The old bustard could see that Xue Bing's relationship with Lu Xiaofeng was not ordinary.

So he said with a smile: "Where is the girl, people like Lu Daxia with four eyebrows, rare in the rivers and lakes, even if I forget Lu Daxia's face, but when I see Lu Xiaofeng's beard, I will think of this person." "

Xue Bing was silent, not knowing how to refute.

Because there is nothing wrong with what the old bustard said~.

Lu Xiaofeng's four eyebrows - really famous.

Even people who have never seen Lu Xiaofeng can recognize Lu Xiaofeng by these four eyebrows.

Not to mention the people who have seen Lu Xiaofeng's side.

Luo Wei waved his hand and said: "Okay, this topic is here, we are not here for this, but to borrow precious land to announce a thing." "

He looked at the old bustard and said, "I heard that the news of Guibao Land is smart, and any wind and grass can spread throughout the capital, right." "

The old bustard said with a smile: "Gongzi's words are correct, our Xiushui Pavilion comes from the south, the north, the three teachings and the nine streams, and all kinds of guests." "

"If something happens, it will really spread throughout the capital."

Rowe snapped his fingers and said, "Then there will be no problem. "

Saying that, he took out a stack of silver tickets from his pocket and slammed them on the table, each of which started at least one thousand taels.

This thick stack of silver tickets is at least 780,000 taels.

The old bustard asked tentatively, "Gongzi, what does this mean?" "

Luo Wei said: "What I mean is very simple, today's evening consumption will be paid by my Luo Gongzi, you go to announce this matter in public, and all the expenses will be counted on me." "

This sentence not only surprised the old bustard, but even Lu Xiaofeng and Xue Bing were taken aback.

The old bustard said: "Gongzi's words are true, you must know that the consumption of our Xiushui Pavilion is not cheap, and these guests are not a small sum of money. "

Rowe pointed to the stack of silver tickets on the table and said, "Isn't that enough?" If it's not enough, how about adding these. "

Saying that, he took out a stack of silver tickets from his pocket and slammed it on the table.

The old bustard hurriedly said: "Enough is enough." "

These silver tickets add up to at least 100,000 taels.

Although the consumption of Xiushui Pavilion is high, it can't make so much money in one night.

She stepped forward a few steps, couldn't help but pick up these silver tickets, put them in her pocket a moment ago, and looked at Luo Wei seriously, "Gongzi really wants to pay for today's evening consumption, if he regrets it now, it's still too late." "

Luo Weihaha laughed and said, "I want Lao Tzu to regret this money, and I look down on Lao Tzu too much." "

The old bustard then comfortably stuffed the silver ticket into his pocket.

Rowe said, "Go, announce this." "

The old bustard snorted, trotted all the way, went up to the second floor to stand in the most obvious position, and ordered someone to take a small gong over.

When the gong arrived, the old bustard raised his hand to ring the gong, and the sound of the bell spread throughout the upper and lower floors of the Xiushui attic.

The originally lively Xiushui Pavilion quieted down in an instant, and everyone was unanimously attracted by the old bustard.

Facing the gazes of many guests, the old bustard was not frightened, and said in a loud voice: "Distinguished guests, I am sorry to disturb everyone's Yaxing, I did this to announce something." "

"Today I have a distinguished guest in Xiushui Pavilion, and today's evening consumption, this distinguished guest called Luo Gongzi pays."

"Everyone can eat openly, drink openly, play openly."

As soon as these words came out, the entire Xiushui Pavilion boiled.

There were not five hundred or three hundred guests present, and everyone had to spend at least dozens of taels of silver, and it was not surprising that some people even threw a thousand dollars here.

Now there are people who want to pay for everyone, so that you can eat and drink openly.

Good fellow, this night up, at least tens of thousands of taels of silver.

This man is also too rich.

Where did the loser come from, and he actually lost the family to such a point.

Although everyone disdains this sudden loser, thinking that this kind of person is completely brain-dead and stupid, but on the surface, they will not say so.

Instead, he kept shouting Luo Gongzi Ren Yi, Luo Gongzi Atmosphere, Luo Gongzi Fu Ru Dongshan and so on.

It can be said that it is one after another, endlessly.

Anyway, say a few good words and don't want money, but the benefits are real, why not say it.

However, at this moment, a discordant voice suddenly sounded.

I saw a few men dressed in silk and silk come out from the private room on the second floor, opening the door, and shouting loudly: "Let the surname Luo get out for me, is Young Master Ben without money, can't afford it, he actually wants to pay Lao Tzu, how old is he?" "

Seeing this, the old bustard on the second floor looked at Luo Wei from embarrassment.

She has already recognized it, these young masters are all the children of princes and nobles, and they are not easy to provoke.

Luo Wei smiled slightly, cast the teleportation method, appeared out of thin air behind the back of several young children, and raised his legs to kick.

