Rowe continued to update his diary, and the peeping women cheered up and prepared for the next storm.

They had a premonition.

Luo Wei suddenly broke off just now, something unknown must have happened, and now this matter is about to be revealed.

Maybe it's some shocking news.

[Just now, when I was Aite Zhao Shirong, I suddenly activated a new function of the diary]

[In addition to uploading pictures and adding friends, the diary can even make video calls]

[The so-called video call is that the diary will show me and Zhao Shirong, so that we can communicate in the air]

[This thing was called a video call in our time]

[Although separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, we can see each other and communicate]

[During this communication, Zhao Shirong asked me a question]

[How did she and Li Shenzhou end?]

[I told her that they didn't end well, and both of them died]

[So Zhao Shirong asked me again how they died]

[This is talking about two people]

[One is the Ten Thousand Miles Plain Prayer Twenty-Four among the Three Crowns of the Outer Border]

[The other one is the master of the Yangtze River Three Gorges Twelve Consecutive Dock Waterway Alliance... King Zhu Datian]

[In the original plot of Shenzhou Qixia, Li Shenzhou wanted to take advantage of the chaos in the world and take the world, so he did not save Yue Fei, and Zhao Shirong quietly came to save Yue Fei in order not to let Li Shenzhou become an eternal sinner]

[She is confident that her martial arts can definitely cope with the dry fox group dog party under Qin Juniper's seat, but unexpectedly came a triple crown outside the border]

[The three crowns outside the customs are the first, second and third people in the world's light gong, namely Baili Hanting, Qianli Lonely Mei, and Wanli Plain Three]

[Baili Hanting "Old Chao is no longer easy to deal with, and the lonely plum cangjun is more difficult to entangle]

[But the most terrifying thing is the Wanli Plain Prayer Twenty-four, the Wanli Plain Prayer Twenty-Four is the most veritable person of the Triple Crown King, he not only ranks first in light skill, internal strength and sword skills, but also crowns outside the crown]

[Zhao Shirong killed the lonely plum cangjun of Qianli with Wuzhan Mei's stunt, and injured Lao Chao of Baili Hanting, but he prayed for the twenty-four of the Wanli Plain, and then suffered torture]

[When Li Shenzhou and Xiao Qiushui rushed to the Wind Wave Pavilion, Zhao Shirong had already been tortured by the "Ten Thousand Miles Plain" prayer twenty-four into human form]

[Li Shenzhou lost his former composure, and he killed Qiu Twenty-Four together with Xiao Qiushui, who had refined the Book of Forgetful Heavens]

[After that, he was in a trance, in order to protect Zhao Shirong's body, and then he was killed by the real Zhu Datianwang who pretended to be Yue Fei]

[This is the end of the two]

When Zhao Shirong saw this, his expression couldn't help but be stunned.

It turned out that he died in the end to save people.

However, who is this Yue Fei, and why Li Shenzhou will become an eternal sinner if he does not save him.

This person must be important.

I just don't know if in this comprehensive martial arts world, this person named Yue Fei will still emerge.

At least he hadn't heard of the name Yue Fei at the moment.

When the other women saw this, they couldn't help but feel deep pain for this person in the Wanli Plain, this person was really hateful to the extreme.

In the future, if this person falls into their hands, they will definitely cut this person by a thousand cuts.

[After talking about the Ten Thousand Miles Plain, let's talk about this Zhu Da Tianwang]

[King Zhu Da Tianwang is the master of the Twelve Consecutive Dock Waterway Alliance]

[In your impression, this Zhu Da Tianwang is called Zhu Shunshui, but in fact, you are all wrong]

[Zhu Shunshui is not just Zhu Datianwang, he is just a stand-in for the real Zhu Datianwang]

Zhao Shirong was shocked when he saw this.

What, Zhu Shunshui is just a stand-in.

How is this possible.

If so, then the horror of this Zhu Da Tianwang is absolutely beyond anyone's imagination.

She couldn't help but grab the diary in her hand and continued to read.

[The real Zhu Da Tianwang will definitely exceed your imagination, because the real Zhu Da Tianwang is not any underworld master you think]

[But a true righteous person, he is the god hunter of the six gates of the capital, Zhu Xiawu!]

Zhu Xiawu? How could it be him.

Zhao Shirong thought about many people, but she never thought of Zhu Xiawu, because in her opinion, Zhu Xiawu could never be the Zhu Datianwang of the Twelve Consecutive Docks.

At this moment, not only Zhao Shirong, but even other women who knew Zhu Xiawu did not quite believe this answer.

Because this is really unbelievable, Zhu Xiawu is... The famous god catcher.

