The new function of the diary made Luo Wei very happy, and even Lin Chaoying's reprimand was not taken to heart by Luo Wei.

After all, this meant that Luo Wei would not have to practice retreat from now on.

Seven days in the mountains, and what has been in the world for a thousand years will not happen.

Without a doubt, this is definitely a good thing.

So, over the next few days, Rowe once again had the motivation to update his diary.

Every day, I rack my brain to think about how to update my diary, and occasionally ask other people's opinions about what they want to see.

This was something Rowe had never done before.

The women were suddenly interested when Luo Wei asked this, and they chattered and discussed together.

Huang Rong said: "If you think about it, I have already seen the Condor and the Condor and I know my story well, and I don't seem to have anything I want to know." "

Blue Phoenix nodded, "Mine too." "

Azhu nodded, agreeing with these words, "No, I have also seen my own story, and I really don't have anything I want to know, the only thing I care about is my sister Ah Zi." "

"Gongzi, or let's go to the Star Sect and bring my sister back." "

Hearing Ah Zi say this, Luo Wei naturally agreed without thinking.

"No problem, let's go now. "

So the trouble of finding the Happy King was put on hold again, and everyone changed their way to the Star Sect.

At this moment, Lin Chaoying suddenly said: "If you don't have anything you want to know, I can give you a good suggestion." "

Rowe looked at him with wide eyes, "What advice?"

Lin Chaoying said with a smile: "I am very interested in what you said yesterday about the Geschi Heavenly Book of Forgetfulness that surpasses peerless martial arts, it is better to talk about this Forgetful Heavenly Book in your diary." "

Luo Wei's eyes lit up, "Hey, this attention is good, ah113." "

He immediately pulled out his diary and began to update.

[Today is the day after we return to Daming, but Ah Zhu suddenly remembered that he also has a sister Ah Zi in the Star Sect, so we plan to go to the Star Sect and first pick up Ah Zi in the trouble of returning to Daming to find the Happy King]

[In addition, Lin Chaoying wants to know about the Book of Forgetting Love]

[So I will talk to you about this book of forgetting love today]

[This is a book that surpasses peerless martial arts]

When Rowe wrote his diary, countless women with copies of the diary received the information and flipped through it.

Many people saw the contents of the diary, and their glasses did not light up.

Some people have never heard of the martial art of the Book of Forgetful Heaven.

Some people have heard of it, but they don't know why the Book of Forgetfulness is called a Geshiqi Gong that surpasses peerless martial arts.

So everyone is interested in what Luo Wei said yesterday.

For a while, everyone looked at the contents of the diary intently.

[First of all, I want to state that in Wen Rui'an's martial arts novels, there have been many divine skills]

[For example, Zhuge Shenhou's stunning shot is one of the highest masters in the Wen Ruian martial arts system]

[The white-clothed Fang Zhenmei's point stone into gold fingering, Jianghu is known as the king's pointing general, and a thousand swords turn into a finger soft]

[The thirteenth limit of the Yuan Limit of the divine skill of enduring humiliation, pay attention to enduring hardships, the more suffering endured, the greater the humiliation endured, the stronger the skill, back then Yue Wang Goujian learned such a kung fu, and pressed Wu Wang Fu to the ground and rubbed it in minutes]

[Wei Qingqing's Qianyi. Fuse a thousand sword moves into one, fuse into one sword, the power is infinite]

[Li Shenzhou's Thirty-six Luqi, this is an internal skill, there is no fixed move, after training, random moves, are all exquisite and domineering tricks]

[You can even fuse these tricks into weapons, the power is shocking]

[Li Shenzhou relied on this martial art to kill the Agni God Jun Cai Weeping God in a second, instantly defeated the two elders of residual gold and broken jade, and defeated the Shaolin Muye and the leopard elephant two monks within three moves]

[The innate broken body invisible sword qi of the Holy Lord Guan Qi of the Misty Heaven Alliance is even more powerful, and the eyebrows are cocked is a sword qi, just ask if you are afraid]

[Wudang Sect's Wuji Divine Skill, after training, open up all the meridian acupoints around the body, and can also move acupoints to change tips, the whole body is invulnerable, and King Kong is not bad]

[Wen Ruian even defined this martial art as a Taoist immortal method]

[In addition, there are the sad arrows of the thirteenth limit, the Mountain Yu Sutra, etc., which are all among the best in the world]

[But these martial arts skills cannot be compared with the Book of Forgetful Heaven]

[The Book of Forgetting Love is the ceiling in Wen Rui'an's system]

[Even if you look at this comprehensive martial arts world, the Book of Forgetfulness is an incredible martial art, not even inferior to some god and demon-level martial arts, this is the power of the Book of Forgetfulness]

[Interestingly, the Book of Forgetful Love is very strange, focusing on the realm, feeling, mood, and momentum, and only those who are familiar with Qinqi calligraphy and painting, poetry and music theory, love to nature, and martial arts talent can learn it, so the heroes who meet once in hundreds of years may not be cultivated due to insufficient talent]

[In addition, the martial arts of the Book of Forgetfulness is only suitable for one person to learn, and many people learn to make the mind unable to connect, the more specialized the study, the more hard the study, the easier the relationship is to break, the own temperament cannot be controlled, and the consequences are unbearable]

[The sword techniques recorded in the Book of Forgetful Love are actually also heart methods, body techniques, moves, and techniques... It's just that there is no internal strength]

[The book of forgetting love is the first thing to love, and only after having love can you forget love, and only after forgetting love can you be loved]

[After high affection, you can integrate your own will and life into any stone and tree of the still life of nature's creatures, and use the power of the universe and heaven and earth to destroy the other party, instead of using your own meager power in nature]

[No matter how high the enemy's martial arts are, how can he not withstand the ruthless power of heaven and earth?]

