A Noble Marriage

第69章 hapter69

The latest chapters of the Pen Interest Cabinet www.xbiquge.cc, the fastest updated noble marriage [Anna]!    The campfire, the crowd sitting around, and the green shade, all turned into heavy background oil in Anna's eyes at this moment.

She pulled her husband up and danced like a happy little elf.

The whole world seemed to be spinning.

His deep eyebrows, sometimes sharp eyes, the imperfect overly thin face and cold stereotypical character, all of this, can not change the fact that Anna loves her husband.

When I was young, the girls would always let themselves repeatedly dream of a dream with a castle and a prince, and in the dream of the future, the dream was of a blue sky and a white house, a perfect combination of everything.

Poetry and books and courtyards, talking at night, happy to sleep. I always thought that this was the perfect life that would belong to me in the future.

But as I grew up, as I changed, I began to understand the meaning of imperfection.

She came from a time of convenience, a time when the world was changing drastically every minute, reining in her recklessness and living carefully, she did not know her mission and meaning, but now she does.

With her parents missing from her life, the heavens have finally stopped trying to deprive her of everything and given her a chance to grasp and grow.

Here, she is indeed not so free. She is married to a high official and has a privileged life, but also has to take on the responsibilities that come with power.

They are all the same.

Other husbands only need to respect their wives, but do not need to love them. This is the meaning of the door-to-door power union. Love is not a necessity. But the man in front of her gave her something so precious. Although he did not say anything about love to her, it did not matter. Between two people, there are always some differences, that's why marriage requires tolerance.

Two imperfect people entered into a marriage, in this long years, tolerate each other, support each other, and grow in time. Despite having unusual identities, in each other's eyes, not hesitating for the laurels crowned by power, they can talk and sympathize with each other without worrying or fearing. It is possible to give the embrace of protection and caress, to be weak and to be loved without reserve, to, together, go through life.

"Alexei." Anna softly shouted, she tilted her head, neck sleeves long, side face beautiful as a flower.

In this open-air slow dance, such as Karenin's nature is really aloof, can not continue to maintain that look.

When he answered, it was as if he held a hint of the spring breeze at the corners of his mouth.

Of course, this is also because most people have begun to dance, the hosts and guests are no longer so restrained, and in the hearts of this special group of guests. When Karenin and Anna and the others had already maintained a friendly etiquette, these people, who were simple and free by nature, were not so formal anymore.

In Petersburg's high society circles, people's eyes are always on them all the time, and those glamorous banquets are actually a naked intertwining of power and status. No one can really enjoy the dance, and here, Karenin also had to admit that he realized for the first time the pleasure of dancing.

He does not have to habitually tighten his body, do not have to force himself to show a fake smile, do not have to use the corner of the eye to pay attention to the movements of fellow officers, do not have to talk about the weather to the horse farm, listen to the petulant laughter and not eat meat speech.

So, in the face of his wife's intimate call on his name, his response, in its most relaxed state, is almost as thin as a whisper.

"Although you know, however, I don't think I told you very explicitly." She said, slightly shy, her eyes shining and eager.

"I meant the vows I made at the wedding, and now I have to tell you that I, ah, really, really want to go through this life with you, in glory and in poverty, in sickness and in hardship."

"You once appreciated this phrase on some annotations, 'He who has not experienced has no right to speak,' and although I am very sure that I am deeply in love with you, since you think so, I am practicing as you think. And now, it is time to draw a conclusion."

"I am so glad that my conclusion has not wavered at all, but has become more firm."

"You were very kind. Very good to me, not just seeing me as your wife, but," she said here with some excitement, although both understood it, but since Anna could easily say that one word to a stranger, it was only natural that she should not mince words to her own husband, the one who doted on her and protected her.

"In personality, treat me as your equal, not because I am a woman, or because of my social status, and you respect me as I respect you."