[Maybe in your eyes, Zhu Xiawu is a person who doesn't talk much, once you know who is who and who is not Zhu Xiawu, you will not spare lightly, a case, from beginning to end, may only say the word should be killed]

[In your eyes, Zhu Xiawu is a public gate of the imperial court, recognized as a first-rate rare good hand]

[He debuted for more than ten years, only killed eleven people, these eleven people are all murderous without blinking, heinous, and no one can control the underworld master]

[In your eyes, Zhu Xiawu has never been defeated, so he has a nickname called Tianluo Di Net, which is taken from the recovery of Sky Net, and it is not omission]

[In your eyes, Zhu Xiawu is the embodiment of justice]

[But in fact, this person is sophisticated, despicable and insidious]

[Zhu Xiawu has hidden his identity for many years, and many years ago he was able to integrate the martial arts of Wudang and Shaolin schools]

[Then he integrated Wudang Kung Fu and Shaolin 72 stunts into his punch and palm as much as possible]

[So his fist palm seems to have ordinary moves, but it is the essence of the two martial arts]

[Zhu Datianwang's martial arts, once played, Wudang made up for the lack of Shaolin's soft strength, Shaolin made up for the lack of strength of Wudang, learned from the strengths and complemented the weaknesses, and actually fused the two schools of martial arts with great understanding, created the Shaowu True Sutra, and achieved an earth-shattering cultivation]

[In the original plot, Zhu Xiawu rarely shot]

[And he shot twice and killed two generations of the world's number one master] (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Relying on assassination, relying on internal force to shock and kill Yan Madman, the first person in martial arts who has only half of his strength, and Li Shenzhou, a king who is bent on death]

[Although these two times were taking advantage of people's dangers, it is undeniable that Zhu Xiawu's martial arts are indeed very strong]

[And in the original plot, the reason why Yan Madman and Li Shenzhou are so strong is because they took the Wuji Immortal Pill]

[But Zhu Xiawu does not have such luck]

[So Zhu Xiawu came to this day, relying on his own strength]

[Therefore, regardless of Zhu Xiawu's character, there is really nothing to say in terms of martial arts and understanding, and the strength is amazing, otherwise it will not be able to go to the end]

[Unfortunately, he finally met Xiao Qiushui, the male protagonist of "Shenzhou Qi ~ "Xia"]

[This Xiao Qiushui first obtained the Wuji Immortal Pill by chance, and later had a series of strange encounters, and was trained and taught by many masters such as the Shaolin Sect, the Wudang Sect, and the Power Gang, and even learned Zhu Xiawu's Shaowu True Scripture]

[Finally, I learned the Heavenly Book of Forgetfulness of Love that surpassed peerless martial arts]

[Against this kind of hanging wall, Zhu Xiawu does not die who dies]

[Of course, the above is just what happened in "Shenzhou Qixia", not what happened in this world]

[After all, this is a chaotic world of mixed martial arts, God knows what the plot is going to look like]

[So Zhao Shirong, you don't have to be too anxious, the ending in the original plot may not be your real ending]

[There are not a few who change their lives against the sky]

[Even if you accidentally die, I will resurrect you]

[It's an insurance for you, who makes you my pen pal]

[After saying so much in one breath today, I suddenly feel a little tired, let's write here in today's diary]

[If there is anything in the future, I will discuss it with you]

【Goodbye, everyone】

After writing the last sentence, Rowe closed the diary and began to claim today's reward.

As he imagined, after breaking the big material of Zhu Xiawu, Luo Wei received a very rich reward.

But to Luo Wei's surprise, this time he got not a spell.


[Detected that the host has updated today's diary, and rewards are now issued]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining ten years of Dao]

In the next second, the diary shot out a ray of light and hit Luo Wei's dantian.

Luo Wei suddenly felt a steady stream of mana enter his dantian, fusing with the mana in his dantian, regardless of each other.

Luo Wei couldn't help but be surprised.

If he only had ten years of mana before, now he has twenty years of mana.

That's doubled.

This also means that Luo Wei's strength has improved a lot.

Good fellow, I didn't expect that the upgraded diary would not give internal force, but mana, and it was ten years at a time.

Doesn't this mean that even if I don't have to practice in retreat in the future, my mana will increase sharply.

That's pretty cool.

Luo Wei (Li's Zhao) suddenly danced excitedly.

Huang Rong was taken aback, ".. Brother Vigo, what are you doing?"

Azhu said with a smile: "Looking at Gongzi's expression, he must have obtained some extraordinary reward." "

Lin Shiyin guessed: "Today's diary is very interesting, could it be that Avi has obtained the thirty-six changes of Tiangang." "

Rowe shook his head.

Blue Phoenix said, "That must be the Seventy-Two Techniques of the Earth. "

Rowe continued to shake his head.

The women were immediately puzzled, neither the Thirty-Six Changes of Tiangang, nor the Seventy-Two Techniques of Earth, why Luo Wei was so happy.

Lin Chaoying became interested when he heard this, and looked at Luo Wei seriously, "I can feel that your aura seems to have become stronger, could it be that you have gained a lot of internal power." "

Luo Wei shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not internal power, it's mana, after the diary is upgraded, I no longer get internal power, but mana, I just obtained ten years of mana, and the mana in my body has doubled." "

Lin Chaoying was surprised: "Even mana can be given, doesn't this mean that you guy doesn't have to cultivate, as long as he writes a diary every day, he can get stronger." "

Luo Wei bowed his head and said, "Children can be taught." "

Lin Chaoying rolled his eyes and scolded, "Go aside, who are you with a son, it's not big or small." "

Luo Wei didn't mind either, still smiling happily.

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