[Therefore, the Book of Forgetting Love is a strange book that borrows the power of the universe and heaven and earth]

[The Book of Forgetful Love has a total of fifteen potentials, divided into fifteen methods, a total of fifteen tips, then go to heaven and earth, and any stone and thing, pieces of cedar and tiles, can also be fully utilized]

(bbee) [can be innovative with music, can be born with the intention of painting]

[In short, it is always the life of innovation]

[After learning the Book of Forgetfulness, you must be able to forget your feelings, and once you can't forget your feelings, you can't give up your body and become a swordsman who has nothing]

[The fifteen potentials of the Book of Forgetfulness Heavenly Book, divided into Providence, Topography, King, Kinsi, Teacher, Golden Break, Mu Ten, Water Death, Fire Yan, Earth Cover, Sun Ming, Moon Reflection, Wind Flow, Yun Yi, I Nothing]

[Each of these fifteen moves has a magic effect]

[Among them, the sun and the bright, no matter how many injuries you suffer, you can absorb the power of heaven and earth to replenish yourself, burst into a small universe, full state, several times the state of the move, the speed of the move is too fast to resist, the enemy is blinded when the move, the eyes can't see anything, only the dazzling sun is seen]

[Yun Yi is a momentum, no matter how high the enemy's light skill is, you can intercept the enemy with lightning displacement, and at the same time be as empty as the wind and clouds, and the enemy loses the target for you to slaughter]

[Fire extends a momentum, but it cannot create fire, extend the power of the spark infinitely, and use the power of heaven and earth to turn the spark into a large flame to shoot at the enemy]

[Wood stubbornness, can avoid nine out of nine damage]

[A king can interrupt and terminate all actions of the enemy, and convince and timid the other party with the power of a king]

[But the strongest is the will of Providence]

[Use the power of heaven and earth to destroy the sky and destroy the earth to attack the target or avoid absorbing all the damage that can never be resisted, the will of heaven cannot be violated, and the will of heaven will be captured as soon as it comes out]

[Xiao Qiushui used this move to take over the divine skill of uniting the Shaolin Sect and the Wudang Sect: Five Fingers Connecting Hearts]

[This move even the world's number one expert Yan Madman sighed to himself, only after dodging each defeat]

[Now you understand the power of the Book of Forgetfulness Heavenly]

[The ability of this book is no longer like martial arts, more like the scope of fairy tales]

[That's why I said that the Book of Forgetful Love is a martial art that surpasses peerless martial arts and is almost comparable to god and demon-level martial arts]

[The main thing is that this martial art is too powerful]

[As for who is the creator of the Book of Forgetful Love, it is not explained in the original work, so I don't know who created the Book of Forgetful Heaven]

[But what is certain is that this person must be a Wizard]

[Unfortunately, I didn't have the opportunity to see you]

Luo Wei's sigh, most women who read the diary are deeply impressed.

The more powerful the heroine, the more she can see the extraordinary of the book of forgetting love between the lines of Luo Wei's words.

For example, the jellyfish Yin Ji couldn't help but sigh, "The Book of Forgetting Love, a good Book of Forgetting Love, I didn't expect that in this world in addition to god and demon-level martial arts, there are people who can create such a strange book." "

"It's a shame that I didn't see it. "

Power gang inside.

Zhao Shirong saw the record of the Book of Forgetting Love, his eyes flickered, and after a long time, he called a subordinate and ordered: "You go and inquire, is there a person named Xiao Qiushui in the rivers and lakes." "

"If you find it, keep a close eye on it, but don't disturb the other person's every move, understand?" (Read the violent novel, go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

The other person nodded, then turned away.

On the carriage.

Lin Chaoying finished reading the diary, clapped his hands and said, "I decided." "

Lin Shiyin asked curiously, "Cousin, what have you decided?"

Lin Chaoying said: "Since someone can create a martial art like the Book of Forgetful Love, why can't I, Lin Chaoying, also create a Geshiqi skill that is no less than the Book of Forgetful Love." "

Rowe raised an eyebrow, glanced at her, and then wrote a sentence in the diary.

[Just now, Lin Chaoying suddenly said that he wanted to create a Geschqi skill that is not inferior to the Book of Forgetful Heaven]

[I call a good guy, this guy should not really think that the book of forgetting love is some kind of cabbage, you can create it casually]

When Lin Chaoying saw this, he couldn't help but glare angrily at Luo Wei, this guy actually dared to look down on her Lin Chaoying.

Many women were amazed.

A good Lin Chaoying, worthy of being the founder of the ancient tomb school, actually has this heart, very human.

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