the Four Sun Continent appeared in the border continent, and one of the four days in the sky descended and turned into a divine weapon.

Golden Crow Divine Bell!

"Everyone, help me kill this man."

The man said.

The other three were hidden in the mist, and the Imperial Way Extreme Soldier did not show his true appearance. After looking at each other, one of the venerables nodded.

"Venerable Candle King, use your magical powers to the fullest, and we will definitely help you."

Since all the venerables have completely revived the divine weapons, they are naturally happy to help, which will not consume much power.

"Thank you, fellow Taoists."

Zhu Wang Zun nodded, and looked at the man who had opened up two days and looked at himself calmly, "Tian Gan Shenzhu, you are a natural genius to be able to open up the cave in this era. I am afraid that only the emperor can be compared with you. It's a pity that you need to die here today. This is destiny."

"It is difficult to defy destiny. For the red heaven, please die, so as not to destroy the lives of the people."

He counted with his fingers and was not stopped. He knew Yun Ye's name and finally had a conversation with Yun Ye that could be regarded as a declaration of war.

"It is indeed difficult to defy destiny, but you are far from strong enough."

Yun Ye looked at the four-day continent and knew that the immortals had already cast their gazes. He said lightly: "Let the immortals come. Even if I open up the double sky, I need to resist the counter-pressure of the blue sky. It will only take a snap of a finger to suppress you. I will be the invincible red sky and open up a new sky to become the emperor. This is destiny..."

"Destiny, I will open it up!"

It is not a joke or a shock.

This is the fact.

At this moment, the perspectives of the four venerables were infinitely narrowed. Under the pressure of the vast universe and the deep and boundless void, human power was so insignificant.

They could not raise the desire to resist. The fully revived Golden Crow Divine Bell automatically shook, emitting the sound of Golden Crows fighting, and a Golden Crow flew out.

This Golden Crow stretched out for 100,000 miles, and when it spread its wings, it would burn the nine heavens, which was enough to make the surface of the border continent disappear directly. Only the inheritance of a big force could resist.

But in the Tiangan Universe, the Golden Crow was just a small Golden Crow. Constrained by infinite time and space, it was transformed into a mini Golden Crow and stopped in Yun Ye's hand.

This little Golden Crow flew everywhere and spit out flames, but it was too small, only cute, and there was no power at all.

It wanted to break free, but found that the enemy was unprecedentedly powerful and could not do it at all.

"The divine weapon of Emperor Sun is powerful, but it's a pity that it's not him."


The power pressed down, the world opened up, and the little Golden Crow was shattered immediately.


Zhu Wang Venerable suddenly vomited blood. The Golden Crow Divine Bell in his hand was shaking constantly, and cracks spread. The spirit of the Heavenly Dao artifact was directly killed. This was almost the same as destroying the Heavenly Dao artifact. The power of the Golden Crow Divine Bell plummeted, almost falling through the realm of the Emperor.

This huge shock, even if it only affected Zhu Wang Venerable, was also seriously injured. He vomited blood and retreated with a horrified face.

It was unimaginable, completely unimaginable.

"The Extreme Soldier was actually broken! The Lord of the Cave Heaven who has not yet broken through the True Realm can actually shatter the spirit of the Heavenly Dao artifact and destroy the Emperor's will?"

The other venerables had never heard of it. This was just a face-to-face encounter, and it was directly blown up the Heavenly Dao artifact. Even the Emperor could not do it at all!

After all, the Emperor's Extreme Soldier itself is a power aggregation left after the death of the Emperor, which is equivalent to the Emperor himself. If it is really so powerful, doesn't it mean that this person has surpassed the Emperor by a level?

"Equivalent to the emperor himself? A dead thing, just close, can't defeat any emperor, and you users can't be compared with the emperor."

"Weak, there is only one death, since you have become the vanguard of the immortals, let's stop here."

Yun Ye stretched out his right hand, and the Book of Reincarnation emerged. The power of the infinite Dao Canon burst out, and the power of the divine law was infinitely superimposed. This is the effect of the law of the Dao Canon. If you hold the Dao Canon itself, you can use the power of the rules in it to obtain infinite power.

In this life, he should sweep everything!

"Stop, time!"

The time magic law was infinitely blessed, and Yun Ye had time to maintain the extended law of the operation of the Tiangan Cave Heaven. At this time, it burst out and directly fixed the four great emperors.

With the blessing of infinite power, the power of the time magic law increased rapidly, rushing towards the theoretical limit. With Yun Ye's foundation and the support of infinite power, this is a force that cannot be resisted. Unless a true immortal takes action, they are all chickens and pottery dogs.

The four great emperor soldiers were swept away and solidified by the divine light of time, and the same was true for the four great sages. Their figures were lifelike, some were frightened, some were shrouded in mist, some were ambiguous, and they could not transcend the concept of time.

This scene is simply the greatest horror.

The leaders of many imperial forces were frightened and trembled from the depths of their hearts.

What kind of hell joke is this to gain the power to suppress the imperial way without even entering the true realm?


When the two mantras of Yun Ye fell, the death sentence came into effect. The heaven and earth opened up, shattering the bodies of the four great lords and swallowing their power.

This force that created the world was like the mist of chaos. After it rose up and destroyed everything, it reopened time, space and matter and disappeared, as if they had never appeared.

In such a short period of time, it was obvious that the outside world had no time to do anything. The four imperial weapons were sealed and fell into the nine stars in the universe. In this way, even if time flows again, these four imperial weapons cannot move. It will be gradually eroded and turned into Yun Ye's help.


Raindrops of spiritual energy fell from the red sky, a sad song sounded, and there was a vision of the Lord's death. Even Yun Ye could not stop it, proving that everything was not a dream.

The four great sages, together with the four great imperial soldiers, fell directly and were unable to fight back.

Could it be that this person is really invincible in the red sky and will open up a new heaven and become an emperor? This is the destiny of this world?

Many monks couldn't help but have such thoughts.

This is an unprecedented and terrifying existence.

Invincible from birth!

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