But not everyone was intimidated by Lin Chaoying's open-mindedness, and there were also a group of people who silently mocked Lin Chaoying for not being able to measure up.

After all, in their opinion, the Book of Forgetting Heaven is really a ghostly skill.

They never believe that someone can create a Geschi skill that is not inferior to the Book of Forgetful Heaven.

Lin Shiyin also saw the content recorded in Luo Wei's diary, and couldn't help but look at ~ Luo Wei with disgust.

"My cousin has this thought, it's not easy, if you don't support it, forget it, why pour cold water on it." "

Luo Wei was surprised: "When did I pour cold water, see if I wrote the words well." "

Lin Shiyin couldn't help but be stunned.

Rowe continued to write in his diary.

[Although the level of martial arts such as the Book of Forgetful Love is one of the few in the world, it is not something that ordinary people can create]

[But Lin Chaoying does have some possibilities]

[Good villains also used the Jade Heart Sutra in the original plot to squeeze the true ancestor of the ancient tomb school]

[If it weren't for Wang Chongyang in this world, it wouldn't be Lin Chaoying's opponent]

[With Lin Chaoying's wisdom, if it is really cultivated by a hundred scriptures, it will definitely be able to create peerless martial arts, if it is a book of forgetting love, it will be a little suspended]

[Possible, but unlikely]

[Maybe halfway through creation, you will die of blood]

[This kind of thing is not impossible]

[For example, in Gulong's novel, the heaven and earth meet Yin and Yang Great Compassion, recording seven of the most terrifying and evil martial arts in the world, and legend has it that when this book was completed, the sky was raining and bloody, the ghosts cried at night, and the person who wrote this book also vomited blood and died when writing the last word]

[This is because the consumption is too large, exhausted mental energy, after creating this martial art, exhausted and died]

[If Lin Chaoying really wants to create a martial art that is not inferior to the Book of Forgetful Heaven, if nothing else, the possibility of halfway collapse is more than ninety percent]

[After all, some martial arts are really jealous]

[But it's okay, I'm back from the dead]

[Lin Chaoying is also Shiyin's cousin, how can I watch her die]

[Even if she really dies, I can pull her back and let her continue to create work]

[Die a few more times, maybe you can really create a martial art that is not inferior to the Book of Forgetful Heaven]

[Good villains also took a few lives, if they really can't do it, it's too shameful]

When Lin Chaoying saw this, he finally froze, looked at Luo Wei angrily, and gritted his teeth and said, "I really thank you." "

"You're welcome, this is what I should do, who made you Shiyin's cousin." "

Rowe smiled brightly.

Lin Shiyin couldn't laugh or cry, what is this called.

Rowe laughed and began to wrap up.

[Okay, today's diary is written here, I'm going to collect the reward, but unfortunately I can't leave a message in this diary, otherwise I still want to ask everyone's opinion]

[Ask everyone what they want to dictate tomorrow]

[Forget it, let's do it for now, I'm talking about it later]

Rowe closed his diary with a smile and began to claim his reward.

He exploded such a big piece of material today, he should be able to claim a good reward.

However, after the reward arrived, Luo Wei's expression suddenly stiffened.

【Detected host completed today's diary, reward now issued】

[Congratulations to the host for getting a one-year practice]

In the next second, Luo Wei's body had an extra year of mana.

It's not that this reward is bad, in fact, one year of mana is very good, at least saving Luo Wei a year of penance.

But the problem is that this reward doesn't seem to match today's diary.

It stands to reason that after saying such a big bunch today, how should you also get a spell.

Maybe it's the Seventy-Two Techniques.

The result is a little mana, which is a bit big from thinking about it.

Azhu was the first to notice that Luo Wei's expression was wrong, and quickly asked: "Gongzi, what's wrong with you, your face seems to be a little unpleasant." "

When Lin Chaoying heard this, he saw Luo Wei's stiff expression and laughed, "What else, look at his stinky face, it should be today's reward." "

Huang Rong couldn't help but ask, "Brother Wei, is that so?"

Luo Wei rubbed his face, rubbed away his stiff expression, and said with a sigh: "One year of mana, there is a little gap from what I imagined. "

Lin Shiyin asked, "Then Avi, what is the reward you imagined?"

Luo Wei said: "According to the past practice, the quality of the diary I wrote today is good, and today's reward should be spells, and even the possibility of seventy-two spells, but now it is a guarantee. "

Huang Rong said: "Listening to you say this, it is indeed a little abnormal. "

Rowe shook his head and said, "I don't know. "

He really hadn't thought of the reason for that.

Lin Chaoying was well-informed, witty and intelligent, and vaguely seemed to think of something, "It can't be because of today's diary, it's not what you want to write." "

Luo Wei was stunned, "What do you mean?"

Lin Shiyin immediately understood, "Today's diary, the reason why you talk about the Book of Forgetfulness is because my cousin wants you to tell about the Book of Forgetfulness. "

Rowe also reacted, "You mean, I shouldn't have written a book of forgetfulness?"

