A Noble Marriage

第68章 hapter68

Penchant www.xbiquge.cc, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Noble Marriage [Anna]!    They got everything ready in the evening.

The guests entered one after another.

Those black and red faces looked a little excited and a little ruffled. After all, they have almost never received such a formal invitation in their lives.

Considering Karenin's status, Anna crossed out the guests from further afield. They were mostly people who worked for Karenin on his land in the countryside, so there was room for them all in the courtyard.

Nastya and her parents were also present.

Anna searched for a while before she saw them, standing by an ordinary oak tree, not at all conspicuous, seemingly talking quietly about something. She smiled a little, happy to realize that the family did not have those thoughts in mind.

"What do you see?" Karenin asked as she approached.

Anna inclined her head to look at the other man.

The man was wearing a dark gray tweed suit, not unlike the usual satin material suits or tuxedos he would wear to a party. This suit looked less strict.

Similarly, his hair is not completely combed into a shiny and sharp back hair like when he went to that circle, but only slightly groomed. Hair oil is still essential, just like the civilized cane and bowler hat for a gentleman, just a matter of how much.

Karenin was not a man who cared much about dressing, but Anna had to commend her husband, who did have good taste.

She was not always overly opinionated about her dress, even though that was what she did. In fact, she has hardly said anything since they got married.

She gave him credit for his taste, and believed that this strict and intelligent man knew exactly how he should be seen by his rivals or colleagues.

In general, in addition to his personal style, which often brought Anna joy and reverence, she was also able to read his mood with some accuracy in his dress, and occasionally, as in this case, to relax from a state of tension because of something she had done. This, more than anything else, gave Anna a sense of accomplishment.

A woman's loveliness is not just about her appearance, but more about her intelligence in judging the situation. Wisdom and talent is always limited, God can not give all the advantages to a person, so, know how to feel satisfied at the most appropriate time, such people are always more likeable. It is also a certain secret to live happily in marriage.

"See my handsome husband." She lowered her voice and said sweetly, then opened those gray eyes and waited for his response.

The word "handsome" was not new to Karenin.

In the sense of the word, handsome is a compliment that means that the appearance, manners and talent are all of the best. Karenin was not shy about occasionally complimenting someone in a tentative conversation with his colleagues, in order to get things done in a more concise manner. But for himself, he was extremely stingy.

Karenin even his own talent, but what he preferred to agree on was his diligence and conscientiousness. Therefore, most people's compliments to his talent did not please him from the bottom of his heart, because such people either begged him or were too stupid themselves.

For the word poise, he is at least qualified when necessary, but most of the time he prefers to deter those people with indifference. Things exist for a reason, but the likes and dislikes of personal emotions are also a given. Although Karenin always try to hide and downplay this in front of people as much as possible.

Then there is foreign trade. Even when he was at his youngest, Karenin knew that his looks could not be described as handsome.

His face was too long, and his jaw was thin and cold and hard. His eyes were a little too soft by nature, so much so that after he first entered politics, he did his best to downplay this disadvantage.

His nose, which he himself was quite happy with, had a small bump in the middle, but the lines were very clean and sharp. When he looked down slightly in contemplation, the side shadow of the tip of his nose was like an eyelash that camouflaged some of his expressions.

Karenin doesn't often do this.

He was referring to that look of contemplation with his head bowed. He knew he would not overly reveal anything, but even the slightest possibility, his extremely restrained and strict character would never allow it.

And now, in her wife gradually more and more close to his heart that hidden zone, he in front of her loosened so a few guard.

So, in this extremely relaxed and comfortable atmosphere, his wife's sudden praise made the government official, who was always known for his tactfulness, flabbergasted on the spot.

But soon, Karenin's tongue found its usual swiftness again.

"The word 'handsome' is not so strictly applied to me, but obviously on the whole I can bring you this feeling, which is also joyful."

He seriously and calmly expressed to Anna that he knew he was not very handsome, but also recognized her praise of him. This statement completely amused Anna.

She knew she could never expect Karenin to say something like "you are more beautiful" or "I think so too" with a fond kiss or a flirtatious smile at the next moment.

He is Karenin, when he was young, he must be the kind of person who likes to choose the same chair at the same time, brushing the corner of his coat, and then can sit quietly in the library all afternoon, like the grain of the wooden table and chairs, with not smooth but layered texture, so that people do not doubt its authenticity.

Anna thought so, and then also asked out.

In her vision, this harsh and uninteresting habit like asceticism is like stained with poetry and sentimentality like peach petals.

They started out as something to ferment feelings in lovers, but if they were handed to someone like Karenin by her master, the poetry was carelessly stripped away completely. Only a certain slightly sharp worldliness and ordinariness remained.

"That was the more extravagant idea. I had a lot to learn in the beginning, and my temper was not good at that time." Karenin recounted faintly.

He did not know that whatever he said would be converted into something more romantic between his wife's ears. Her feelings for him were always hot, like heavy oil paint. But she knew that if she was reckless, the feelings would become a burden.

So just as Karenin in his youth would choose to gradually control his temper, Anna's love for him is the same.

Sometimes she treated him as a husband, loved him, revered him. And sometimes she treated him as a child, loving him and warming him.

"I can't help but want to see you when you lose your temper." She joked, wanting to take advantage of this inadvertence to involve herself, little by little, in his past.

It was a little sly, a total infiltration in the name of "love".