"I respect and love you, not because you are my husband, assuming we are not married, that may not be as deep, but it is always there, but precisely because we are fortunate enough to be married, my respect and love for you grows deeper and deeper."

"Thank you, Alexei, for making me your wife, and for everything you've given me so far."

"Thank you for making it all so worthwhile and for making me the happiest person in the world!"

Anna's confession was so passionate that in time she whispered it almost only at a volume that only two people could hear. But those heat was like a flame, making people feel as if they were being burned.

Of course not flames, in Karenin's life, poetic embellishment was something he didn't approve of, it defied truth and logic, it was pure useless sensuality.

And every time, from these words of his wife, he could pick out many faults and inappropriate decorations, but always let them just drift into his ears.

Karenin's uncle had warned him, "If you want to be in a high position, you need not to indulge in pleasure."

Good words are the deadliest of all, making you let down your guard, forget humility and ignore danger, so he didn't care about the false flattery. However, at this moment he was willing to be seduced.

Karenin's footsteps stopped, his right hand remained in the position of holding his waist, but his left hand was slowly lowered.

His hands are different from the round and fat feeling of most nobles, because of the leanness of his body, his fingers are stronger than the slimness of youth. Compared to fellow officers who prefer to hunt, it adds another civil official's quiet temperament.

It can be said that it was a very good-looking pair of hands. When wearing a wedding ring, it has a sacred smell.

Her gray eyes kept gazing at each other. Like a fascination with color, they stared at it. When that hand, the thumb and index finger came to Anna's face, then rested at the corner of her mouth and pressed gently, her heart and soul trembled. Raising her eyes to look into the other's eyes.

Blue, like the winter sea, the usual excessive remaining power at the moment as if frozen, tightly wrapped, deeply hidden in the eyes. Those long eyelashes, which always move with unconscious delicacy, make the pupils that are covered always emit a glow of wisdom.

Now, as they blinked, the eyelids trembled slightly, and the man's look seemed like a tight yoke that held Anna firmly in place.

Karenin leaned in, he looked so calm, in fact, a little too calm. It was as if he was confirming something. The pressure on the corners of her mouth had been a little harder. But soon, as if realizing, he let go. After withdrawing a finger away, he came closer and once again gently stroked the corner of her mouth.

Half a dozen times, he lowered his head and kissed Anna, who was a little surprised.

"I got it." He said, with a brow that looked calm, but with a clear addition of pleasure, as complete relaxation and trust.

To trust a politician to unburden his heart is like trusting a tiger to turn into a gentleman. But if distrust means losing that one percent, Anna will always choose the ninety-nine percent that means danger. Because the next words of the man were.

"I never thought dancing made people happy, but now I need to amend that."

Karenin paused for a moment, and the man who was always ready to respond with ease looked as if he was deliberating, and said after a long time.

"Yes, it does make you happy. And I think it is because of you."

Hearing this, Anna raised her smile, her eyes bright as pearls, and she followed in the other's footsteps, letting Karenin lead her, experiencing this old-time dance, not so completely formal of that kind. Because no one will be so close, as if there is no longer a hint of distance between soul and soul. It was as if the two souls had become one because of the connection of their minds at this moment.

She said thank you to her husband tonight for making him understand that she loved him so deeply and thanked him for his love for her, then, no matter what happens in the future, this night is worth remembering.

"Shall we go for a walk?" She inquired.

For she saw the cheerful looks of the children, and Alexei was being flanked by young people who loved his pale blond hair and had respect and curiosity about him.

And Alexei looked slightly shy, yet with a certain rapture. He seemed young and full of life as if his life had only begun at this moment, and although he still looked single, everyone thought he was healthy and wonderful.

"Good." Karenin said, letting Anna take his arm as they strolled down a path not far from the crowd.

The moonlight slanted down like running water, the trees were shaded, and the spring breeze of the night was slightly cool, but the dance made them both feel a little hot, which was just the right moment to walk.

"I think back to that time in France when we were first married, and that night was like this." Anna said, always keeping every little detail in mind.