Huang Rong also came back to his senses, "Sister Lin means that Brother Wei is writing a diary on the surface, but in fact he is answering the doubts of Senior Lin, which has deviated from the original intention of writing a diary. "

Lin Shiyin nodded and said: "The diary was originally to record what he wanted to write, but now Avi wrote what others wanted to see, and it became an answer, and it is no longer like a diary, so the reward will be a guarantee." "

Lin Chaoying sighed, "I didn't expect that this matter was actually mine." "

Luo Wei rubbed his temples and comforted: "This may not be the case, cousin doesn't have to be too guilty, I'll try it again tomorrow." "

Lin Chaoying said: "It can only be so. "



Rowe pulled out his diary and, without asking anyone, updated today's diary.

[Everyone, today we will continue to rush to the Sea of Stars to find Azhu's sister A-Zi]

[It's okay to be idle all the way, let's continue to talk]

[After telling about the Book of Forgetful Love Yesterday, I mentioned another martial art, that is, the Geschi Gong of the Ancient Dragon World... Heaven and earth intersect Yin and Yang Great Compassion】

[This is a martial art that is not inferior to the Book of Forgetful Heaven]

[As I said before, this martial art records the seven most terrifying and evil martial arts in the world]

[But to be honest, even I don't care what these seven martial arts are]

As soon as these words came out, countless women who read the diary couldn't help but show a surprised expression.

It's incredible that even Luo Wei, a traverser, doesn't know what these seven martial arts are.

Ask for flowers

What the hell is going on here?

The women looked surprised, but they quickly got answers from the diary.

[Because in the original plot, several of this heaven and earth conquest Yin and Yang Great Compassion have been lost, and only two have appeared]

[One is the method of turning the sky and the earth to move the cave]

[This martial art penetrates the qi veins of the surrounding body, the internal force is everywhere, everywhere, the true qi is endless, escaping the passage and walking the acupoints, ignoring all points, cutting the pulse, seizing, forbidden techniques]

[After learning, you can practice all internal skills and perform all external skills]

[It's a pity that the descendants are not Xiaoxiao, the inheritance is incomplete, and it is weakened into the method of shifting the heaven and earth to the big cave shift, and only two or three inches of acupuncture points can be moved] (read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[The other is the Heavenly Jedi Exterminator Hand]

[The changes in the world's martial arts are all contained between the palms, the hands are like King Kong Eternal Solid, the hands have the power of two dragons and four elephants, and there are also the great soul search hand that grabs the vitality essence of all things and the big purple yang hand that refines external forces to dissolve all things]

[As for what the remaining martial arts are, there are different opinions on the Internet]

[Some people say that it is the Heavenly Yin and Earth Yang Great Mixed Yuan Gong, the Heaven and Earth Great Shifting Technique, the Heaven and Earth Cracking Great Silence Annihilation Knife, the Heaven and Earth Crying Great Compassion Curse, etc.]

[Some people also say that it is the method of moving the heavens and the earth and moving the cave, the soul and the soul to seize the life, the heavenly Jedi to kill the fist, the heaven and earth to destroy the earth Ziyang hand, the heavenly turbidity and the earth chaos mixed yuan gong, the god to kill the holy killing immortal finger, the demon to the heaven crying great compassion curse]

[In short, these seven martial arts are very mysterious]

[In addition to the two that have been confirmed, none of the other five are officially certified]

[But no matter what, the first two are already so powerful, and the last five martial arts are definitely not bad]

[Learn any of them, you can cross the rivers and lakes, rarely meet the enemy]

[If you pick up these seven kinds of centipedes, you will definitely not lose to the Book of Forgetfulness Heavenly Book]

[It's a pity that in the original plot, no one can see the style of these seven martial arts]

[I don't know if in this comprehensive martial arts world, there is anyone who can integrate these seven martial arts into one, if there really is such a person, it is definitely the top master in the world]

[Even peerless powerhouses are not necessarily this person's opponents]

[Of course, the above is just my guess, as for the specific situation, only after fighting]

[At least in my opinion, Wang Chongyang's nine yang and five absolutes, there are several martial arts that are not inferior to the martial arts of heaven and earth to conquer yin and yang great compassion]

[And even if it is in powerful martial arts, the messenger is not good, and he may not be able to exert the true power of martial arts]

[After all, there is no invincible martial arts in this world, only invincible people in the world]

[People are not good, even if the martial arts of cultivation are powerful, they are in vain]

Luo Wei's words, I don't know how many women have agreed.

In the eyes of most women, the divine skill is powerful, but it also depends on how the user plays it.

Many people have defeated people whose martial arts skills are even stronger than their own.

I am convinced of Rowe's statement.

[Okay, there is nothing to say today, let's write here in the diary]

[Let's talk about other things when we have a chance]

[That's it, goodbye]

After writing the last word, Rowe closed the diary and claimed the reward.

[Detect the host to complete today's diary, and the reward will be distributed now]

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the tracking spell】

A smile suddenly bloomed on Luo Wei's face.

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