Anna knew that she was not a very clever person, and if she had been asked to do something else, she would not have been that clever, but somehow, in this case, she did it so well that even Karenin did not notice.

Maybe it's because she always gives ninety percent of her heart to life, but not even two hundred percent to her husband.

"You don't want to see that, it's not funny." Karenin said, pausing for a moment, "very ordinary, with a raised voice, becoming more acerbic, somewhat unable to control my emotions, and even I can't guarantee that I won't say something irrevocable."

Those last words, the expression on his face became serious.

"In that case, then it's better not to." Anna deliberately said in a regretful tone somewhat exaggerated, and then she changed the topic and answered the other party's initial question.

She kissed and took the other's arm. Let him look at the Nastya family.

The most obvious benefit of having a smart husband is that, as a woman, you can save yourself a lot of gibberish and instead have them turn into more interesting compliments than complaints.

Karenin lifted his eyes lightly and said, "Apparently poverty doesn't make them inferior in the face of power."

Anna laughed happily.

She was so cheerful in her heart, because she felt that even though the times were different, in certain thoughts they were the same in a certain way of thinking about their souls.

She knew in her heart, of course, that Karenin was not the kind of person who would think that what he had was sinful for the sake of "freedom" and "equality" and so on. Nor was he the kind of noble person who would turn his nose up at wealth.

She just never thought of him as such a saint, so whenever he said anything that was different from his class and status, or showed a little affirmation of the poor, she thought he was so brave and different. And then she affirmed what she had always believed.

Alexei Alexandrovich Karenin was a far better man than he had ever said.

The sky was getting dark, and the stars were spilling over it, big and bright, as if they were looking hard and wide at the mundane world.

After Anna and the others returned to the host's place and a few toasts, people were less restrained. Plus it was getting late, the campfire was on, the smell of fatty meat was wafting in mid-air, and the sparks were licking the dripping grease and pulsating more happily as if to join the feast.

Alexei was the star of the feast, and although Anna and the others didn't make a big deal of it, everyone still gave the teenager their blessing.

Beer and drinks.

Alexei's glass was full of liquor, and there were hardly any Russians who did not drink. Even Karenin was not a glutton for punishment, not a complete stranger.

Blessings mixed with alcohol from the teenager's throat to the warm stomach, his light gray eyes look like a layer of tears, but on closer inspection, but not really tears.

He was too beautiful, slim and thin, with the ultimate in beauty that a boy can have between his eyebrows, but when it came to the bridge of his nose and jaw, the tightness in his demeanor, and the calmness afterwards, gave it both masculinity, although it was still very young. But Anna knew that at a later time, this teenager would eventually become an outstanding figure beyond Karenin.

At that moment, I don't know who played the music.

Unlike the elegant and gentle piano, this music was like the music of the working people, full of vitality and frankness. After the song was played, it turned into some kind of lingering, like a land enveloped by the sunset, which seemed to contain the heat and emotion of the setting sun.

Anna couldn't help but take a sip from her glass, and her own gray eyes were a little misty, not knowing whether to be moved or relieved.

The spicy taste brought her back to reality and she couldn't help but cough softly.

To the side, Karenin heard the ringing and his concerned eyes shone through the campfire towards her. At the same time, his hands moved, his brow lightly frowned, took the glass of wine from Anna's hand and gave her a glass of orange juice instead.

At this moment, courage is like a rising tide.

Ignoring the reproach in Karenin's eyes, Anna put down the orange juice, then took the other woman's hand and said enthusiastically, "Will you dance with me?"

She remembered the time when she had gone to France, when she had in her mind like a jealous puppy, wanting only to gather around Karenin and show her little white teeth at those women who dared to pry. But bitterly, because she could not.

And now, here, who can stop her from guarding her husband's right to dance. If there is really one person in this world who is qualified, it is only her.

If there was anyone in the world who could force Karenin to do something he didn't want to do, it would have to be his wife.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the reward from Smoke Dyeing Su Mo Neng! Please take the number 10 confession number plate and enter through the special channel (づ ̄ 3 ̄) づ

PS I'll find time to modify the bugs after I catch them, thanks for catching the bug squad! So don't worry about the bugs you want to point out, there are mistakes too, I don't mind!

The weakness of the little Bambi

A long, long time ago, there was that one person who everyone loved Bambi when he hated him so much.

"Hated his curly hair!"

"Hated his dimples!"

"Hated how polite he was!"

"Hated his Bambi eyes!"

"Hated that he was better looking than me and called me a girl the first time we met!"

So the young man used his hair and the wizard made an exchange and got the little Bambi's weakness.

Wizard: believe me, you just kiss him, he will cry.

Although some disbelief, but the young man decided to try it. He blocked Bambi's way home, and then in full view of the public force in the little Bambi's face "bar" a bite.

However, the other side did not cry.


After a while, some confused little Bambi saw him holding red eyes like waiting for something, although kissing boys is strange, but the other party seems to want to get back to kiss, so he hesitated, or gently kissed each other on the cheek.

Later, the wizard met the young man again.

"I like his Bambi eyes!"

"I like his curly hair!"

"I like his dimples!"

"I want to marry him!"

Witch: [Soft persuasion] Boys and boys can't get married

Young man: I don't care!

Wizard: [expressionless] Then take the 1001 number plate and get in line! No cutting in line! There are 1,000 people waiting to confess in front of you!

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