Karenin knew this.

If it were simply a matter of memory, Karenin was better than most people, and he could remember even more details than his own wife. However, it was different.

Anna's memory is always accompanied by feelings, Karenin's memory is more about the memory itself. He liked to hear his wife talk about it.

After meeting Anna, the word "like" was used more and more frequently in Karenin's list, but it was not as terrible as it was thought to be.

In fact, these subtle influences are like the warmth of the sun. People usually don't know how to control this degree, and Anna, rather than having some kind of talent, has given it a hundred and twenty percent of her effort.

"I remember." That was all Karenin could respond.

He was not good at sharing memories with others, except for those of official business, which were always revealed with a sarcastic fake smile.

And his wife seemed to be satisfied with the answer "remember".

The warmth of the memory flowed from her lips like a path, and every footprint seemed to hide a breeze, as if it were moving.

"I used to," Anna said, stopping to look at Karenin.

She smiled: "I used to think that the person I would marry must be a tall man with a good voice and a delicate heart, who could talk with me and take me all over the world. We would have a white house that wasn't very big, but cozy, with a courtyard full of red, purple and yellow flowers, and a spring breeze that filled the yard with delicacy. I thought that would be the ultimate in happiness."

Anna saw Karenin's eyelashes open and close for a moment, a sign of his mood swings, so she continued, "But I chose to become your wife. It's not the same as the life I imagined, but strangely enough, every moment I feel happy. When you left early in the morning, sometimes I watched you get inside the carriage, and I was thinking I would see you after work. When you came back from the ministry, I was thinking that I had so many things to share with you today. When you finished your business in the evening, I saw you and thought again, "How wonderful, we've had another happy day together."

"It's weird isn't it." She winked, looking rapturous.

"Not at all what I used to think, but, it just felt happy. I, for one, don't feel bad at all about now. Even if it's not the same, it doesn't matter, as long as the happiness is real now."

"I hope, you feel the same way, Alexei. Do you, do you?" She looked at the other woman expectantly.

For a long time, the moonlight quietly hid itself in the clouds.

Although there was no silvery clear glow, no streamers flying, and the music was far away, the face of the man in front of her, because of the light, Anna was not able to see the beautiful blue eyes closely.

But, as she said, none of this matters.

It was a blessing to be married to someone you love, not to mention that it was a miracle to know that you were also cherished while you adored him. Then, whether the form of living together in marriage is the same as the fantasy of a young girl is not so important.

"Yes, my love."

The air flowed quietly as the lips rubbed against each other, wrapped in love and deep affection.

The response, like honey, was sinking in.

In the midst of the kiss, Anna thought.

Some people can't find their lover even after a lifetime of searching, and some people can't wait for a response of love even after a lifetime of waiting. And as they, □□□□, than so many people in the world are lucky, then, let their love in the marriage to enjoy happiness, is they all need to shoulder, a greater responsibility.

And after returning to the city, the sudden changes also let Anna once again understand this truth.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the reward from the army of pill eaters! Bambi's brother has temporarily hidden Bambi in your home (???) You should cherish it!

About Possessiveness

Bambi's brother's birthday party when he was one year old

Andre: feel free to grab, grab what three seconds do not let go is your ha

Crowd: catch the rank, later when the general!

Old Bambi: quietly push the seal over

Bambi saw it

Little Bambi: [whispering] grab the seal, the future and Prabhupada as a big officer =V=

Bambi brother: = = =

quickly crawled over and firmly grabbed the seal in the hands of the little Bambi ...... and then quickly dropped it, a hug little Bambi

Anna: Uh, no more changes?

Andre: It doesn't count! Ten seconds to count [tried to pull Bambi's brother away, but to no avail

Ten seconds later

Andrei: Little bastard!

Later, at Bambi's sister's birthday party

Andrei: Where did that little bastard hide Seryozha!!!

Bambi brother: [secretly looking at the drooling sister] huh = =

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