It's just a few young people, maybe in the eyes of others, it is not easy to provoke.

But in the eyes of the quacks, it's a fart.

Luo Wei kicked a few bastards directly from the second floor, plopping down on the ground, wailing.

Someone broke their head, someone broke their leg.

One by one, they were called very miserable.

When everyone saw this scene, they became more and more surprised, and their eyes all fell on Luo Wei's body.

Luo Wei said with a smile: "I believe that most of you here don't know me, but it's okay, I'll tell you who I am now." "

"My name is Luo Wei, and I am the one who burned down the Bliss Tower with a fire, killed several messengers of the Happy King, and let the Happy King offer a reward of 300,000 taels of silver."

As soon as his voice fell, an exclamation came from downstairs.

It can be seen that this group of people are all people in the rivers and lakes, people who know this bounty order.

With one hand, Luo Wei saw tables flying out of thin air, piled together, and built a two-meter-high platform.

He took one step and appeared out of thin air on the high platform, looking down on everyone.

"I did this today to let everyone help me deliver a message." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"The fact that the Happy King offered a reward of 300,000 taels for my life made me very unhappy."

"I'm such a rich man, it's actually only worth 300,000 taels? He sent Hanako, if you don't have money, don't make any rewards, and it's not shameful. "

These words fell in the ears of everyone, making many people stunned, 300,000 taels is already a lot.

Enough to attract the vast majority of quacks.

This is all disliked, how rich this person called Luo Wei is.

Luo Wei said with a smile: "So I am here today to set up a counter-bounty, if someone can kill any of the four ambassadors of wine and wealth under the Happy King, I will give him 500,000 taels of silver." "

"If anyone can show me the head of the Happy King, I will give him three million pieces of silver."

"If you can bring me the living king of jolly, I will give him five million taels of silver."

As soon as Luo Wei's words came out, the audience was in an uproar again.

Five million taels of silver, that's five million taels of silver.

To put it bluntly, this silver was enough to make the Great Grandmaster's heart move.

Even some poor peerless powerhouses may make a move.

After all, not every peerless powerhouse is a billionaire in a rich country.

At this moment, a question suddenly came from the crowd.

"Luo Shaoxia, what you just said is true? If someone really brings you the Happy King, can you really take out five million taels of silver? "

Everyone looked at Rowe in unison.

Indeed, everyone can say big things, but five million taels of silver is not 50,000 taels of silver, let alone 5,000 taels of silver, and it is not something that anyone can take out casually.

This is already an astronomical amount, except for the imperial court, few people under the sky can take out such a large sum of silver.

Maybe the first businessman in Daming can come up with this money.

Luo Wei laughed and said, "Since I dare to say such a thing, I naturally have my confidence, and now I will let you see my qi." "

He casually took out a one-man-tall stone Buddha from his pocket and plopped it on the table.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, he reached out and patted it gently.

I saw that the skin of the stone Buddha was cracked, and one stone slab after another fell off, revealing the golden body inside.

Under the illumination, this golden Buddha shines brightly, releasing thousands of brilliance.

"If you see it, this golden Buddha is my strength."

"Let me ask you, do you think this golden Buddha is worth five million taels of silver?"

Everyone present almost went crazy when they saw the golden Buddha.

The weight of this thing is amazing, if it is cast with a solid core, let alone a dozen tons.

Don't say it's five million taels of silver, even if it's ten million taels of silver, you can't stop it.

With this golden Buddha as evidence, no one present doubted Luo Wei's ability to pay for five million taels of silver, replaced by unprecedented shock.

Five million taels of silver, this is probably the most powerful bounty in history.

The Happy King is in trouble now.

To put it bluntly, there will be a large number of grandmasters frantically looking for the Happy King for these five million taels of silver.

Even the Happy King's men were crazy.

After all, this amount of money is too much, enough to crush people.

If this matter is passed into the hands of the Happy King, it will probably be difficult to sleep in the future.

After Luo Wei threw down this heavy news, he took the Golden Buddha, Lu Xiaofeng, and Xue Bing and left Xiushui Pavilion abruptly.

He came here today to pass on this matter and scare the Happy King well.

Since the matter has been done, naturally there will be no stay.

After all, no matter how many beautiful women there are in Xiushui Pavilion, no matter how beautiful they are, they are not as beautiful as the women around Luo Wei.

Luo Wei is not a fool, naturally he will not stay in Xiushui Pavilion.

After leaving Xiushui Pavilion, Luo Wei put away the golden Buddha, and Lu Xiaofeng kept giving Luo Wei a thumbs up along the way, and was completely shocked by Luo Wei's divine stroke.

"Brother Luo is really a big deal, offering a reward of five million taels of silver to be happy king."

"I believe that if the news of today's evening is transmitted, the entire Daming will be shaken."

"The Happy King is not even sleeping."

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